The Talking Cat - Phantom Felines

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

The Talking Cat
Phantom Felines

by James Griffiths

I am a spiritualist medium based in Cheshire, England. Over the years I have done readings for many people, and their pets have come through. For the owners these have been lovely heartwarming events knowing that their pets are okay. But on one occasion it was different.

I was working on a project for a company, and I was doing readings and spiritual work only part-time then. One Monday morning we received a phone call from one of the staff saying she would not be in because her cat had taken ill. (To be honest I think it had been run over by a car and the vets were trying to save its life.) She was so devastated that she was prepared to put her job, which she had only been doing for about three weeks, on the line. She had asked if she could have advanced holiday time, and the company was so laid back they said yes. Two weeks later she came back to work and went into her office about 11 a.m., and I decided to go and see her.

I said to her, “I was sad to hear about your cat but as you know I believe in the spirit world, so I know it has gone to a better place.” The tears filled up in her eyes, and she said, “I tried everything, James. He just went. He had no fight left.”

I asked her to walk with me to the canteen, and as she walked out of her office I looked to the left of the door where a desk was placed. To my amazement on top of the desk was a cat! I stopped and said to this lady, “Do you believe me when I say your cat is okay?” and she said, “Yes and no, James. I want to believe but it’s hard.” So I had to tell her what was on the desk.

This cat was brown, which to me was unusual. It was quite big as well, twice the size of the average cat. I looked at it and described it to her. The tears again welled up in her eyes and she asked me, “Is he all right now?”

I’m sure this is going to sound strange to everyone who reads this, but the cat replied, “Yes, I am okay.” I was completely shocked because as he spoke his mouth moved. (I know you’re probably thinking, “What is he on?” But the cat spoke.) He said he loved his spot next to the radiator and he liked the bed that she got for him last week. He also said he was sorry for being so cranky at times. He was also aware of some personal stuff between the lady and her husband. (Well, he was part of the family, so he was bound to know.)

I got the impression from the cat that he was very moody; he did not like certain foods. He was talking to me as though he was a human spirit. I was completely gob smacked.

“I can’t believe this,” I said to this lady. “The cat is talking.” She was a bit confused herself but totally convinced it was her cat, as only he would know about the things in the house, the trouble he had caused in the past, and things he had heard. I know it sounds mad but it’s true.

After I stood there talking to the cat, the lady said, “I’m not happy that he has gone (which he had not), but I am happy he is now okay.” We became good friends after this, talking about the cat and her life, but the cat never came back like he did that day.