
Pagan Portals - Guided Visualisations: Pathways into Wisdom and Witchcraft - Lucya Starza 2020



Gwyn oversees and guards a most sacred process and journey for the soul, one that can be performed many times over in a mortal life, on whichever land or in whatever era we live, and will be repeated again to a deeper level upon our deaths — namely the return to the cauldron; the womb and tomb of the goddess where we will find inspiration and renewal each in its due season.

To walk this path means that we must walk in harmony with the cycles and rhythms of the earth as much as possible. Time spent in nature is irreplaceable; time venerating our sacred sites and most ancient trees and springs as places where the veil thins, where the mist between the worlds gathers, means that the energies of the land and its spirit inhabitants are able to work their own magic upon us, to nurture our soul’s evolution and help us re-remember the old ways with their prompting. What we have today is broken fragments of forgotten lore to guide us and tempt us further into the mists, but we must remember to not let our analytical thinking tell us that either we have found all the answers, nor that the task is too large for us to ever feel our way along the path ahead. The old tales and poems were deliberately obscure, our ancient oracular bards deliberately revelled in a multiplicity of meanings, so that each audience could unpick them and see them with fresh eyes over and over, like gazing into the depths of the cauldron itself. We must trust ourselves as adventurers and trust a little to the spirits and the gods themselves, for they have never forgotten and will show us if we approach them in the right way.

In this final practice, we will seek nourishment from the cauldron itself by returning to meet Gwyn and the faery court, but only once the correct etiquette has been performed and we have proven ourselves worthy. This final journey for vision should only be undertaken when we have spent much time meditating out in nature and made offerings to the Tylwyth Teg, and journeyed to meet Gwyn many times. Similarly, we should also have journeyed to meet Gwythyr and Creiddylad more than once. It should also only be performed once we have come to know ourselves as much as we can for a while, when we are already mature on our path of self-knowledge, and have sought our reflection in the dark mirror journey.


Start this meditation by creating a sacred space in whichever way you choose, and taking three deep breaths to calm and centre yourself. In your own way call any guides or allies to you that you may choose to work with, and aloud or in your own mind state your intention to encounter Gwyn ap Nudd the chief of Annwfn, lord of faery. Try this meditation in the wild lonely places of forest or hillside if you can, or beside a river, but wherever you do it, be sure the place will be peaceful so that your inner vision is not disturbed.

Feel your feet steady on the ground beneath you, and the breath slow and steady in your lungs. In your inner eye see your feet standing on soft earth, a beaten path across a grassy meadow. Ahead of you see a vast green hill stretching up into the sky. Its sides are clothed with dense forest and the air above it shimmers with many colours as if bursts of magical fire are emanating from its summit.

You follow the path across the meadow and see it leads you into a gap in the trees. As soon as you step under the leafy canopy you sense a shift in atmosphere. This is a sacred place, it’s as if the trees hide something from sight, and you hear the sound of hooves on soft earth but see nothing. The path pale against the shadows of the trees upon the ground guides you in a wide arc around the hill, and disappears out of sight in a large spiral. Concentrate on your footsteps, one step after another, and feel the cool air on your cheek and the silent presence of the trees all around.

Eventually your path grows steeper and rockier, and up ahead you see the path terminates not on the summit, but at a small cavern entrance in the side of the hill. A hawthorn tree curls around it and the air is filled with its heady perfume. At the foot of this tree you see a figure sits, calm and still. You cannot see their face, but your skin tingles at the feeling of power all around you in this quiet place.

Walk up to the figure by the entrance, and bow. Greet them politely. They stand and ask you your reason for being here. Answer them honestly, with the first words that rise from your heart. If the guardian is satisfied you may enter the cavern. Remember this is sacred ground, with every step you draw closer to the heart of the earth. The guardian comes with you to assist you with etiquette and can be called upon for advice and guidance to this realm should you need it.

Inside you see you are standing at the beginning of a tunnel. The walls are lined with crystal veins and shimmer in the light of torches. There is a cord of twisted rope guiding you down into the hill. Down the tunnel you go, holding your intention clear in your heart to encounter the faery court.

All at once the tunnel ends and you find yourself in a vast cavern lined with crystal and the deep roots of trees.

You have been here before but this time you see the place with fresh eyes. Ahead, a pool of water is fed from two small springs emerging from the rock. All around you is the faery host.

They take a myriad of forms, and some of them shift and change and shimmer as you look at them. They may take the forms of animals, trees, shadow and sparkling light, shifting in and out of humanoid form in the blink of an eye. Others are more settled and human in their appearance, and regard you with cool, stern eyes, or even mockery. Some smile and greet you kindly. There are others there, ancient ancestors and faery travellers recently passed.

Across the hall are two thrones. On one throne sits a tall figure with long dark hair. Light radiates from him, dazzling and shimmering. He looks down upon you with bright eyes.

This is Gwyn, lord of Annwfn.

The guardian leads you to the throne. Greet the lord of this realm with a bow and your honest words. Take three deep breaths and try to hold your consciousness here for a while that you may receive his wisdom. Give this plenty of time.

When Gwyn sees fit, he signals that you may turn and be led to his side, where his Queen is seated. You may have sought her long or had glimpses of her in vision, yet here she sits before you and as you gaze upon her all turns to dazzling light.

Let yourself be immersed in this light, let it fill every cell in your body, let it fill your eyes, your lungs and your heart until you breathe and see and feel only light.

Within this dazzling brightness you may be offered a sip from the cauldron, the lady may rise and speak with you or you may have your own vision from her. Let the light surround you and be all that you are, whatever else you experience. Breathe in and be one with this light, deep in the heart of the land herself. Stay here as long as you may, as long as you can.

Be blessed. Be renewed.

After a while you may return to a simpler vision, and be led by the guardian to return the way you came. Remember to thank the Lady, and honour her always.

Return the way you came, up through the tunnel and through the spiral path through the trees. As you emerge from the forest, take a moment to be aware of the change of light and feel your breath in your chest. As you walk, feel your body more and more until you come to the edge of the meadow and return completely to your everyday awareness.

Open your eyes and breathe deeply, feeling the air in your lungs hold you to the present time. Wriggle your fingers and toes, stamp your feet and take your time to feel fully grounded before perhaps recording your experiences in a journal or notebook.

You may return here whenever you choose, by the blessings of the lady.

May Gwyn ap Nudd guide your path.