Saboochi’s Return - Phantom Felines

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

Saboochi’s Return
Phantom Felines


Each evening my daughter’s beloved cat (whom she named Saboochi) followed her into her bedroom and began the night by sleeping with her. But at some point in the middle of the night Saboochi always transferred herself to our room for the reminder of her sleep.

In our bedroom we have a very large set of clothing drawers that are built into the wall and roll out via wheels in a track. For years Saboochi had mastered the art of jumping up, catching her claws on the lip of the highest drawer, hanging there, and, in so doing, having the weight of her body enable the drawer to roll out away from the wall. She would then hoist herself up and over and into the drawer where she would settle in to sleep for the rest of the night. In the morning we would awake, lift her out, and close the drawer. It was a well-established routine.

About seven years ago, Saboochi was hit by a car and killed in front of our home. A couple of nights after she died, I was awakened in the night by the sound of the drawer rolling out. But I was so sleepy it was not enough to make me sit up and take notice … after all, it was a part of the sounds in our house for so long. The next morning, I found the drawer open when I got up and asked my husband if he had heard what I heard. He had, and neither one of us blinked an eye at the drawer being open, preferring to think that our kitty was simply letting us know that she was still around. It happened on another night that week, too, and then no more.

It gave great comfort to our daughter, who was about eleven at the time, to know that Saboochi was still in our house. She experienced a feeling of pressure on her body and the bed covers like her kitty was curling up to sleep with her.

I’ve also had the experience of hearing my dog, Aja, walking across the tile floor, her nails clicking on the surface as she went, long after her death. I’ve also heard the jingle bell attached to her collar.

More than one psychic has told me that they have received information from the other side that we are reunited with our pets when we cross over. I’d like to believe that’s true.