Morning - The Golden World: Sun

Neolithic Shamanism: Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition - Raven Kaldera 2012

The Golden World: Sun

If you’ve worked through the first chapter already, we assume that you are exercising. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as three or four times a week for at least a half an hour, you’re getting some sort of physical exercise. Do not shortchange yourself here. Do not yield to any excuses about why this can be avoided or put off. Suck it up and get out there and exercise, even if only walking for a half hour every few days. It’s just as important, maybe even more so, as energy work. Don’t neglect it. Studies show that it takes at least thirty days of daily repetition to create, break, or change a personal habit. So start now. Put this book down right now and go do something physical. By doing so, you’re taking care of your body. You’re preparing yourself for the rigors of spirit work, and you’re honoring both the Earth and the Sun. Spirit work isn’t about removing oneself from the physical; it’s about engaging with it holistically, in a balanced, honorable fashion. We’re corporeal beings for a reason, and our bodies are our most important tools, the conduits through which we touch the realms of spirits and Gods. The body is also part of our soul matrix. It deserves to be honored right along with everything else. If you don’t keep your body in good working order, the higher levels of spirit work are going to be exhausting, draining, and painful, and quite possibly physically destructive.

Image Exercise: Well, Exercise!

This isn’t rocket science. Go join a gym and dedicate your exercise to Sunna as an offering. It really doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do as long as you’re doing something. If you can’t afford to join a gym, that’s okay; get out and walk. The ideal would be to do something physical every day, if possible, and do it as an offering to her. Honor her by honoring your body and at the same time hone yourself for this work. Move.