Waning Quarter Moon - The Silver World: Moon

Neolithic Shamanism: Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition - Raven Kaldera 2012

Waning Quarter Moon
The Silver World: Moon

As the Moon wanes to the final three-quarters of his cycle, emotional crisis reemerges for him, this time from external forces. On the Disseminating Moon, the lunar energy turned outward in order to help others, and on this Moon it faces the fact that sometimes others don’t want to be helped, or perhaps it would be better in the long run to leave them to work it out themselves . . . or maybe it’s just that nothing can be done. This is a time of mourning for what could have been, and learning to adjust to what may seem like the injustices of the world. Connecting with the lunar energy at this time can be uncomfortable, but it is useful when dealing with interpersonal problems with others. The Moon understands when things just don’t work out, when free wills clash, when one person’s damage trips over another person’s damage. Take it to him and he will help you work it through.

Image Exercise: Finding Ley Lines

Just as the human body has lines of energy running through it (they are usually called meridians in this day and age, although other cultures have had other names for them), so too does the Earth have such lines running through it. Like meridians, they also have “power points” at various intervals along them. The current term for them is ley lines, and it is generally accepted by those who work with them that they fall into two categories: up and down. Some use the words positive and negative, in a neutral way similar to A/C and D/C, but those terms are often too bound with value judgments for them to remain neutral. Basically, an up line pushes energy up from the Earth’s center, and a down line pulls energy down. Ley lines can vary in size, from tiny as a thread to a road the width of a truck, and they can lie deep in the Earth or very close to the surface (and as such be disturbed by earth-moving operations, thus releasing random energy into the atmosphere until they “heal”).

Living on top of a major ley line is problematic. In general, only holy places or wilderness areas should be sited on large lines, no matter their polarity. Living on a large down line can cause depression, fatigue, rotting teeth (and house parts), and occasionally chronic illness, while living on a large up line can cause insomnia, migraines, and possibly mania, or illnesses of overactive glands or “overgrowth,” such as cancer (or mold). Living on smaller lines isn’t so bad, so long as an up line isn’t running under your bed or a down line through your living room. Down lines are a wonderful place to put compost heaps, while up lines are great for gardens. Lying flat on a down line is good for grounding or—especially—letting negative energy run out of you. Lying on an up line can be energizing.

The traditional way to locate ley lines is dowsing. We typically think of dowsing in terms of finding water—its most practical purpose—but one can dowse for anything with an energy field. (Some people are so talented that they can dowse for anything at all, but that’s more about clairvoyance.) While the art of dowsing is more complex than we can describe in this book, if you’re trying to find ley lines and are having trouble seeing or sensing them, the Moon can help. Go out to where you’re trying to find lines, at night with the Moon shining above you, and stand in the moonlight. Pour out an offering to the Moon—perhaps milk, white wine, or sambuca liqueur. Look at the land again, and see if the Moon can assist you in seeing the lines. Like the Moon Eyes exercise above, seeing land with the Moon’s sight can show glowing silvery lines across the surface of the Earth.

Another way the Moon can make this work is to allow you to feel the lines, if you’re just not a very visual person. Some people can do this automatically by extending their senses down into the Earth and scanning for them, and it’s always best to try it on your own first, but if it isn’t working then make your offering to the Moon. Lift your hand until it is over the Moon, and ask the Moon to help you see what there is to see. You may feel the Moon’s gentle energy touching your hand; seize that feeling and visualize that white beam energizing your palm. Now walk around the area with your hand out and your palm facing down. If the Moon has lent you what you need, you will feel a definite sensation of energy when you come close to a ley line, and that sensation will increase as you cross it. An up line will feel “buzzy,” with a fast pulse and possible a slight push of energy; a down line will have a slow pulse and feel like a pull to the Earth. Make sure that you bring paper and pencil, and take note of where the lines are for later use. Always remember to thank the Moon for his help and blessings.