Theory of Ritual Mechanics - Theories of Mazdan Magic

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Stephen E. Flowers Ph.D. 2017

Theory of Ritual Mechanics
Theories of Mazdan Magic

In all Mazdan rituals there is a formula for the generation of magical power, called amal. This power is then modulated and infused with communicative meaning by uttering the age-old manthras to effect modifications in consciousness and in the environment of the magician. The kusti ritual to begin the ceremony prepares you for the work and reminds you of your own divine nature and partnership with Ahura Mazda. With the lighting of the fire (candle, meditation bowl, âfrînigân, and so forth) the channel of communication between the realm of menog and getig is opened, and the instrument of the Good Mind is engaged. Upon the utterances of the most sacred manthras of the Ashem Vohu and the Ahunvar, the will of the magician is finetuned to the Order (asha) of the world, the matrix of creativity. Once these factors are in place and established in your mind, you are ready to speak the purpose of the rite. This is spoken from a position of sovereignty and command of the elements of the universe. This is possible to the degree to which your mind has been tuned to the frequency inhabited by the Lord Wisdom. Next the flow of natural forces is incorporated into the symbolic matrix through a set of ritual actions and words in which the primeval elements of fire and water are caused to circulate in an electromagnetic stream and fed in to the liquid, which the magician will consume, as an act of sacrament. These actions and words constitute a new and higher form of sacrifice that feeds the natural order. These actions and words set the stage for a second and more perfect magical message that reinforces the modification of the flow of creative and re-creative power. The last three stages of the magical working seal and make permanent (immortal) the essence of the magical message and close the rite with words of the great and eternal bond of humanity and Lord Wisdom, concluding with the emphatic and fiery declaration “atha jamyât yatha afrînâmî” (“Thus may it come to pass as I will”). These stages of the magical ritual are clearly keyed to the first nine degrees of the month and the yazatas linked to them.