The Night Visitor - Phantom Felines

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

The Night Visitor
Phantom Felines

By Rachel Lister

Around two months ago my sister and I went to stay with our parents, who live in France. They had taken our two cats over with them when they moved around a year ago. While staying there I got used to the cats jumping up on the bed in the middle of the night.

When I returned back to the United Kingdom, my sister came to stay with me at my house for a few days before returning to her home in London. One particular day was very strange indeed and a few things had happened; our salt pot kept turning itself on to the point we had to remove its battery, and we had seen a very peculiar light hovering over the house in front of mine going backward and forward. It was just a really weird day.

That night, I went to bed and my sister slept in our spare bedroom. I awoke in the middle of the night to what felt like a cat jumping onto my bed. (It’s one of those things that you recognize, as it sort of lands with a thud and then you feel the paws walking up the bed.) But I didn’t have a cat.

I looked down the bed, quite scared at this point, and saw nothing. I was hoping it was perhaps my boyfriend, who may have moved his feet. I tried to get back to sleep.

The following day we went out for lunch and I told my boyfriend and sister about the odd experience I had had and how I thought a cat had jumped onto the bed. My sister went really quiet and then said, “It’s funny you should mention that because I had exactly the same thing happen last night, too.” Very weird.