The Ghostly Chemist and His Labrador - Hounds and Hauntings

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

The Ghostly Chemist and His Labrador
Hounds and Hauntings

by Vikki Anderson

When my husband Jim and I moved into our first home in a quaint lake community in 1980, we were quite surprised to discover that it was haunted.

We had unpacked only the necessary boxes on our first night. There were the normal new house noises that one would expect. After detecting what they were, we continued unpacking and catching a snack before going to bed.

Both Jim and I heard the croaking of the frogs from the lake a hundred feet away. We were lulled to sleep by the lovely and soothing sound of a waterfall that we faintly heard in the distance, as well as by the chirping of crickets to each other trying to find a mate. Both of us had felt blessed by getting this lovely home in this lake community. This would be the house of our dreams, we thought.

The very first night was an odd one to say the least. We had one cat, Phraddy Cat, who loved to go to the toilet seat and play with it. He would throw it up in the air with his paws and look at it in amazement when it fell back down with a loud crash. The noise was annoying, so I got out of bed to shoo the cat away from the bathroom only to find him fast asleep on the living room sofa. That was odd, I thought. I went back to bed and didn’t say anything about it.

Then we were both startled to hear boxes falling in our bedroom. We were sleeping in the dining room at the time since it was the only room that did not have boxes stacked floor to ceiling. This happened many times throughout the night, but being in the metaphysical field, I assured my husband that if these were indeed spirits and they wanted to hurt us, we would have been hurt by now. I fell deeply asleep, but my husband didn’t get a good night’s sleep for several weeks.

The days went on and on and the noises kept up each evening as we got ready for bed and throughout the night. It unnerved my husband, a convert to believing in spirits, but after a while I just attributed it to a soul or two who didn’t follow the light and were trapped in our house. I felt sorry for them and had planned to burn white sage and say prayers to put them at rest and send them to the astral plane.

But with new houses, there is always something to do, and before I had a chance to get to the local New Age shop to buy sage, I saw a ghost. One day as I was cleaning the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of a large black dog running past me and into the living room. I was tired, so I didn’t think much of it. But later that day when I was vacuuming the living room, I saw the same dog run into the bedroom we hadn’t yet unpacked. Then I heard more boxes fall over. The mystery was solved.

That evening, as we were eating dinner on the enclosed back porch, I glanced out of the glass door and saw a man in a white suit looking in at us. I casually told my husband and he asked, “What should we do?”

“Nothing; we really can’t do anything now, just eat.”

That night, more boxes were knocked over, and we heard the scraping of tools on the concrete basement floor. When we looked in the basement, however, nothing was there. More boxes in the attic and the bedroom were knocked over. It was a bizarre cycle that I desperately wanted to break.

Throughout the following weeks, I repeatedly saw the gentleman in the white suit outside; he never came into my home. I continuously heard the knocking down of boxes and the toilet seat cover being played with.

Finally, I contacted the Realtor who sold us the house, who incidentally was the daughter of the couple who had lived in the house prior to our moving in. I asked her, “Did you have a dog?”

She told me that the family dog was a beautiful black Lab that had run off when her father died. They never knew what happened to it.

I also asked if her father wore white suits. She looked at me in a perplexed manner and said, “Well, he was a chemist and always had to wear his white lab coat. Why, did you see him?”

Now, if my father had passed on, I don’t think I would ask if someone had seen him. So did she know her father’s spirit was bound to the house?

I finally had time to buy the white sage and burned it throughout the house, attic, basement, garage, and yard. I did this twice during one day and said prayers to the Goddess and the universe asking that the souls who were trapped inside and outside of my home would be guided to the light and move on with their incarnation to the astral plane. I did this in a loving and compassionate manner.

I also went throughout the house and in the yard and said to the beings that were there, “You are not supposed to be here anymore. Look toward the light. Take your dog and move on. You are supposed to be learning about your next incarnation. You cannot stay earthbound any longer. God bless.”

Amazingly enough, from that time on, we have had no other visitors living with us—except for the human kind that I personally invited in—and have been enjoying our home spirit-free ever since.