Basic Mazdan Astrological Lore - Appendix

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Stephen E. Flowers Ph.D. 2017

Basic Mazdan Astrological Lore

Remember that the Mazdan Day begins at Sunrise.

The qualities of the month and day are combined with those of the house to provide the basic reading of the personality. The zodiacal signs and the planetary positions are of secondary importance.


Calculations of the most traditional school of Mazdan astrology take into account the shift of the actual zodiacal signs from antiquity. At present the signs are 24.5 degrees off from what they were when the system was first set. This means that the system has shifted almost one entire sign since the time it was first created. It is, however, found that the traditional system works quite well. This is an area of Mazdan magic that needs further development and articulation in the West. Dates given are approximate, as they are keyed to the transition from one zodiacal sign to the next.

1. Month: Farvardin (3/21—4/19)—Guardian angel, spiritual guide, caring and nurturing, supportive, possessing an intuitive and creative spirit. House: Gynanan, new life and growth. Current zodiacal sign: Gyanan, new life and growth; Pisces.

2. Month: Asha Vahishta (4/20—5/19)—Right, law, making of law, good order, goodness and good actions. Active and energetic, possessing drive, motivation, a fiery dynamism directed toward beneficial action. House: Kisagan, the purse. Current zodiacal sign: Kisagan, the purse; Aries.

3. Month: Khordad (5/20—6/18)—Wholeness and the holistic pursuit of excellence and perfection. Both connected with, and protector of, the environment. Lover of nature and nonwasteful, having a balanced approach to life. House: Bradaran, brothers. Current zodiacal sign: Gav, the bull; Taurus.

4. Month: Tir (6/19—7/18)—A bright star, lucky, fortunate, rain after a long drought. The duality of life, a beacon and guide. Possessing a standard by which to measure action. House: Pidishtan, parents, foundation. Current zodiacal sign: Do-patkar, two figures; Gemini.

5. Month: Amordad (7/19—8/17)—Undying dedication, legacy, activity beyond human limitations and mortality. Seeker of continuity and of existence beyond the horizon. House: Franaandan, offspring, progeny. Current zodiacal sign: Kalachang, the crab; Cancer.

6. Month: Shahrivar (8/18—9/16)—Dominion and governance. Leadership and stewardship. A protector and champion of the oppressed. Self-reliant and possessed of a steely resolve. House: Kardagan, those who were, the servants and the travelers. Current zodiacal sign: Sher, the lion; Leo.

7. Month: Meher (9/17—10/16)—Light, kindness, keeping one’s oaths, promises, and word. A good friend, loyal and trustworthy. Caring and helpful. House: Wayodagan, nuptials. Current zodiacal sign: Khushak, an ear of corn; Virgo.

8. Month: Aban (10/17—11/15)—Water, nurturing, fertile, healing and wise. A person concerned with reputation and honor. House: Margan, the dead ones, the ancestors. Current zodiacal sign: Tarazhuk, the balance; Libra.

9. Month: Adar (11/16—12/15)—Fire energy, latent energy, spirited, a transformer and transformative, bringer of light, both a sustainer and destroyer, one that needs to be constantly sustained and energized. House: Washtagan, stick. Current zodiacal sign: Gazdum, scorpion; Scorpio.

10. Month: Dae (12/16—1/14)—Creative, general ability to govern organize, discern, and build things. One who facilitates things. House: Mayan-i Asman, midsky or midheavens. Current zodiacal sign: Nimasp, half horse, centaur; Sagittarius.

11. Month: Bahman (1/15—2/13)—Cerebral, high-minded thinker, clear thinker, analytical, lifelong learner, knowledgeable, wise, informed, decision maker, visionary, rational. House: Farrokhan, fortunate, auspicious ones. Current zodiacal sign: Vahik, lead goat; Capricorn.

12. Month: Spendarmad (2/14—3/15)—Equanimity, serenity, calm, tranquil, emotionally intelligent, meditative, introspective. House: Dushfarragan, unfortunate ones. Current zodiacal sign: Dul, waterpot; Aquarius.

13. Month: Gatha-Hamaspath-Maidyem (3/16—3/20)—Generosity of the spirit, sharing, selfless sharing, community and family-focused honesty, piety, gratefulness. Dawn of a new Beginning, the Cusp of Dul/Mahik (Aquarius/Pisces).


1. Creative, governing, organizing, facilitator, holistic thinker. (most auspicious)

2. Cerebral, high-minded thinker, clear thinker, analytical, lifelong learner, knowledgeable, wise, informed, decision maker, visionary, rational.

3. Law and right, order, goodness and good deeds, helpful and kind, active, energetic (a fire spirit), driven, motivated, dynamic.

4. Dominion, governance, a leader, a steward, self-reliant, possessed of a steely resolve, protector and champion.

5. Equanimity, serene, calm, tranquil, emotionally intelligent, meditative, introspective.

6. Wholeness and the holistic pursuit of excellence and perfection. Both connected with, and protector of, the environment.

7. Undying dedication, legacy, activity beyond human limitations and mortality. Seeker of continuity and of existence beyond the horizon.

8. Creative fire and energy. Originator of the fiery spirit. Pioneer. (auspicious)

9. Fire-energy, latent energy, spirited, a transformer and transformative, bringer of light, both a sustainer and destroyer, one that needs to be constantly sustained and energized.

10. Water, nurturing, fertile, healing and wise. Highly concerned with maintaining reputation and honor.

11. Sun, bright, inspiring, energizing. Opens the way to the manifestation of the Light in others. A leader and central focus of human social groups.

12. Moon, reflective, nocturnal, subdued. A preserver of things of value.

13. Bright star, lucky, fortunate, the bringer of rain after a long drought. Duality of life, beacon, guide, standard bearer.

14. Soul of life, creative, focused on the Earth and material manifestation. Living a vital existence, courageous.

15. Creative promoter of light and facilitator of the manifestation of light in the world. (auspicious)

16. Light, kindness, keeper of one’s word, friend, loyal, trustworthy, caring, kind helpful, benevolent, loving. Careful observer of human events. Facilitator of communication between individuals and groups.

17. Inner voice, intuitive, conscientious, wise. Disciplined follower of one’s own inner voice of conscience.

18. Truthful, honest, dependable. Possessed of objective judgment and impeccable fairness.

19. Guardian angel, spiritual guide, caring, nurturing, supportive, intuitive, creative spirit ready to help, instruct, and nurture others.

20. Victory, triumph over evil, soldier, champion, helper of those in need. One who overcomes and helps others overcome resistance.

21. Potentially a peacemaker, joyous, cheerful and tranquil. However, the essence is complicated by the admixture of qualities of good and evil, tranquillity and rage. Discipline and discernment is necessary.

22. Wind, atmosphere, ephemeral. Vitally powerful and possessed of a strong will and great courage.

23. Facilitator of creative discernment. Teacher and philosopher giving rise to the birth of insight in fellow humans. (auspicious)

24. Discerning, insightful, faithful, trusting. A keen observer of the spirit and possessed of a strong sense of right and wrong.

25. Blessed, gifted, loyal, hardworking, rewarded by the good works done, the good words spoken and the good thoughts contemplated.

26. Full of rectitude and justice. Highly honest and a reliable teller of truth, and lucky as long as the truth is pursued.

27. Skylike, lofty in ideals and concepts but highly concentrated and focused on the aims of work and wisdom.

28. Earthlike, grounded, down-to-earth, focused on bringing thoughts to fruition and concrete manifestation. Practical and results-oriented.

29. Spiritual, devoted, calm, introspective, introverted, inwardly directed, verbal and possessed of good memory.

30. Boundless energy and spirit, bringer of brightness and light. Highly intellectual and kind to others. Full of life and energy.

31. Practically creative, protective, fair minded, just, nurturer of fellow man, peacemaker.

32. Inspirational, successful, quick-witted, vigorous and healthy.