Meditation Ending - Waning Moon to Dark Moon

Mansions of the Moon for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Lunar Magic - Ann Moura 2010

Meditation Ending
Waning Moon to Dark Moon

Now, it is time to return to the private place of security and safety; time to return to the personal sanctuary. Remember the inner sanctuary; see yourself returning to the place of peace and comfort. Now, you enter into the safe haven, remembering what has passed and what has been learned.

Take a deep breath and slowly release the breath, moving away from the sanctuary now. Take another deep breath, and slowly release the breath, and feel the returning of normal awareness. Take a third deep breath, slowly release it, and begin moving the arms and shoulders while returning closer to normal awareness. At the count of three, full awareness returns mentally alert and fully refreshed. One, two, three. Be awake and refreshed. Remember what was seen at the personal sanctuary, and what occurred in the meditation.