The Mansions of The Moon - Waxing Moon to Full Moon

Mansions of the Moon for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Lunar Magic - Ann Moura 2010

The Mansions of The Moon
Waxing Moon to Full Moon


The Moon in Image Aries, the Ram, ruled by Image Mars with the aggressive energy for leadership, vitality, focus, and exactitude

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• ALNATH, the Horns of Aries (0Imageto 12Image51) ruled by GENIEL for safe journey, travel, and building energy

This directs energy into building success energy in any area desired, be it work, career, studies, construction, or personal achievement.

Magical work: candle spell for building success. Dress a red working candle with dragon’s blood oil: Red for energy; dragon’s blood for power and strength. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to build my success! Consecrate an orange votive spell candle and dress with bergamot oil: Orange for business and work success; bergamot for success and money. In the wax, carve around it: Image Tyr for victory in my endeavors! Image Feoh for prosperity in my endeavors! Image Ken for opening energy in my endeavors! Image Phaleg for victory! Image Bethor for honors and wealth! Image Mars for dynamic energy! Image Jupiter for expansion! Image the Sun for success and energy! With this candle is business and work success brought to me! Set the spell candle in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. One at a time, hold up a pinch of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into the candle flame: I call upon you allspice to bring me prosperity, energy, money, and luck! I call upon you mint to bring me prosperity and business growth! I call upon you cinnamon to bring me business success! Charge the candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God, through the Sun and the Moon; through the Elementals, planets, herbs and runes; through Phaleg and Bethor; with the energy of Geniel in Alnath; this candle brings work success to me! Direct and release the energy into the candle: WORK SUCCESS! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.

Full Moon

• ALNATH, the Horns of Aries (0Image0 to 12Image51) ruled by GENIEL for safe journey, travel, and building energy

This is good for safety on a business trip by car, train, plane, or ship, and the charm may be re-energized after each use.

Magical work: charm for safe business travels. Dress a red working candle with rosemary oil: Red for energy; rosemary for protection. In the wax, carve around it: Image Thorn for protection; Image Eh for safety. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for protection from accident or danger! Lay out a six-inch square of black cloth: Black to ward against negative energies! Set out a six-inch-long narrow red ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or thread if sewing it): Red for power! and/or a black ribbon: Black for protection! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle some of each of the following herbs, state the intention, then place on the cloth: I call upon you anise for protection! I call upon you comfrey for safety! I call upon you mullein for protection! I call upon you heather for protection! Hold up over the pentacle two lodestones (magnets): I call upon you lodestones; one to draw favorable energies to me and one to repel unfavorable energies from me! Put them on the cloth. Add three small drops of frankincense oil to a cotton ball: With the power of frankincense do I draw these energies together for safe business travel! Set this on top of the bundle. Tie the bundle with the ribbon(s) (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God, through the Moon and the Sun, through the Elementals, herbs, stones, and runes; with the energy of Geniel in Alnath; this charm keeps business travel safe! Direct and release the energy into the charm: PROTECTION! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the charm where desired.

New Moon Waxing

• ALBOTAYN, the Belly of Aries (12Image51 to 25Image42) ruled by ENEDIEL for finding treasure, retaining captives, and reconciling with superiors

The oil can be worn or dabbed in a personal work area to favorably enhance your aura to superiors in business and career where relations are uncertain or strained.

Magical work: oil for gaining the favor of superiors. Dress a red working candle with vetiver oil: Red for energy; vetiver to align and unify the energies. In the wax, carve around it: Image Osa for a favorable outcome; Image Mannaz for cooperation; and Image Feoh for fulfillment and ambition satisfied. Carve by the wick: Image With the strength of the Ram; Image and the energy of Mars, are my goals are quickly initiated. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for bringing the favor of my superiors to me! In a small glass bottle with lid, blend the following essential oils: 4 parts bay: I call upon you bay to bring success to me that I attain my desires as I work with my superiors! 1 part peppermint: I call upon you peppermint to keep me alert and aid me with mental clarity as I work with my superiors! 3 parts bergamot: I call upon you bergamot to bring me success and wealth as I work with my superiors! ¬Ω part pine: I call upon you pine to clear away any barrier to my working harmoniously with my superiors! Add 4 parts grapeseed, saffron, or canola oil. Put the lid on the bottle, shake: All are blended to work together for my purpose! With a red marker or ink, draw on the bottle: Red for energy and Image Phaleg for the power of Mars to bring me success and overcome obstacles at work! On the opposite side of the bottle, draw the symbols of your Sun sign and ruling planet: With (sun sign) and (planetary ruler) is success brought to me! Place the bottle on the pentacle. Charge the oil. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and herbal oils; with the power of Phaleg and the energy of Enediel in Albotayn; this oil initiates my entering into good standing with my superiors! Direct and release the energy into the bottle: ENHANCE ME! So Mote It Be! Leave the oil on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Use a dab of oil as needed.

Full Moon

• ALBOTAYN, the Belly of Aries (12Image51 to 25Image42) ruled by ENEDIEL for finding treasure, retaining captives, and reconciling with superiors

This talisman directs the energies to manifest improvement in your relationship with superiors who are in a position to make a difference in your career, business, studies, or personal advancement.

Magical work: talisman for good relations with superiors. Dress a red working candle with dragon’s blood oil: Red for energy; dragon’s blood for power and strength. In the wax, carve around it: Image Eolh to gain my aspirations; Image Tyr for a favorable outcome to my endeavors; Image Ken for opening energy to receive well-being; and Image Daeg to commence a fresh start in good relations with my superiors. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for good relations with my superiors! On a piece of parchment or paper no more than three inches square, draw in red ink a double ring circle to fill the space: I draw this mandala in red for energy. In the center of the circle, draw: Image With the Seal of Shadiel for vitality, honors, and success! Under or through the Seal of Shadiel, draw: Image With the Seal of Nachiel to enhance my leadership! In the ring around the circle, write: SHADIEL . NACHIEL . ENEDIEL . (the symbol of your sun sign) . (the symbol of your ruling planet). On the back of the paper draw:

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With the Square of the Sun do I gain success, leadership, vitality, and honors to me! Turn the talisman over so the mandala is face up. Charge the talisman. With wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and the runes; through the power of Shadiel and Nachiel; with the energy of Enediel in Albotayn; this talisman brings me leadership and vitality for good relations with superiors! Direct and release the energy into the talisman: SUPERIORS HONOR ME! So Mote It Be! Leave the talisman on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place, carry, or wear the talisman as desired.

New Moon Waxing

• ATHORAY, the Showering of Pleiades (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by AMIXIEL for good fortune, safety for sailors, favorable hunts, helpful alchemy, and every good thing

Use this talisman to invite general success and good luck to come your way.

Magical work: talisman for initiating good fortune. Dress a red working candle with orange or neroli oil: Red for energy; orange for good fortune. In the wax, carve around it: Image Tyr for victory and success; Image Uruz for good health and strength; Image Feoh for fulfillment and material wealth; Image Gera for reaping good rewards. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to bring good fortune to me! Consecrate an aventurine stone that is large enough to draw on. With permanent gold marker or acrylic paint, draw on one side of the stone: Image Bethor, for honors and wealth! Draw on the reverse side of the stone:

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The Square of Jupiter for good fortune and success! Draw Image over the square: And Netoniel, the Seal of Jupiter to hold the good fortune! Set the talisman on the pentacle and charge. With wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, runes, and stone; through the power of Bethor and Netoniel; with the energy of Amixiel in Athoray; this stone brings all good fortune to me! Direct and release the energy into the talisman: GOOD FORTUNE BEGINS! So Mote It Be! Leave the talisman on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place, carry, or wear the talisman as desired.

Full Moon

• ATHORAY, the Showering of Pleiades (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by AMIXIEL for good fortune, safety for sailors, favorable hunts, helpful alchemy, and every good thing

Light this candle to bring your good luck into a material or practical fulfillment.

Magical work: candle for fulfillment of good fortune. Dress a red working candle with orange or neroli oil: Red for energy; orange for good fortune. In the wax, carve around it: Image Osa for a favorable outcome; Image Daeg for transformation; Image Gera for reaping good rewards. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to bring the fulfillment I desire to me! Consecrate an orange votive spell candle and dress with bay oil: Orange for fulfillment; bay to attain my desires. In the wax, carve around it: With the energies of (your sun sign symbol) and (the ruling planet) to represent me! Image Feoh for fulfillment and ambition satisfied! Image Wyn for success and well-being! Image Thorn for luck! Image and Lagu to gather the energies to fulfill my wishes! Set the spell candle in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. Charge a piece of jade, then drop it into the candle flame: With Jade to bring me good luck! Charge the candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, rune, oil, and stone; with the energy of Amixiel in Athoray; this candle brings fulfillment of good fortune to me! Direct and release the energy into the candle: FORTUNATE ME! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff it and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Remove the jade and clean it to place, carry, or wear as desired. Dispose of candle remains.


The Moon in Image Taurus, the Bull, ruled by Image Venus with energies for the values of stability, productivity, and practicality, and the available energy of three fixed stars:

Image Algol, the Head of Algol: Audacity, victory, protection; Saturn and Jupiter; Taurus; diamond; hellebore

Image Pleiades: Secrets, talk to spirits; Moon and Mars; Taurus; crystal; fennel

Image Aldebaran: Good fortune, create discord; Mars and Venus; Gemini; ruby or garnet; milk thistle

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• ATHORAY, the Showering of Pleiades (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by AMIXIEL for good fortune, safety for sailors, favorable hunts, helpful alchemy, and every good thing

This candle spell is helpful for entering a period of successful productivity.

Magical work: candle spell for initiating good fortune. Dress a red working candle with peppermint oil or extract: Red for power; peppermint for action. Light the working candle from the center altar candle. This flame burns for long-term good fortune, stability, and productivity! Consecrate an orange votive spell candle and dress with pine oil: Orange for success and attaining goals; pine for energy, strength, and action. In the wax, carve around it: Image Algol for the courage to initiate action for victory! Image Aldebaran for good fortune! Image Taurus for enduring strength and productive work! Image Venus for amiability! Image Thorn for protection! Image Eh for steady progress! This candle initiates the long-term good fortune, stability and productivity that will bring me solid successful results! Charge the candle and set it in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. Let the candle burn for a short time while focusing on the desired goals. One at a time, hold up a pinch of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into the candle flame: I call upon you bay to bring me success in attaining my desire! I call upon you clove to make my endeavors prosper! I call upon you bergamot to bring me the benefits of success! I call upon you rose to ensure my success comes with joy and harmony! Charge the candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, stars and runes; with the energy Amixiel in Athoray; this candle burns to initiate long-term good fortune, stability and productivity for me! Direct and release the energy into the candle: PRODUCTIVE! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff it and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.

Full Moon

• ATHORAY, the Showering of Pleiades (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by AMIXIEL for good fortune, safety for sailors, favorable hunts, helpful alchemy, and every good thing

This offers protective energies for people on ships, be they fishermen, or people in the Navy, merchant marine, cruise lines, or shipping industry.

Magical work: charm for safety for a sailor. Dress a red candle with rosemary oil: Red for strength, power, health, and survival; rosemary for protection, health, and blessing. In the wax, carve around it: Image Thorn for protection and safety; Image Eh for safe journey; and Image Tyr for success and a favorable outcome. Add the sun sign and ruling planet of the person for whom the charm is made: By (sun sign) and (planet) for (Name). Light the working candle from the center altar candle. This flame burns to keep the sailor (Name) strong and safe! Lay out a six-inch square of dark blue cloth: Dark Blue for the Goddess and the sea, for protection and safety! Set out a six-inch- long narrow gold ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or gold thread if sewing it): Gold for the God and the Sun, for physical strength, skill, and safety! One at a time, hold up a bit of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and place on the cloth: Fennel for the God for protection and deflecting negativity! Carnation for the Goddess for protection and strength! I call upon you comfrey for safe travel! I call upon you peppercorns for protection and warding negativity! I call upon you rosemary for protection, blessing, and health! I call upon you mustard seed for protection, health, and good luck! And I call upon you garlic for protection and power! Add a small agate to the herbs: With the power of agate do I draw these energies together to gain these goals! Using black ink: Black to ward negativity! Draw on a piece of paper or parchment: Image Sealed with Algol for protection and victory, Image with Saturn for self-preservation, and with Image Jupiter for honor! Lay this on top of the herbs and stone. Gather the cloth together so the contents are secure inside. Tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes, herbs, and stone; with the energy of Amixiel in Athoray; this charm keeps (Name) safe from all harm! Direct and release the energy into the charm: SAFETY! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place, carry, or wear the charm as desired, or give it to the sailor to take to sea, or tie it where the Elementals may release the energy into the wind.

New Moon Waxing

• ALDEBARAN, the Eye of Taurus (8Image34 to 21Image25) ruled by AZARIEL for favorable outcome in important things, and seeking substantial items

This is used to direct energy into work or other enterprise so that what is initiated will be successful, such as with opening a new business.

Magical work: talisman for a favorable outcome. Dress a red working candle with bergamot oil: Red for power; bergamot for success. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for long-term success! Consecrate a polished carnelian and set it on the pentacle: I call upon you carnelian to bring a favorable outcome in the important matters I undertake! Using a black marker: Black for protection and removing discord! Draw on one side of the stone: Image Osa for a favorable outcome and Image Feoh for fulfillment and ambition satisfied! On the reverse side of the stone draw: Image Jupiter for opportunity and expansion and Image Bethor for honors and success! This talisman brings me success in the matters that are important to me! Put the stone into a small opened pouch that is green, yellow, orange, red, or black. Set it on the pentacle. One at a time, hold up a pinch of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and add it to the pouch: I call upon you woodruff to remove barriers and bring success to me in my endeavors! I call upon you bay to aid me in attaining my desires! I call upon you cinnamon for energy in attaining my goals and protecting my success! Close and charge the pouch. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, stone, and herbs; with the power of Jupiter and Bethor, and the energy of Azariel in Aldebaran; this talisman brings me long-term success in important matters! Direct and release the energy into the talisman charm: ENDURING SUCCESS! So Mote It Be! Leave the talisman on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry the talisman when working on important or expansive matters, or set where desired.

Full Moon

• ALDEBARAN, the Eye of Taurus (8Image34 to 21Image25) ruled by AZARIEL for favorable outcome in important things, and seeking big items

This brings energy to bear for attaining immediate positive results in an important


Magical work: candle spell for a favorable outcome. Dress a red working candle with patchouli oil: Red for energy; patchouli for strength and power. In the wax, carve around it: Image Wyn for success and fulfillment in important matters; Image Rad to find what is sought; and Image Eolh to gain aspirations. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for a favorable outcome in an important matter! Consecrate an orange votive spell candle and dress with bay oil: Orange for ambition achieved and attracting what is sought; bay for success in attaining what is desired. In the wax, carve around it: Image Aldebaran for good fortune! Image Jupiter for expansion and opportunity! Image Saturn for ambition and self-preservation! Image Algol for victory! Image Mars to gain what is sought! Image Venus for what is desired! Image Tyr for victory! Image Feoh for good fortune and ambition satisfied! Image Sigel for success! Charge the candle and set it in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. One at a time, hold up a pinch of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and add it to the flame: I call upon you bergamot for success! I call upon you cinnamon for success! I call upon you thyme to bring swift action! I call upon you basil for protection from negativity! With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Azariel in Aldebaran; this candle brings me a favorable outcome in (state the important matter)! Direct and release the energy into the candle: VICTORY! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff it and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.

New Moon Waxing

• ALBACHAY, the Head of Orion (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by GABIEL for gaining favors, having fun, health, scholarship, strong buildings, and safe trips

This initiates a happy energy that will get you going for socializing, having fun, and feeling healthy.

Magical work: charm for instigating good health and fun. Dress a pink working candle with rosemary oil: Pink for sociability; rosemary for health, clarity and energy. In the wax, carve around it: Image Algol for protection! Image Aldebaran for good fortune! Image Eolh for the life-force! Image Wyn for happiness, joy, and well-being! Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for good health and the enjoyment of life! Lay out a six-inch square of pink cloth: Pink for friendships, relationships, and good health. Set out a six-inch-long narrow red ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or thread if sewing it): Red for health and enthusiasm! Use red ink: Red for vibrant energy! On a piece of paper or parchment, draw a double circle. I draw this mandala for good health and enjoyment of life! Between the lines around the circle write ALBACHAY . GABIEL . ALGOL . ALDEBARAN . Inside the center of the circle draw a large heart: Here is a joyful heart! In the left lobe draw: Image Saturn for self-preservation! In the right lobe draw: Image Jupiter for good health! In the center of the heart draw: Image Image with Mars and Venus for energy and sociability! At the point of the heart draw your sun sign and ruling planet: With (sun sign) and (ruling planet) for good health and enjoyment of life for me to have to hold! Outside the tip of the heart on the right draw: and on the left side draw: With the beneficial energies of Image Aldebaran and Image Algol! Lay the mandala on the cloth. One at a time, hold up some of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and place it on top of the mandala: I call upon you hops for your energy of good health! I call upon you lavender for your energy of happiness! If available, hold up a small loose green garnet over the pentacle: I call upon you green garnet to add your energy of good health, vitality, and joy! (or: I call upon you ocean jasper for enjoyment in my life!) Add the stone. Tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut). On the outside of the charm bag, with red marker, draw: Image Osa for good fortune! On the other side draw: Image Wyn for happiness! Set it on the pentacle and charge the charm. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, the planets, and the stars; through runes, herbs, and stone; with the energy of Gabiel in Albachay; this charm brings me good health and enjoyment of life! Direct and release the energy into the charm: JOY AND HEALTH! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry the charm bag or place where desired.

Full Moon

• ALBACHAY, the Head of Orion (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by GABIEL for gaining favors, having fun, health, scholarship, strong buildings, and safe trips

Use this to enhance your aura when you need a practical favor.

Magical work: oil for receiving a practical favor. Dress a yellow working candle with bay oil: Yellow for self-promotion and gains; bay to attain what is desired. In the wax, carve around it: Image Osa for a favorable outcome; Image as for convincing speech and luck; Image Mannaz for cooperation; and Image Feoh for fulfillment and ambition satisfied. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to gain a practical favor! In a small glass bottle with lid, blend the following essential oils: 4 parts bay: I call upon you bay to bring success to me that I attain the favor I seek! 1 part lemon: I call upon you lemon to invigorate and bring joy from the favor I seek! 2 parts ylang-ylang: I call upon you ylang-ylang for success in gaining the favor I seek! ¬Ω part pine: I call upon you pine to clear away any barrier to my gaining the favor I seek! Add 4 parts grapeseed, saffron, or canola oil. Put the lid on the bottle, shake: All are blended to work together for my purpose! Use a brown marker or ink: Brown for special favors granted. Draw on the bottle:Image Taurus for practical accomplishment! Image Venus for sociability! and Image Wyn for gains and fulfillment! Image Algol for victory! Image Aldebaran for good fortune! Together these blended oils work to gain a practical favor for me! On the opposite side of the bottle, draw the symbols of your sun sign and ruling planet: With (sun sign) and (planetary ruler) is the favor I seek given to me! Place the bottle on the pentacle and charge it. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Gabiel in Albachay; this oil gains me whatever favors I seek! Direct and release the energy into the bottle: GRANTED! So Mote It Be! Leave the oil bottle on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Use a dab of oil as needed.


The Moon in Image Gemini, the Twins, ruled by Image Mercury with the energy of versatility, wit, perception, rationality, and changeability, and the available energies of two fixed stars:

Image Capella, the Goat Star: Honors, favor of superiors; Jupiter and Saturn; Gemini; sapphire; thyme

Image Cauda Ursa, the Tail of the Bear (Polaris): Protection from personal violence and thieves; Venus and Moon; Gemini; lodestone; endive

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• ALBACHAY, the Head of Orion (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by GABIEL for gaining favors, having fun, health, scholarship, strong buildings, and safe trips

This is good for students at any level and may be carried or placed in a study area for focus and clarity of thought.

Magical work: charm for beginning successful studies. Dress an orange working candle with clove oil: Orange for a clear mind and success in attaining my goals; clove for good memory. In the wax, carve around it: Image Gemini for rationality; Image Mercury for a quick mind; Image Capella for honors; with Image Cauda Ursa for protection of my work from theft; with Image Jupiter and Image Saturn for opportunity and ambition satisfied; and with Image Venus and the Image Moon that my successful studies bring me harmony. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for my successful studies! Lay out a six-inch square of yellow cloth: Yellow for mental alertness, intellect, memory, and learning! Set out a six-inch long narrow red ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or red thread if sewing it): Red for energy and power! Use a blue marker or ink: Blue for understanding! Draw on the cloth: Image With the versatile energy of Gemini! And with the energy of Image Bethor for honors! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle some of each of the following herbs, state the intention, then place on the cloth: I call upon you sage for inspiration and wisdom! I call upon you bay for wisdom! I call upon you mace for mental alertness! I call upon you bergamot for success! I call upon you thyme to bring swift action for this charm! Hold up a small hematite (or aquamarine, or clear quartz crystal) over the pentacle, state the intention, and add it to the herbs on the cloth: I call upon you hematite for reasoning and communication skills! (or: I call upon you aquamarine for success in tests! or I call upon you crystal for insight and attainment of my goals!). Tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes, herbs, and stones; with the power of Bethor, and the energy of Gabiel in Albachay; this charm brings me unhindered success in my studies! Direct and release the energy into the charm: SCHOLARSHIP! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm bag on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place, carry, or wear the charm as desired.

Full Moon

• ALBACHAY, the Head of Orion (21Image25 to 4 Image17) ruled by GABIEL for gaining favors, having fun, health, scholarship, strong buildings, and safe trips

Savor a cup of this tea as a tonic for good health.

Magical work: tea for good health. Dress a light blue working candle with rosemary oil: Blue for health; rosemary for health and vigor. In the wax, carve around it: Image Lagu for life-force vitality; Image As for magical energy; Image Ken for opening healing energy; Image Eolh for a strong life-force; Image Sigel for health and vital energy; Image and Beorc for health brought to fruition. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for good health! Set on the pentacle a clean bowl in which to blend herbs. Add to the bowl ¬Ω cup of loose black tea leaves. I call upon you black tea for vigor and strength! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle 1‚ÅÑ8 cup of each herb, state the intention, and add it to the bowl: I call upon you hops for good health! I call upon you dandelion root for cleansing! I call upon you elderflower for healing energy! Blend the herbs and black tea with a wooden spoon. Charge the blend. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Gabiel in Albachay; this tea brings good health to all who drink it! Direct and release the energy into the tea: HEALTHY TEA! So Mote It Be! Leave the tea blend on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Put the tea blend in a tightly covered jar and store away from light. Brew a cup or pot of tea when desired.

New Moon Waxing

• ALCHAYA, the Little Star of Great Light (4Image17 to 17Image8) ruled by DIRACHIEL for love between two people, friendships, hunting, links, and gaining power

Enjoy a cup of this tea for socializing and gaining new friends.

Magical work: tea for initiating friendships. Dress a pink working candle with lemon oil: Pink for friendships; lemon for joy and energy. In the wax, carve around it: Image Capella to generate honors and the favor of others toward me; Image Daeg for new beginnings; Image Gera for tangible results; Image Wyn for happiness and harmony; Image and Eolh to promote friendship. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to initiate friendships! Set a clean bowl on the pentacle. Add to the bowl ¬Ω cup of loose black tea leaves. I call upon you black tea for power and energy! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle 1‚ÅÑ8 cup of each herb, state the intention, and add it to the bowl: I call upon you chamomile for peace and balance! I call upon you rose hips for happiness, love, and positive energy! Blend the herbs and black tea with a wooden spoon: I call upon Dirachiel in Alchaya, to generate friendships with the drinking and sharing of this tea! Add a pinch of thyme and stir: I call upon you thyme to enhance this tea with the energy of Capella to draw the favor of others toward me! With the wand draw Image in the tea: I call upon the energy of the Moon to initiate friendships through this tea! Charge the blend. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Dirachiel in Alchaya; this tea brings friendship to all who drink it! Direct and release the energy into the tea: FRIENDSHIP TEA! So Mote It Be! Leave the tea blend on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Put the tea blend in a tightly covered jar and store away from light. Brew a cup or pot of tea as desired.

Full Moon

• ALCHAYA, the Little Star of Great Light (4Image17 to 17Image8) ruled by DIRACHIEL for love between two people, friendships, hunting, links, and gaining power

This is good for those who seek advancement or a position of power and authority in a field of endeavor.

Magical work: Amulet for gaining power. Dress a red working candle with patchouli oil: Red for energy and power; patchouli for power and protection. In the wax, carve around it: Image Eoh for power and action; Image Ing for the power to achieve goals; Image Gera for good rewards and tangible results; Image Sigel for power and achievement; and Image Tyr for victory. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for gaining power! One at a time, hold up each small stone over the pentacle, state the intention, and set it in the center of the pentacle: I call upon you opal for power and self-confidence! I call upon you agate for gaining my goal of power! I call upon you lapis lazuli to boost the power of these stones and infuse them with authority! I call upon you pumice to bring this power into manifestation! Charge the stones. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals; through rune and stone and candle flame; with the energy of Dirachiel in Alchaya; these stones gain power for me! Direct and release the energy into the stones: POWER! So Mote It Be! Leave the stones on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Set the stones in the four corners of the place where you want your power felt, or put the stones in a pouch to carry with you.

New Moon Waxing

• ALARZACH, the Arm of Gemini (17Image8 to 0Image0) ruled by SELHIEL for acquisitions, gains and favors, good travel, love, and contacts

Use this for catching the favors and things you desire.

Magical work: amulet for acquisitions and favors. Dress a brown working candle with bay oil: Brown for favors and physical objects; bay oil for success and attaining what is desired. In the wax, carve around it: Image Ken for opening energy; Image Jupiter for opportunity; Image Saturn for ambition; Image Venus for luxuries; Image the Moon for nurture; the Image Sun for honor; and Image Wyn for material gain and well-being. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to start bringing acquisitions and favors to me! Hold up over the pentacle a clean, dry crab claw or a representation of one: I call upon you claw of the crab to catch and to hold for me that which I seek! Using brown marker: Brown for favors and earth riches! Draw on the claw: Image Capella for favors and honors! Image Cauda Ursa to protect me and my acquisitions from violence and thieves! Shellac or paint it with clear nail polish as a preservative. When dry, set the claw on the pentacle: I call upon you crab claw to start catching and bringing to me the favors and acquisitions I desire! Charge the claw. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through sea and runes; with the energy of Selhiel in Alarzach; this claw brings favors and acquisitions to me! Direct and release the energy into the claw: FAVORS FOR ME! So Mote It Be! Leave the claw on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the claw where desired.

Full Moon

• ALARZACH, the Arm of Gemini (17Image8 to 0Image0) ruled by SELHIEL for acquisitions, gains and favors, good travel, love, and contacts

Burn this candle for manifesting what is desired.

Magical work: candle spell for acquiring what is desired. Dress a brown working candle with bay oil: Brown for favors and physical objects; bay oil for success and attaining what is desired. In the wax, carve around it: Image Tyr for victory in getting what I desire; Image Wyn for success and material gain; Image Feoh for gains; and Image Ethel for acquisitions and protection of possessions. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for me to acquire what I desire! Consecrate an orange votive spell candle and carefully dress with cinnamon oil, then wipe your hands clean (this oil is a burning irritant, so keep it out of your eyes, nose, and mouth): Orange to attract what I desire; cinnamon oil for success and gains. In the wax, carve around it: Image Omeliel for ambition achieved! Image Netoniel for expansion and prosperity! and Image Habondia for abundance! all bring fulfillment to me (carve your initials) as I acquire what I desire! Set the spell candle in a cauldron on top of the pentacle and wipe your hands clean again. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. One at a time, hold up a pinch of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into the candle flame: I call upon you bergamot for success in gaining what I desire! I call upon you ginger for success in acquiring what I desire! I call upon you lemon balm for good luck and success in getting what I desire! Charge the candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals; through runes and herbs; through the power of Omeliel, Netoniel, and Habondia; and with the energy of Selhiel in Alarzach; this candle brings to me what I desire! Direct and release the energy into the candle: DESIRE ACHIEVED! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.


The Moon in Image Cancer, the Crab, ruled by Image Moon, with the psychic energy of intuition, introspection, nurturing, and family, and the available energy of two fixed stars:

Image Canis Major, the Greater Dog Star (Sirius): Communication, favor of Earth and Air Spirits, marital peace; Venus; Cancer; beryl; juniper

Image Canis Minor, the Lesser Dog Star (Procyon): Magic power, good health; Mercury and Mars; Cancer; agate; buttercup

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• ALNAZA, Misty Clouds (0Image0 to 12Image51) ruled by AMNEDIEL for love and friendship, companions, safe travel, and battle victory

Use these bath salts to generate from within an aura that attracts love.

Magical work: bath salts for initiating love energy. Dress a pink working candle with jasmine oil: Pink for love and caring; jasmine for love and confidence. In the wax, carve around it: g Gefu for love and partnership; Image Ken for opening energy to be free to receive, love; and Image Wyn for fulfillment in love and well-being; Image Canis Major for the favor of Earth and Air spirits to bring me loving energy; and Image Canis Minor for adding magic power. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to initiate love energy! Set on the pentacle a clean bowl in which to blend the bath salt. Add to the bowl 2 cups of sea salt. I call upon you salt of the sea to bring love energy to me! Hold up over the pentacle ¬Ω teaspoon of rose oil: I call upon you rose to initiate loving energy for me! Add the oil to the salt and stir together until the salt and rose oil are blended. Charge the salts. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and stars; through runes, herbs, and the sea; with the energy of Amnediel in Alnaza; these bath salts bring loving energy! Direct and release the energy into the salts: LOVE FOR ME! So Mote It Be! Leave the bath salt on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Store salts in a tightly covered jar away from light. Add to tub water or rub on in the shower.

Full Moon

• ALNAZA, Misty Clouds (0Image0 to 12Image51) ruled by AMNEDIEL for love and friendship, companions, safe travel, and battle victory

Use this oil for healing upsets and nurturing love in family and friendships.

Magical work: oil for family love and friendship. Dress a pink working candle with vetiver oil: Pink for nurturing and healing emotions; vetiver for love and internal alignment in the family. In the wax, carve around it: Image Beorc for the family; Image Gefu for love and partnership; Image Ken for well-being; Image Ing for family unity; Image Ethel for home and heritage; and Image Wyn for love, joy, and happiness in the family. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for love and friendship in the family! In a small glass bottle with lid, blend the following essential oils: 4 parts vetiver: I call upon you vetiver for love and alignment! 1 part rose: I call upon you rose for love, happiness, and peace! 3 parts jasmine: I call upon you jasmine for love, confidence, and good health! ¬Ω part sandalwood: I call upon you sandalwood to cleanse and protect the love and friendship in the family! Add 4 parts grapeseed, saffron, or canola oil. Put the lid on the bottle, shake: All are blended to work together for my purpose! With a red marker or ink, draw on the bottle: With Image Canis Major for family peace! Image Hagith for love and friendship! and Image Venus for love and companionship! There is love and friendship in the family! Place the bottle on the pentacle and charge the oil. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and herbs; with the power of Hagith and the energy of Amnediel in Alnaza; this oil brings family love and friendship! Direct and release the energy into the bottle: LOVE AND HARMONY! So Mote It Be! Leave the oil on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Use a dab of oil as needed.

New Moon Waxing

• ARCAPH, the Eye of the Lion (12Image51 to 25Image42) ruled by RAUBIEL for self-defense, helping others, empathy, and abilities

Use this protective powder to increase your self-defense against psychic attack.

Magical work: powder for boosting psychic self-defense. Dress a white working candle with frankincense oil: White for protection and purity; frankincense for cleansing and psychic protection. In the wax, carve around it: Image Neptune for psychic awareness, the subconscious, and spirits; Image Canis Minor for magic power and good psychic health; Image Canis Major for the favor of Earth and Air spirits in psychic protection; Image with Thorn for defense against psychic attack; and Image Eoh for protection with communications from other worlds. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to increase psychic self-defense! One at a time, hold up an equal amount of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into a mortar with pestle: I call upon you thyme to strengthen psychic power! I call upon you bay for psychic awareness! I call upon you fennel for protection against psychic drain! I call upon you cinnamon for protection of psychic powers! And I call upon you lavender for cleansing psychic energy! Grind the herbs together into a powder, bottle it, and set the powder on the pentacle. Charge the powder. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Raubiel in Arcaph; this powder aids psychic self-defense! Direct and release the energy into the powder: PSYCHIC PROTECTION! So Mote It Be! Leave the powder on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Sprinkle the powder where desired or add to charms or oils.

Full Moon

• ARCAPH, the Eye of the Lion (12Image51 to 25Image42) ruled by RAUBIEL for self-defense, helping others, empathy, and abilities

This is for compassion, insight, and understanding the feelings of other people.

Magical work: talisman for enhancing empathy. Dress a light blue working candle with lavender oil: Light blue for psychic awareness and understanding; lavender for calm balance and psychic awareness. In the wax, carve on it: Image Canis Minor for magic power; Image Hasmodai for sensitivity; Image as for new awareness and magical energy; Image Eoh for a channel and removal of obstacles to communication; Image and Ken for opening energy to receive well-being. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for enhancing empathy! Consecrate a piece of moonstone. Use a thin point blue marker: Blue for psychic understanding! Draw on a piece of moonstone: Image Neptune for psychic and subconscious awareness! And the Image Moon for compassion! This moonstone enhances empathy for me! Set the moonstone on the pentacle. Charge the talisman. With wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and stars; with the power of Hasmodai and the energy of Raubiel in Arcaph; this talisman increases compassion and empathy! Direct and release the energy into the moonstone talisman: EMPATHY! So Mote It Be! Leave the talisman on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place, carry, or wear the moonstone talisman as desired.

New Moon Waxing

• ALGEBH, the Forehead of the Lion (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ARDESIEL for love and benevolence, the goodwill of allies, and strengthening buildings

Light this candle to open the way for drawing the goodwill of others who are important to you or necessary for your advancement in any area.

Magical work: candle for initiating goodwill. Dress a red working candle with rose oil: Red for energy; rose for attraction and goodwill. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to initiate the goodwill of others toward me! Consecrate a pink votive spell candle and dress with ginger oil: Pink for goodwill and nurturing sociability; ginger for goodwill and success. In the wax, carve around it: Image Canis Major for communication! Image Canis Minor for magic power! Image Eolh for goodwill and friendship! Image Wyn for harmony and fulfillment! Image Hagith for friendship! Here is goodwill initiated! Set the spell candle in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Charge the candle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and stars; with the power of Hagith and the energy of Ardesiel in Algebh; this candle initiates the goodwill of others toward me! Direct and release the energy into the candle: GOODWILL! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff it and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.

Full Moon

• ALGEBH, the Forehead of the Lion (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ARDESIEL for love and benevolence, the goodwill of allies, and to strengthen buildings

Burn this incense to establish the goodwill of your associates to assist in your projects and needs.

Magical work: herbal incense for goodwill of allies. Dress a brown working candle with frankincense oil: Brown to influence friends and gain special favors; rose to promote peace and goodwill. In the wax, carve around it: Image Hagith for friends; Image Eolh for friends and help that comes; Image Ken to be open to receive; Image Mannaz for cooperation and help from others; and Image Wyn for success, harmony and well-being. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for the goodwill and help of allies! One at a time, hold up an equal amount of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into a mortar with pestle: I call upon you rose hips for the kindness and help of friends! I call upon you coltsfoot for faithfulness in friends! I call upon you fir to manifest the goodwill and help of friends! I call upon you ginger for success in generating the goodwill and help of friends! And I call upon you woodruff to open the way for allies to express or demonstrate their goodwill toward me! Grind the herbs together into a powder, bottle it, and set it on the pentacle. Charge the powder. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, runes, and herbs; with the power of Hagith and the energy of Ardesiel in Algebh; this incense generates goodwill and the help of friends! Direct and release the energy into the powder: SUCCESS THRU GOODWILL! So Mote It Be! Leave the incense on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Burn incense on a charcoal diskette as needed.


The Moon in Image Leo, the Lion, ruled by Image Sun, with the energy of success, individuality, power, optimism, vitality, and sociability, and the available energy of one fixed star:

Image Cor Leonis, the Heart of the Lion (Regulus): Strength, nobility; Jupiter and Mars; Leo; granite; mugwort

in the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• ALGEBH, the Forehead of the Lion (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ARDESIEL for love and benevolence, the goodwill of allies, and to strengthen buildings

When looking for love and kindness, this amulet will help push things into action.

Magical work: amulet for attracting love and benevolence. Dress a pink working candle with rose oil: Pink for kindness and love; rose for love and affection. In the wax, carve around it: Image Ken for opening energy for receiving love; Image Eoh for dynamic action and channeling love and benevolence; Image Daeg for new beginnings in love and kindness; Image Gefu for attracting love and partnership; Image and Gera for drawing good rewards and results in love and kindness toward me. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for attracting love and benevolence to me! Consecrate a piece of rose quartz. Hold up the rose quartz over the pentacle, state the intention, and set it in the center of the pentacle: I call upon you rose quartz to draw love and benevolence to me! Charge the stone. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals; through rune and stone and candle flame; with the energy of Ardesiel in Algebh; this stone attracts love and goodwill to me! Direct and release the energy into the stones: LOVE FOR ME! So Mote It Be! Leave the rose quartz on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry, wear, or place the stone where desired.

Full Moon

• ALGEBH, the Forehead of the Lion (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ARDESIEL for love and benevolence, the goodwill of allies, and to strengthen buildings

The solar cross is used to give protection and strength to buildings.

Magical work: charm for protective solar cross. Dress a red working candle with rosemary oil: Red for energy; rosemary for protection. In the wax, carve around it: Image Thorn for protection and Image Eh for safety. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for the protection and strength of a building! Set out a six-inch long narrow red ribbon to tie the charm: Red for power! and/or a black ribbon: Black for protection! Lay out two 2-inch long birch twigs and a 1 to 1¬Ω-foot-long slim stalk of mugwort: Hold up over the pentacle, state the intention, then set on the pentacle: I call upon you birch for protection! I call upon you mugwort, herb of the Heart of the Lion, for strength and protection! Bend and twist the mugwort stalk into a circle, wrapping one end around the other at the top of the loop. Tie the loop with ribbon(s). Place one stick across the back of the herbal loop horizontally, and place the other stick vertically from the upper part of the loop in front, crossing behind the horizontal stick, and coming forward to the bottom part of the loop in front of the circle, thus securing both sticks in place. Set the solar cross craft on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, herbs, and runes; with the energy of Ardesiel in Algebh; this charm gives protection and strength! Direct and release the energy into the charm: PROTECTION! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Hang the charm indoors or outdoors as desired.

New Moon Waxing

• AZOBRA, the Mane of the Lion (8Image34 to 21Image25) ruled by NECIEL for voyages, retail gains, the release of captives, and reverence

This money jar can be used to generate sales or other retail gains, as well as to draw money as needed with just a good shaking to stir up the money drawing energies. When not in use, let it sit on a shelf and regenerate its energies.

Magical work: charm for generating money. Dress a green working candle with clove oil: Green for money; clove for attracting wealth. In the wax, carve around it: Image Feoh for increasing wealth; Image Ethel for monetary gains; Image Osa for good fortune; Image Daeg for financial increase; Image Gera for tangible results; Image Eh for swift changes; and Image Wyn for material gains. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to generate money! Set out a glass or pottery jar with lid. Use a green acrylic paint: Green for money and prosperity! Paint the jar so the contents cannot be seen. Next, use a brush and gold paint: Gold for wealth! On the jar, paint: Image Ken for opening energy! Image Ethel for monetary gains! Image Feoh for increasing wealth! Image Osa for good fortune! Image Daeg for financial increase! Image Gera for tangible results! Image Eh for swift changes! Image Wyn for material gains! Image Tyr for victory! Set the jar on the pentacle. Hold up some of each item over the pentacle, state the intention, and place it in the jar: I call upon you allspice for prosperity and money! I call upon you chamomile for prosperity! I call upon you cinquefoil for prosperity and good fortune! I call upon you coriander seed for money! I call upon you peridot for prosperity! I call upon you iron pyrite for wealth! I call upon you agate for gaining goals! On the lid, paint: Image Bethor for wealth! Image Jupiter for finances! Sealed with Image Netoniel! Put the lid on the jar and seal around the edge of the lid with wax: Blended and stored to draw wealth to me whenever I shake it, this jar brings money and prosperity! Charge the charm on the pentacle. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, herbs, stones, and runes; with the power of Bethor and Netoniel; with the energy of Neciel in Azobra; this charm gives protection and strength! Direct and release the energy into the charm: MONEY FOR ME! So Mote It Be! Leave the money jar on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Shake the bottle whenever needed.

Full Moon

• AZOBRA, the Mane of the Lion (8Image34 to 21Image25) ruled by NECIEL for voyages, retail gains, the release of captives, and reverence

Use this tea to aid with internal spiritual alignment and communion with the Full Moon in this mansion.

Magical work: tea for spiritual reverence. Dress a purple working candle with frankincense oil: Purple for spirituality; frankincense for blessing and sacredness. In the wax, carve around it: Image Pluto for spirituality; Image the Moon for sensitivity; Image Daeg for spiritual awakening; Image As for deep awareness; Image Eoh to channel energy and communication; Image Mannaz for meditation; and Image Gera for a good outcome to endeavors. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for reverence! Set on the pentacle a clean bowl in which to blend herbs. Add to the bowl ¬Ω cup of loose black tea leaves. I call upon you black tea for truth, strength, and protection! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle 1‚ÅÑ8 cup of each herb, state the intention, and add it to the bowl: I call upon you jasmine for spirituality! I call upon you lemon balm for success! Blend the herbs and black tea with a wooden spoon. Charge the blend. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Neciel in Azobra; this tea brings spiritual reverence to whoever drinks it! Direct and release the energy into the tea: SPIRITUAL TEA! So Mote It Be! Leave the tea blend on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Put the tea blend in a tightly covered jar and store away from light. Brew a cup of tea when desired, especially before ritual or meditation.

New Moon Waxing

• ALZARPHA, the Tail of the Lion (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by ABDIZUEL for a prosperous harvest, starting a building, and improvements for those in service or labor

This charm utilizes the initiating energy of the lunar phase to encourage beneficial changes for your area of work.

Magical work: charm for improvement in work situation. Dress a red working candle with pine oil: Red for energy; pine for courage and clear action. In the wax, carve around it: Image Eoh to open channels for improvement; Image Uruz to initiate changes; Image Beorc for initiating improvements; Image Daeg for a breakthrough for betterment; Image Ken for opening energy for improvements; Image Eh for growth and quick change; with Image Cor Leonis, the Heart of the Lion, for courage and strength. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to open the way to improvements! Lay out a six-inch square of dark blue cloth: Blue for change! Set out a six-inch long narrow red ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or red thread if sewing it): Red for power! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle some of each of the following herbs, state the intention, and place on the cloth: I call upon you sunflower seeds for a bright prospect and positive changes! I call upon you bergamot for success in bettering my situation! I call upon you allspice for energy in improvements! I call upon you mugwort, herb of the Lion’s Heart, for strength and protection for bettering my situation! Add 3 small drops of pine oil to a cotton ball: With the power of pine for strength and clear action do I draw these energies together to work my will! Place on the herbs, tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, herbs, runes, and star; with the energy of Abdizuel in Alzarpha; this charm initiates improvements for my situation! Direct and release the energy into the charm: IMPROVEMENT! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the charm where desired.

Full Moon

• ALZARPHA, the Tail of the Lion (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by ABDIZUEL for a prosperous harvest, starting a building, and improvements for those in service or labor

Use this charm for reaping a prosperous harvest or rewarding results in any area.

Magical work: charm for a prosperous harvest. Dress a green working candle with almond oil: Green for fertility and prosperity; almond for a prosperous harvest. In the wax, carve around it: Image Gera for a good harvest with tangible results; Image Osa for a favorable outcome; Image Feoh for fulfillment; Image Wyn for success and reward; and Image Ing for a satisfactory conclusion; Image with Leo for success; Image and the Sun for vitality. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for a prosperous harvest! Lay out a foot of wide orange ribbon: Orange for success and vitality! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle each of the following items, state the intention, and set on the pentacle: eight stalks of wheat: Wheat for fertility, a good harvest, and good fortune! 6 stalks of rosemary: Rosemary to protect and bless! four stalks of fennel: Fennel for protection of what is gained! 2 stalks of lavender: Lavender for peace and creativity! 9 green or brown feathers: Bound with the power of three times three, with feathers for prosperity! Tie the stalks and feathers securely with the ribbon, making a loop for hanging the bundle. A hot glue gun may be used if needed to secure the feathers to the stalks. Lay the bundle on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and flame; through herbs and feathers; with the energy of Abdizuel in Alzarpha; this charm brings a prosperous harvest to me! Direct and release the energy into the charm: REWARDS! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Hang the charm indoors or outdoors as desired.


The Moon in Image Virgo, the Virgin, ruled by Image Mercury, with the skillful and agile energy of analysis, service, modesty, and perfectionism

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• ALZARPHA, the Tail of the Lion (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by ABDIZUEL for a prosperous harvest, starting a building, and improvements for those in service or labor

This talisman instigates improvement for those in service or labor areas of work by enhancing the aura for pay increase, bonus, or advancement of position.

Magical work: talisman for improvements for service or labor. Dress a red working candle with clove oil: Red for energy; clove for attraction and wealth. In the wax, carve around it: Image Beorc for ideas brought to fruition; Image Daeg for a breakthrough in transformation for financial increase; Image Eh for gaining security in a position; Image Ken for opening energy; and Image Eolh for gaining aspirations in employment. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to initiate improvements for service or labor! Charge a piece of rhodonite. Set the rhodonite on the pentacle: Rhodonite for self-esteem, physical energy, self-actualization, and work! Use a green marker: Green for a good attitude, employment, and prosperity! Draw on one side of the rhodonite: Image Virgo for care with the details of work and perfection! Draw on the other side of the stone: Image Mercury for skill and agility! Charge the talisman. With wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, runes, flame, and stone; with the energy of Abdizuel in Alzarpha; this talisman brings betterment for good service or labor! Direct and release the energy into the talisman: IMPROVEMENTS! So Mote It Be! Leave the talisman on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place, carry, or wear the talisman as desired.

Full Moon

• ALZARPHA, the Tail of the Lion (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by ABDIZUEL for a prosperous harvest, starting a building, and improvement for those in service or labor

This candle engages the Virgo energy of analysis for improvements through such forms as evaluations and favorable reports for recognition, pay raise, bonus, promotion, or other work advancements.

Magical work: candle for rewarding service or labor. Dress a yellow working candle with bay oil: Yellow for mental alertness and employment; bay for clear vision and success. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for evaluation of service! Consecrate an orange votive spell candle and dress with rosemary oil: Orange for business and work success; rosemary for clarity and vigor. In the wax, carve around it: Image Lagu for successful evaluation; Image Mannaz for cooperation; Image Rad to find what is sought; Image Haegl to get results in a timely manner; Image Ing for a satisfactory conclusion; Image Virgo for favorable analysis; Image Mercury for skill and communication. Set the spell candle in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. Charge a piece of carnelian. Hold up the stone over the pentacle: I call upon you carnelian for self-confidence, success, and rewards for my work! Set it to the left of the candle. Charge a piece of hematite. Hold up the stone over the pentacle: I call upon you hematite for aid in communication and good evaluation of my work! Set it to the right of the candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, runes, oil, and stones; with the energy of Abdizuel in Alzarpha; this candle brings a positive evaluation of my service for reward! Direct and release the energy into the candle: WORK REWARDED! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Take the stones and place, carry, or wear as desired. Dispose of candle remains.

New Moon Waxing

• ALHAIRE, the Wings of Virgo (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by JAZERIEL for increase in trade and harvests, liberation of captives, agreement in marriage, restoration of potency, gain, clever financial dealings, voyages

Burn this incense to clear the air and bring peace and harmony into a marriage.

Magical work: incense for agreement in marriage. Dress a white working candle with rose oil: White for peace and protection; rose to promote peace and goodwill. In the wax, carve around it: Image the Moon for sensitivity and harmony in the home; Image Mercury for communication; Image Venus for loving sociability; Image Ken for receptivity; Image Mannaz for cooperation; Image Wyn for harmony; and Image Hagith for love and stability. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for a loving, peaceful home! One at a time, hold up an equal amount of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into a mortar with pestle: I call upon you rose hips for kindness and love! I call upon you fennel for protection of the marriage! I call upon you lavender for peace in the home! I call upon you rosemary for love and blessing in the home! Grind the herbs together into a powder, bottle it, and set it on the pentacle. Charge the powder. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through runes, and herbs; with the power of Hagith and the energy of Jazeriel in Alhaire; this powdered incense prompts love and agreement in marriage! Direct and release the energy into the powder: MARITAL ACCORD! So Mote It Be! Leave the incense on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Burn the incense on a charcoal diskette as needed.

Full Moon

• ALHAIRE, the Wings of Virgo (4Image17 to 17Image8) ruled by JAZERIEL for increase in trade and harvests, liberation of captives, agreement in marriage, restoration of strength and power

This powder may be sprinkled in a cash drawer or around a business area to increase trade and good results.

Magical work: powder for increasing in trade and harvest. Dress a green working candle with clove oil: Green for fertility and prosperity; clove for attracting success and wealth. In the wax, carve around it: Image Gera for an increase in rewards and tangible results for efforts; Image Wyn to increase success and well-being; Image Daeg for financial increase; Image Sigel for energy and achievement; Image Perth for gain from investments; Image Beorc for growth; Image Osa for a favorable outcome. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to increase trade, harvests, and business! One at a time, hold up an equal amount of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into a mortar with pestle: I call upon you bergamot to bring increase in success and prosperity! I call upon you cinnamon for a successful increase in business and a good harvest! I call upon you mint for a prosperous increase in business! Grind the herbs together into a powder, bottle it, and set the powder on the pentacle. Charge the powder. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, runes and herbs; with the energy of Jazeriel in Alhaire; this powder increases trade, harvests, and business! Direct and release the energy into the powder: INCREASE! So Mote It Be! Leave the powder on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Sprinkle the powder where desired, add to a charm, blend with oils, or burn as incense.

New Moon Waxing

• AZIMETH, the Flying Spike (17Image8 to 0Image0) ruled by ERGEDIEL for marital love, curing the sick, and profitable sailing

Burn this candle to enhance healing energies in the early autumn months when the changing seasons may bring illness.

Magical work: candle for healing energies. Dress a red working candle with frankincense oil: Red for power and energy; frankincense cleansing and protection. In the wax, carve around it: Image Lagu for vitality and good health; Image Feoh for energy and good health; Image Ken for opening healing energy. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to promote healing energy! Consecrate a light blue votive spell candle and dress with rosemary oil: Blue for health; rosemary for invigoration and health. In the wax, carve around it: With the energies of (your sun sign symbol) and (the ruling planet) to represent me! Image Sigel for strength, wholeness, healing, and vital energy! Image Uruz for strength and physical health! Image Wyn for well-being! Image Osa for a favorable outcome! Set the spell candle in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Charge the candle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through rune and flame; with the energy of Ergediel in Azimeth; this candle enhances healing energies for me! Direct and release the energy into the candle: HEALTHY ME! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.

Full Moon

• AZIMETH, the Flying Spike (17Image8 to 0Image0) ruled by ERGEDIEL for marital love, curing the sick, and profitable sailing and travels

This oil may be worn or dabbed on the marital bed to enhance romance and love in the marriage.

Magical work: oil for marital love. Dress a red working candle with jasmine oil: Red for vitality and sexuality; jasmine for love. In the wax, carve around it: g Gefu for partnership and love; Image Ken for love and stability; Image Eoh for a channel to good communication; Image Mannaz for cooperation; Image Ethel for the home; Image Beorc for the family; Image Osa for a favorable outcome. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for marital love! In a small glass bottle with lid, blend the following essential oils: 4 parts rosemary: I call upon you rosemary for blessings in marital love! 1 part vetiver: I call upon you vetiver to enhance marital love! 3 parts ginger: I call upon you ginger to strengthen marital love! ¬Ω part orange: I call upon you orange to add good fortune to marital love! Add 2 parts grapeseed, saffron, or canola oil. Put the lid on the bottle, shake: All are blended to work together for marital love! Use a red marker: Red for passion! Draw on the bottle: Image Hagith for love! Image Phaleg for passion! Image The Moon for home and marital love. Place the bottle on the pentacle and charge the oil. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God, the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and herbal oils; with the power of Hagith and Phaleg; with the energy of Ergediel in Azimeth; this oil enhances marital love! Direct and release the energy into the bottle: LOVING MARRIAGE! So Mote It Be! Leave the oil on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Use a dab of oil as desired.


The Moon in Image Libra, the Scale, ruled by Image Venus, with the energy of affection, harmony, balance, and uncertainty, and the available energy of three fixed stars:

Image Ala Corvi, the Wing of the Crow (Gienah): Strength of will, induce sleep, create hostility, bind another’s magic; Saturn and Mars; Libra; onyx; burdock root

Image Spica, the Ear of Grain: Resolve disputes, bind enemies, protect from danger, enhance telepathy, reap abundance; Venus and Mercury; Libra; emerald; sage

Image Alchameth (Arcturus): Good health, heal wounds and fever; Mars and Jupiter; Libra; jasper; snakeweed (common plantain)

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• AGRAPHA, Covered or Covered Flying (0Image0 to 12Image51) ruled by ACHALIEL for extracting treasure, using or promoting new opportunities through goodwill or friendship

This is especially good to use when cultivating the help of others for opening a new opportunity, advancement, or beneficial transfer in work or career.

Magical work: oil for promoting new opportunities through goodwill. Dress a red working candle with rose oil: Red for energy and enthusiasm; rose for attraction and cooperation. In the wax, carve around it: Image Mannaz for cooperation; Image As for convincing speech and communication; Image Ken for receptivity; Image Thorn for protection; and Image Osa for a favorable outcome. Carve by the wick: Image With Spica to reap abundance; Image with Venus for sociability and friendship; and with Image Mercury for communication, is goodwill initiated to promote new opportunities for me. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to promote new opportunities through goodwill toward me! In a small glass bottle with lid, blend the following essential oils: 4 parts bay: I call upon you bay to attain my desires! 3 parts clove: I call upon you clove to attract what I seek! 1 part rose: I call upon you rose for harmony and cooperation! ½ part ginger: I call upon you ginger for success in gaining opportunities through goodwill toward me! Add 2 parts grapeseed, saffron, or canola oil. Put the lid on the bottle, shake: All are blended to work together to promote goodwill toward me! With a red marker or ink: Red for energy! Draw on the bottle the symbol of your sun sign and ruling planet: With (sun sign) and (ruling planet) is goodwill initiated toward me for new opportunities! Set the bottle on the pentacle. Charge the oil. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God, the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and herbal oils; with the energy of Achaliel in Agrapha; this oil promotes new opportunities through goodwill toward me! Direct and release the energy into the bottle: GOODWILL! So Mote It Be! Leave the oil on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Use a dab of oil as needed.

Full Moon

• AGRAPHA, Covered or Covered Flying (0Image0 to 12Image51) ruled by ACHALIEL for extracting treasure, promoting and using new opportunities through goodwill or friendship

Use this amulet to open the door to a new opportunity for success in any area.

Magical work: amulet for using new opportunities. Dress a light blue working candle with bergamot oil: Light blue for opportunities; bergamot oil for success in using new opportunities. In the wax, carve around it: Image Ken for opening energy; Image Jupiter for opportunity; Image Saturn for ambition; Image Mercury for agility and skillful communication; Image Gera for tangible results from efforts; Image Uruz for changes from new situations; Image Libra for balance and harmony; Image Bethor for success, honors, and wealth; Image Feoh for ambition satisfied; and Image Wyn for material gain and well-being. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to aid me in the successful use of new opportunities! Take a large, clean, dry tonka bean and set it on the pentacle: I call upon you tonka bean to aid me in the successful use of new opportunities! Charge the tonka bean. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes, herb, and candle flame; with the power of Bethor and the energy of Achaliel in Agrapha; this amulet aids me to successfully use new opportunities! Direct and release the energy into the tonka bean: SUCCESS! So Mote It Be! Leave the tonka bean on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the tonka bean where desired.

New Moon Waxing

• AZUBENE, the Horns of Scorpio (12Image51 to 25Image42) ruled by AZERUEL for liberation, universal friendship, opportunities, and increasing possessions

This is a good talisman for opportunities, whether seeking work, advancement, or any type of beneficial occasion.

Magical work: talisman to initiate opportunities. Dress a red working candle with dragon’s blood oil: Red for energy; dragon’s blood for power and to initiate change. In the wax, carve around it: Image Ken for opening energy; Image Eoh for dynamic action to remove obstacles and open a path; Image Daeg to initiate a fresh start; Image Wyn for success and gains; and Image Tyr for victory, success, and a favorable outcome. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to initiate opportunities for me! On a piece of parchment or paper no more than 3 inches square, use blue ink: Blue to open opportunities! to draw a double ring circle: in the center of the circle, draw: Image With Netoniel for opportunity! In the ring around the circle, write: NETONIEL . JOHPHIEL . AZERUEL . (your sun sign symbol) . (your ruling planet symbol) . On the back of the paper, draw:

Image 34

With the Square of Jupiter! Across the center of the square draw: Image With Johphiel are opportunities initiated for me! Turn the talisman face up. Charge the talisman. With wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and the runes; with the power of Netoniel and Johphiel and the energy of Azeruel in Azubene; this talisman initiates opportunities for me! Direct and release the energy into the talisman: OPPORTUNITIES! So Mote It Be! Leave the talisman on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place, carry, or wear the talisman in a locket as desired.

Full Moon

• AZUBENE, the Horns of Scorpio (12Image51 to 25Image42) ruled by AZERUEL for liberation, opportunities, increasing possessions, and universal friendship

The sign adds balancing energy to this charm for universal friendship so that the friendship is calm, equitable, and genuine.

Magical work: charm for universal friendship. Dress a pink working candle with lavender oil: Pink for friendship and loving emotions; lavender for balance and affection. In the wax, carve around it: Image Gefu for partnership and equilibrium while yet retaining individuality; Image Ken for opening energy to affection and stability; Image As for communication in friendship; Image Eolh to promote friendship; and Image Wyn for harmony in friendship. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for balance in friendship! Lay out a six-inch square of pink cloth: Pink for nurturing friendship! Set out a six-inch long narrow white ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or thread if sewing it): White for peace and sincerity! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle some of each of the following herbs, state the intention, then place on the cloth: I call upon you lavender for balance and calm! I call upon you chamomile for balance and affection! I call upon you basil for optimism and joy! I call upon you orris root for good companionship! Add two small drops of vetiver oil to a cotton ball: With the power of vetiver are these energies drawn together for balanced universal friendship! Set the cotton ball on top of the herbs. Gather and tie the bundle with the ribbon(s) (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, herbs and runes; with the energy of Azeruel in Azubene; this charm brings universal friendship! Direct and release the energy into the charm: FRIENDSHIP! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the charm where desired.

New Moon Waxing

• ALCHIL, the Crown of Scorpio (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ADRIEL for strengthening love, strengthening buildings, improving fortune, and helping sailors

This charm draws helpful energies together to initiate improvements in any area of your life that you choose for its focus.

Magical work: charm for improving fortune. Dress a red working candle with dragon’s blood oil: Red for energy; dragon’s blood for power and protection. In the wax, carve around it: Image The Sun for success; Image Mercury for skill and communication; Image Spica for reaping abundance; Image Jupiter for opportunity and expansion; and Image Tyr for victory and a favorable outcome. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for improving fortune! Lay out a six-inch square of orange cloth: Orange for attracting success and achieving objectives! Set out a six-inch long narrow red ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or thread if sewing it): Red for power and enthusiasm! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle some of each of the following herbs, state the intention, then place on the cloth: I call upon you bay for success, improving fortune, and attaining my desire! I call upon you clove for attracting good fortune! I call upon you ginger for success and attainment of improving fortune! Tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets and star; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Adriel in Alchil; this charm improves my fortune! Direct and release the energy into the charm: IMPROVEMENT! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the charm where desired.

Full Moon

• ALCHIL, the Crown of Scorpio (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ADRIEL for strengthening love, strengthening buildings, improving fortune, and helping sailors

Burn this incense to strengthen your ability to give and receive love and affection.

Magical work: incense for love and harmony. Dress a pink working candle with ginger oil: Pink for nurture and affection; ginger for love and success. In the wax, carve around it: Image Venus for love and sociability; Image Libra for balance and harmony; Image Mannaz for cooperation; Image Gefu for love and partnership; Image Ken for affection and stability; and Image Wyn for harmony and love. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for affection and harmony! One at a time, hold up an equal amount of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into a mortar with pestle: I call upon you rose hips for harmony and love! I call upon you lavender for calm and affection! I call upon you rosemary for happiness and love! I call upon you yarrow for happiness and love! And I call upon you vetiver for unifying energy for love and harmony! Grind the herbs together into a powder, bottle it, and set it on the pentacle. Charge the powder. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through runes, and herbs; with the energy of Adriel in Alchil; this incense strengthens love and harmony! Direct and release the energy into the powder: LOVING ME! So Mote It Be! Leave the incense on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Burn the incense on a charcoal diskette.


The Moon in Image Scorpio, the Scorpion, ruled by Image Pluto, with the guarded energy of order, transformation, passion, and the available energy of one fixed star:

Image Alphecca Lucida Corone (Elpheia): love and honor, restoration of purity; Venus and Mars; Scorpio; topaz; rosemary

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• ALCHIL, the Crown of Scorpio (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ADRIEL for strengthening love, strengthening buildings, improving fortune, and helping sailors

Burn this candle to increase the strength of your love.

Magical work: candle for strengthening love. Dress a red working candle with ginger oil: Red for energy and passion; ginger for love and power. In the wax, carve around it: Image Wyn for love, joy, and harmony; Image Gefu for loving partnership and union; Image Tyr for victory; Image Gera for a good outcome from endeavors; and Image Ken for love and stability. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to strengthen love! Consecrate a pink votive spell candle and dress with rosemary oil: Pink for caring, love, and partnership; rosemary for strength and love. In the wax, carve around it: Image Elpheia for love and honor! Image Venus for love! Image Mars for energy and passion! Image The Sun for happiness and energy! Image The Moon for sensitivity! Set the spell candle in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Charge the candle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle: This candle burns for strengthening love! With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through rune and herbs; with the energy of Adriel in Alchil; this candle strengthens love! Direct and release the energy into the candle: LOVE IS STRONG! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.

Full Moon

• ALCHIL, the Crown of Scorpio (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ADRIEL for strengthening love, strengthening buildings, improving fortune, and helping sailors

Burn this candle to realize improved fortune in any area of your life you choose.

Magical work: candle to improve fortune. Dress a red working candle with bergamot oil: Red for energy and power; bergamot for success and good fortune. In the wax, carve around it: Image Ken for transforming energy and well-being; Image Sigel for energy, success, and achievement; Image Daeg for transformation and increase of fortune; Image Feoh for energy and fulfillment; and Image Tyr for victory and a favorable outcome. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to improve fortune! Consecrate an orange votive spell candle and dress with dragon’s blood oil: Orange for vitality and success; dragon’s blood for power. In the wax, carve around it: Image Scorpio for transformative energy! Image Pluto for evolution! Image The Sun for energy and success! Image With Phul for transformation! Image And Bethor for Fortune! Charge the candle and set it in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, stars and runes; with the power of Phul and Bethor; and with the energy of Adriel in Alchil; this candle brings into fruition improved fortune! Direct and release the energy into the candle: FORTUNATE ME! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.

New Moon Waxing

• ALCAB, the Heart of Scorpio (8Image34 to 21Image25) ruled by EGRIBIEL for victory over enemies, strengthening buildings, freedom, and healing fevers and stomach pain

Sprinkle this water onto buildings and structures you seek to strengthen against structural damage caused by storms and other acts of nature.

Magical work: water for strengthening a building and protecting it from damage. Dress a black working candle with dragon’s blood oil: Black for a binding protection; dragon’s blood for strength and power. In the wax, carve around it: Image Saturn for structures; Image Thorn for protection and safety; Image Uruz for strength; Image Ethel for protection of structures and possessions; Image and Sigel for success, wholeness, and victory. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to strengthen a building against damage! Charge 2 cups of spring water in a jar with a lid. Hold up over the pentacle a leafy sprig of rue (some people have an allergic skin reaction to rue, so use disposable gloves if sensitive): I call upon you rue, herb of the Craft and bountiful protection, to strengthen buildings and structures against all harm! Place the rue plant in the water. Hold up over the pentacle rue oil: I call upon you rue oil to increase the strength and protection of buildings and structures! Add 9 drops of rue oil to the bottle. Put the lid on the bottle, shake: Water, herb, and oil blend to strengthen and protect buildings and structures! Place the bottle on the pentacle. Charge the oil. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God, the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes, water, herb, and oil; with the energy of Egribiel in Alcab; this water strengthens and protects buildings and structures! Direct and release the energy into the bottle: STRONG AND SAFE! So Mote It Be! Leave the bottle on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Store away from light and sprinkle or squirt the water on buildings, trees, fences, and other property to protect from storm damages.

Full Moon

• ALCAB, the Heart of Scorpio (8Image34 to 21Image25) ruled by EGRIBIEL for victory over enemies, strengthening buildings, freedom, and healing fevers and stomach pain

Take a warm bath with these bath salts for gentle healing energy.

Magical work: bath salt for good health and healing energy. Dress a yellow working candle with rosemary oil: Yellow for good health; rosemary for health and protection. In the wax, carve around it: Image Jupiter for good health; Image Och for healing energy; Image Ken for physical well-being; Image Sigel for healing energy; and Image Uruz for physical health. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for good health! Set on the pentacle a clean non-plastic or metal bowl in which to blend the bath salt. Add to the bowl 2 cups of sea salt: I call upon you salt of the sea for healing strength! Hold up over the pentacle 1 teaspoon of rosemary leaf: I call upon you rosemary for healthy energy! Add the rosemary to a mortar, grind to a powder with the pestle, and add to the sea salt. Hold up over the pentacle ¼ teaspoon of rosemary oil: I call upon the energy of rosemary to infuse this salt with healing energy! Add the oil to the salt and stir together until the salt, powder, and oil are well blended. Charge the bath salt. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planet; through runes, herbs, and the sea; with the power of Och and the energy of Egribiel in Alcab; this bath salt brings healing energy! Direct and release the energy into the salts: HEALING ENERGY! So Mote It Be! Leave the bath salts on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Store salts in a tightly covered jar away from light. Add to tub as water is running or rub on in the shower.

New Moon Waxing

• AXAULAH, the Tail of Scorpio (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by ANUCIEL for military gains, capturing fugitives, easing birth, and starting the menses

This talisman is good for people in military service to achieve their goals.

Magical work: talisman for initiating military gains. Dress a red working candle with dragon’s blood oil: Red for energy; dragon’s blood for power and strength. In the wax, carve around it: Image Mars for dynamic energy; Image Saturn for military structure and protection; Image Ken for opening energy; Image Ing for the potential to achieve the goals set; and Image Sigel for the energy and will to gain success. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for initiating military gains! Hold over the pentacle a piece of carnelian: Carnelian for fast action, protection, and success! Use a red marker or paint: Red for power and energy! Draw on the carnelian: Image Phaleg for valor and victory! On the reverse side of the stone, draw: Image Ithuriel for military gains! Charge the talisman. With wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and the runes; with the power of Phaleg and Ithuriel; with the energy of Anunciel in Axaulah; this talisman initiates military achievement! Direct and release the energy into the talisman: GAINS! So Mote It Be! Leave the talisman on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place, carry, or wear the talisman as desired.

Full Moon

• AXAULAH, the Tail of Scorpio (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by ANUCIEL for military gains, capturing fugitives, easing birth, and starting the menses

Light this candle to help bring a criminal fugitive into custody and thereby protect society at large.

Magical work: candle spell for capturing a criminal. Dress a red working candle with dragon’s blood oil: Red for courage and action; dragon’s blood for power. In the wax, carve around it: Image Haegl to limit the criminal fugitive’s movement; Image Is to bring inertia to the criminal; Image Nyd to constrain the criminal; Image Daeg for a breakthrough in capturing the criminal fugitive; Image Rad to find the fugitive that is sought; Image Gera for rewarding results in capturing the criminal; Image Ing to hold the fugitive in a successful capture. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for the capture of a criminal fugitive! Consecrate a black votive spell candle and dress with bay oil: Black to bind the movements of a criminal, and bay for justice. In the wax, carve around it: Image Aratron for knowing where the criminal hides! Image Scorpio for order! Image Pluto for transformation! Image Saturn for institutions and restrictions! Image Mars to gain what is sought! Image Tyr for victory! Image Sigel for successful capture! Charge the candle and set it in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. One at a time, hold up a bit of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and add it to the flame: I call upon you bergamot for justice and success! I call upon you bay for justice and success! I call upon you lemon balm for justice and success! I call upon you thyme for swift action! I call upon you basil to thwart negative forces! With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through runes and herbs; with the power of Aratron and with the energy of Anunciel in Axaulah; this candle brings a criminal fugitive to justice! Direct and release the energy into the candle: CAPTURED! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.


The Moon in Image Sagittarius, the Centaur, ruled by Image Jupiter, with the jovial energy of idealism, independence, education, opportunity, and expansion, and the available energy of one fixed star:

Image Cor Scorpini, the Heart of the Scorpion (Antares): Aid memory, restore good health, defense, protection; Venus and Jupiter; Sagittarius; sardonyx; birthwort (snakeroot or Aristolochia)

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• AXAULAH, the Tail of Scorpio (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by ANUCIEL for military gains, capturing fugitives, easing birth, and starting the menses

Use this amulet for an easy delivery at birth.

Magical work: amulet for easing birth. Dress a light blue working candle with jasmine oil: Light Blue for tranquility and health; jasmine oil for health and love. In the wax, carve around it: Image Beorc for family and a gentle new beginning brought to fruition; Image Ken for opening energy; Image Lagu for vitality of the life-force of the mother; Image Rad for the safe journey of the child; and Image Gera for a good outcome and the tangible results from the pregnancy. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to ease birth and restore good health! Hold up over the pentacle a clean, wooden (or plastic) egg: Egg for creation and birth! With yellow acrylic: Yellow for good health! Paint the egg (or use a yellow plastic egg). Let it dry, and with blue paint or marker: Blue for good health! draw: Image Cor Scorpini to restore good health! Tie a red string around the egg: This is the birthing; loosen the string and slip it off: This is the ease of delivery. Place the string and the egg together and wrap in white cloth: White for purity and protection! Set the wrapped egg and string on the pentacle: Mother and child, how they beguile! With ease comes the babe with mother to lay! Charge the bundle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Anunciel in Axaulah; this amulet brings an ease of birth! Direct and release the energy into the bundle: EASY BIRTH! So Mote It Be! Leave the bundle on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place the wrapped egg and string in a safe place. After delivery, open the bundle and place the egg and string in a tree to release the energies to the wind; give the cloth to the mother as a keepsake.

Full Moon

• AXAULAH, the Tail of Scorpio (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by ANUCIEL for military gains, capturing fugitives, easing birth, and starting the menses

Light this candle six weeks after a birthing to bring the mother’s body back into a natural rhythm.

Magical work: candle for starting the menses. Dress a red working candle with cedar oil: Red for energy; cedar for cleansing and strength. In the wax, carve around it: Image Beorc for motherhood and gentle new beginnings; Image Gefu for loving energy; Image Gera for a good outcome to endeavors; Image Ken for healing energy and physical well-being; and Image Wyn for harmony, love, and joy! Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for restoring the natural rhythm after giving birth! Consecrate a yellow votive spell candle and dress with cypress oil: Yellow for good health; cypress for calm and stability. In the wax carve around it: Image Eolh for strengthening the life-force! Image Uruz for strength and physical well-being! Image Tyr for quick recuperation! At the top of the candle by the wick carve: Image With Cor Scorpii, the Heart of the Scorpion, to restore natural health! Set the spell candle in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. Charge a piece of sardonyx and drop it into the candle: I call upon you sardonyx, stone of Cor Scorpii, for purification, strength, and removal of any obstacle to restoring natural good health! Charge the candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and star; through runes, herbs, and stone; with the energy of Anunciel in Axaulah; this candle restores the natural rhythm! Direct and release the energy into the candle: RESTORED! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Remove the sardonyx and clean it to place, carry, or wear as desired. Dispose of candle remains.

New Moon Waxing

• ABNAHAYA, the Beam (4Image17 to 17Image8) ruled by KYHIEL for taming animals, hunting, compelling one to a place, and fortifying bondages

This charm will aid with communication to make it easier to work with animals.

Magical work: charm for communicating with animals. Dress a brown working candle with sandalwood oil: Brown for the Earth and for animals; sandalwood to open psychic awareness and honor the spirits of nature. In the wax, carve around it: Image Osa for the God and a favorable outcome; Image Beorc for the Goddess and fruition; Image Eh for telepathic communication; Image Eoh for a channel of communication; Image As for communication, new awareness, and magical power; Image with Mercury for skilled communication; and Image Neptune for psychic awareness. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to enhance communication with animals! Lay out a six-inch square of green cloth: Green for the deities of nature, Elemental Earth, and the animals of nature! Set out a six-inch long narrow yellow ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or thread if sewing it): Yellow for intuitive insight and communication! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle some of each of the following herbs, state the intention, then place on the cloth: I call upon you woodruff, Master of the Woods, to remove barriers and to enhance communication with animals! I call upon you elderflower for the blessing of the spirits of nature! I call upon you orris root to enhance communication! I call upon you rose for gentle psychic awareness! Hold up over the pentacle a piece of turquoise: I call upon you turquoise to actualize intuitive communication with animals! Put it on top of the herbs. Tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God, through the Moon and the Sun, through the Elementals and the planets; through runes, herbs, and stone; with the energy of Kyhiel in Abnahaya; this charm opens communication with animals! Direct and release the energy into the charm: COMMUNICATION! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the charm where desired.

Full Moon

• ABNAHAYA, the Beam (4Image17 to 17Image8) ruled by KYHIEL for taming animals, hunting, compelling one to a place, and fortifying bondages

This charm is mainly for hunters to bring home game meat, but can be focused on any hunt, such as for a new job, home, partner, etc.

Magical work: charm for a good hunt. Dress a red working candle with dragon’s blood oil: Red for energy, strength, and vigor; dragon’s blood for power and energy. In the wax, carve around it: Image Osa for a favorable outcome; Image Beorc for endeavors coming to fruition; Image Eh for safe journey; Image Gera for tangible results from efforts; Image Ing to achieve objectives; Image Sigel for success and achievement; and Image Tyr for victory and action with a favorable outcome. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for a good hunt! Lay out a six-inch square of brown cloth: Brown for the bounty of the Earth! Set out a six-inch long narrow green ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or thread if sewing it): Green for the bounty of nature! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle some of each of the following herbs, state the intention, then place on the cloth: I call upon you woodruff, Master of the Woods, for protection and success in the hunt! I call upon you star anise for good fortune in the hunt! I call upon you peppermint for alertness an action in the hunt! Hold up over the pentacle a piece of tiger’s eye stone: I call upon you tiger’s eye for luck, good instincts, and protection in the hunt! Put it on the herbs. Tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and runes; through herbs and stone; with the energy of Kyhiel in Abnahaya; this charm bring success to the hunt! Direct and release the energy into the charm: GOOD HUNTING! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the charm where desired.

New Moon Waxing

• ALBELDA, Defeat (17Image8 to 0Image0) ruled by BETHNAEL for strengthening buildings, good harvests, good travel, and gains

This tea is especially good for business trips. Drink a cup to encourage the accomplishment of your travel goals.

Magical work: tea for good travel and gains. Dress a red working candle with rosemary oil: Red for energy and strength; frankincense for protection, power, and blessing. In the wax, carve around it: Image The Sun for success; Image Eh for safe journey and progress; Image Rad for safe journey, travel, and gaining what is sought; Image Sigel for success and achievement; Image and Cor Scorpii for protection. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for good travel and gains! Set on the pentacle a clean non-plastic or metal bowl in which to blend herbs. Add to the bowl ½ cup of loose black tea leaves. I call upon you black tea for vigor and strength! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle 1⁄8 cup of each herb, state the intention, and add it to the bowl: I call upon you burdock root for protection and to ward negativity! I call upon you hops for relaxing travel! I call upon you lemon balm for success! I call upon you rosehips for goodwill and cooperative energy! Blend the herbs and black tea with a wooden spoon. Charge the blend. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and star; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Bethnael in Albelda; this tea brings good travel and gains! Direct and release the energy into the tea: GOOD TRAVEL! So Mote It Be! Leave the tea blend on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Put the tea blend in a tightly covered jar and store away from light. Brew a cup prior to travel, or take along in a thermos.

Full Moon

• ALBELDA, Defeat (17Image8 to 0Image0) ruled by BECNEL for strengthening buildings, good harvests, good travel, and gains

This versatile powder may be used for reaping rewards in any area of life, and may be sprinkled in the work area, burned as incense, added to a candle, or used in a charm bag.

Magical work: powder for a good harvest. Dress a green working candle with patchouli oil: Green for fertility and abundance; patchouli for strength, power, and prosperity. In the wax, carve around it: Image Feoh for prosperity and fulfillment; Image Gera for harvest and tangible results from efforts; Image Ing for fertility and satisfactory conclusions; ImageSigel for success and achievement; and Image Wyn for success and material gain. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for a good harvest! One at a time, hold up an equal amount of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into a mortar with pestle: I call upon you allspice for prosperity and a good harvest! I call upon you bergamot for success and a prosperous harvest! I call upon you clove to attract a good harvest! I call upon you ginger for success and a good harvest! Grind the herbs together into a powder, bottle it, and set the powder on the pentacle. Charge the powder. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, runes, and herbs; with the energy of Bethnael in Albelda; this powder brings a good harvest! Direct and release the energy into the powder: GOOD HARVEST! So Mote It Be! Leave the powder on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Sprinkle the powder where desired or add to charms or oils.


The Moon in Image Capricorn, the Sea Goat, ruled by Image Saturn, with the energy of materialism, industry, discipline, and solitude, and the available energy of one fixed star:

Image Vega, the Vulture Falling: avert fears, talk with animals, avert/end nightmares; Mercury and Venus; Capricorn; chrysolite (golden peridot); winter savory

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• ZODEBOLUCH, a Pastor (0Image0 to 12Image51) ruled by GELIEL for curing illness, useful and profitable partnership, putting on new clothes/jewelry, and escaping captivity

This talisman is good for business partnerships and successfully working with others.

Magical work: talisman for useful and profitable partnership. Dress a red working candle with dragon’s blood oil: Red for strength; dragon’s blood for power and energy. In the wax, carve around it: Image As for awareness and communication; Image Daeg for a beneficial breakthrough; Image Eh for progress;Image Feoh for fulfillment and ambition satisfied; Image Gefu for self-confidence and partnership. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for useful and profitable partnership! On a piece of parchment or paper no more than 3 inches square, draw a double ring circle in red ink: Red for power! In the center of the circle, draw: Image With the Seal of Omeliel for business structure! Under or through the Seal of Omeliel, draw: Image With the Seal of Agiel for self-preservation! In the ring around the circle, write: OMELIEL . AGIEL . GELIEL . (the symbol of your sun sign) . (the symbol of your ruling planet) . In the center of the mandala, draw: Image Venus for sociability in partnership! Image Mercury for communication skills! On the back of the paper draw:

Image 15

With the Square of the Saturn I initiate ambition and structure for successful business partnership! Turn the talisman over so the mandala is face up. Charge the talisman. With wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through runes and flame; with the power of Omeliel and Agiel; and with the energy of Geliel in Zodeboluch; this talisman initiates useful and profitable partnership! Direct and release the energy into the talisman: SUCCESS! So Mote It Be! Leave the talisman on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place, carry, or wear the talisman as desired.

Full Moon

• ZODEBOLUCH, a Pastor (0Image0 to 12Image51) ruled by GELIEL for curing illness, useful and profitable partnership, putting on new clothes/jewelry, and escaping captivity

As a talisman for social advancement, this magical work blends the energies for social success found in putting on new clothes/jewelry with networking ability with influential people for useful partnerships.

Magical work: talisman for social advancement. Dress a pink working candle with vetiver: Pink for sociability and goodwill; vetiver for enhancing personality and opening the way to profitable social success. In the wax, carve around it: Image As for communication skill; Image Sigel for self-confidence; Image Eoh for power and dynamic action; Image Daeg for a breakthrough and fresh start; Image Eolh to promote friendships and strengthen good luck. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for career sociability! Use a piece of carnelian: Carnelian for self-confidence, motivation, and career success! Hold it up over the pentacle: I call upon you carnelian to open the way to confident social interactions for useful partnerships and career success! Use red marker: Red for power! Draw on one side of the stone: With Image Aratron for business success! On the other side of the stone, draw: And with Image Wyn for happiness and fulfillment in career! Charge the talisman. With wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and the runes; through the power of Aratron and with the energy of Geliel in Zodeboluch; this talisman brings social advancement! Direct and release the energy into the talisman: USEFUL PARTNERSHIPS! So Mote It Be! Leave the talisman on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place, carry, or wear the talisman as desired.

New Moon Waxing

• ZABADOLA, Swallowing (12Image51 to 25Image42) ruled by ZEQUIEL for curing the ill, marriage, revealing secrets, and liberating captives

This oil blends energies for aid with the healing process in an illness.

Magical work: oil for healing illness. Dress a yellow working candle with rosemary oil: Yellow for good health; rosemary for good health and protection. In the wax, carve around it: Image Ethel for good health; Image Uruz for physical strength and health; Image Sigel for vitality of the life force; Image Ing for the power to achieve the goal of healing; Image Osa for a favorable outcome to treatment. Carve by the wick: With the energies of (patient’s sun sign symbol) and (the ruling planet) to represent (name or me)! Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to augment the curing of illness! In a small glass bottle with lid, blend the following essential oils: 2 parts rosemary: I call upon you rosemary for physical purification and renewal of health! 1 part amber: I call upon you amber for successful healing! 1 part lotus oil: I call upon you lotus for healing and good health! Add 2 parts grapeseed, saffron, or canola oil. Hold up over the pentacle 1 chip of yellow calcite: I call upon you calcite for healing energy! Add it to the oil, put the lid on the bottle, and shake: All blended to work together for healing illness and bringing good health! Place the bottle on the pentacle. Charge the oil. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God, the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes, herbs, and stones; with the energy of Zequiel in Zabadola; this oil aids with the healing of illness! Direct and release the energy into the bottle: HEALING! So Mote It Be! Leave the oil on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Dab on patient if possible or on the bed or in a sick room.

Full Moon

• ZABADOLA, Swallowing (12Image51 to 25Image42) ruled by ZEQUIEL for revealing secrets, curing the ill, marriage, and liberating captives

The Full Moon energy pushes curing the ill into the accomplishment of good health.

Magical work: amulet for good health. Dress a red working candle with bay oil: Red for energy; rosemary for wellness. In the wax, carve around it: Image Jupiter for health; Image Ken for opening energy; Image Uruz for strength and physical health; Image Sigel for vitality and the life-force; and Image Wyn for well-being. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for curing illness and restoring good health! Hold up over the pentacle a small, clean, dry pine cone: I call upon you pine cone for good health and longevity! Hold up over the pentacle a container of gold glitter: Gold for energy, physical strength, and wellness! Hold up a container of glue: Glue for wellness and good health to stick! Paint the pine cone with the glue and roll the pine cone in the glitter. When the pine cone is dry, set it on the pentacle. Charge the pinecone. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and runes; with the energy of Zequiel in Zabadola; this pine cone promotes wellness! Direct and release the energy into the pine cone: HEALTHY! So Mote It Be! Leave the pine cone on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the pine cone where desired, or use as an addition to a potted plant.

New Moon Waxing

• SADABATH, the Star of Fortune (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ABRINIEL for peace between couples, winning a war, and increasing trade/herds

Add these bath salts to the tub with warm running water for relieving stress and restoring peace in a relationship.

Magical work: bath salts for peaceful relations. Dress a white working candle with lavender oil: White to ward fears and bring peace; lavender for calm and peaceful relations. In the wax, carve around it: Image Ken for transforming energy to release fears and initiate peace; Image Mannaz for self-improvement and cooperation in a relationship; and ImageWyn for well-being; with Image Vega, the Vulture Falling, to avert fears; Image Capricorn for self-discipline; Image Mercury for communication skills; and Image Venus for love and camaraderie. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to restore peace in a relationship! Set on the pentacle a clean bowl in which to blend the bath salt. Add to the bowl 2 cups of sea salt. I call upon you salt of the sea for personal cleansing that peaceful relations are restored! Hold up over the pentacle ½ teaspoon of lavender oil: I call upon you lavender for calm and peace! Add the oil to the salt and stir together until the salt and lavender oil are blended. Charge the salts. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes, herbs, and the sea; with the energy of Abriniel in Sadabath; these bath salts bring emotional cleansing and inspire peace in a relationship! Direct and release the energy into the salts: PEACE! So Mote It Be! Leave the bath salts on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Store salts in a tightly covered jar away from light. Add to tub water or rub on in the shower.

Full Moon

• SADABATH, the Star of Fortune (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ABRINIEL for peace between couples, winning a war, and increasing trade/herds

This charm is useful to those who work in a trade, are merchants, or are in a retail business.

Magical work: charm for increasing trade. Dress an orange working candle with pine oil: Orange for business and trade; pine for strength and energy in material matters. In the wax, carve around it: Image Feoh to protect valuables and increase wealth; Image Ethel for monetary gains; Image Perth for gains from investments and speculations; Image Wyn for success and gains; Image with Capricorn for business discipline; Image Mercury for skill and communication; and Image Venus for sociability with the public and coworkers. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for increase in trade! Lay out a six-inch square of orange cloth: Orange for career goals, business and vitality! Use red marker: Red for energy and power! In the center of the cloth, draw: Image Vega, the Vulture Falling, for fearlessness in business and trade! Set out a six-inch long narrow red ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or thread if sewing it): Red for drive and vigor! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle a bit of each of the following, state the intention, then place on the cloth: I call upon you mint for business growth! I call upon you winter savory for increasing commercial skills! I call upon you chrysolite, stone of the Vulture Falling, for fearlessness in business! Put the stone on top of the herbs. Add 1 drop of pine oil to a cotton ball: The energy of pine for strength and clear action for increase of trade! Set this on top of the bundle. Tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and star; through runes, herbs, and stone; with the energy of Abriniel in Sadabath; this charm increases trade! Direct and release the energy into the charm: INCREASE! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the charm where desired.


The Moon in Image Aquarius, the Water Bearer, ruled by Image Uranus, with the energy of originality, individuality, idealism, and unpredictability

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• SADABATH, the Star of Fortune (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ABRINIEL for peace between couples, winning a war, and increasing trade/herds

This candle can be lit when you need to increase sales in a trade or business.

Magical work: candle for increasing trade. Dress a red working candle with patchouli oil: Red for energy; patchouli for power and financial gains. In the wax, carve around it: Image As for creative ideas; Image Beorc to bring ideas into fruition; Image Feoh for prosperity and increasing wealth; Image Ethel for monetary gains and secure possessions; Image Perth for gain from investments; Image Tyr for victory and a favorable outcome; and Image Ing for the power to achieve goals and hold the benefits. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to increase trade and business! Consecrate a yellow votive spell candle and dress with ginger oil: Yellow for creativity, mental alertness, and gainful work; ginger for creativity, increase of trade, business, and riches. In the wax carve around it: With the energies of (your sun sign symbol) and (the ruling planet) to represent me! Image Osa for a good outcome! Image Wyn for success and well-being! Image Uranus for originality! Image Vehiel, the Seal of Mercury for commerce skills and trade! Image Tiriel, the Intelligence of Mercury to increase trade and business! Set the spell candle in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. Charge the candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through runes and herbs; with the power of Vehiel and Tiriel; and with the energy of Abriniel in Sadabath; this candle increases trade and business! Direct and release the energy into the candle: INCREASE! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.

Full Moon

• SADABATH, the Star of Fortune (25Image42 to 8Image34) ruled by ABRINIEL for peace between couples, winning a war, and increasing trade/herds

Take the time to enjoy tea for two while keeping peace in a relationship.

Magical work: tea for peaceful relations. Dress a pink working candle with rose oil: Pink for health peace, goodwill, and healing emotions; rose for peace and happiness. In the wax, carve around it: Image Eoh for opening the way to peace; Image Mannaz for cooperation and curbing excessive emotions; Image Rad for good communication; Image Eolh for optimism and promoting friendship; and Image Wyn for harmony and comfort. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for peaceful relations! Set on the pentacle a clean non-plastic or metal bowl in which to blend herbs. Add to the bowl ½ cup of black tea. I call upon you black tea for energy and power! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle 1 teaspoon of the following herbs, state the intention, and add it to the bowl: I call upon you burdock root for the purification of any negativity! I call upon you rose hips for love and goodwill! I call upon you chamomile for calm! I call upon you hops for relaxation! Blend the herbs and black tea with a wooden spoon. Charge the blend. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Abriniel in Sadabath; this tea brings peace in a relationship to all who drink it! Direct and release the energy into the tea: PEACE TEA! So Mote It Be! Leave the tea blend on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Put the tea blend in a tightly covered jar and store away from light. Brew a cup or pot of tea when desired.

New Moon Waxing

• SADALAHBIA, a Butterfly (8Image34 to 21Image25) ruled by AZIEL for repairing structures, protecting trees/crops, destroying enemies, and getting fast news

Use this incense when awaiting important news or results in a matter.

Magical work: incense for urging news to come quickly. Dress a red working candle with frankincense oil: Red for energy to bring news quickly; frankincense for power and blessing for good news. In the wax, carve around it: Image Uranus for news; Image Ophiel for speed; Image Eh for swift communication; Image Eoh for dynamic action; Image Rad for communication; Image Mannaz for cooperation and help from others to receive news quickly; and Image Wyn for success, harmony and well-being with news. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to bring news quickly! One at a time, hold up an equal amount of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into a mortar with pestle: I call upon you thyme for swift action! I call upon you woodruff to remove any barriers to receiving news quickly! I call upon you allspice for luck in bringing news quickly! I call upon you clove to attract good news! Grind the herbs together into a powder, bottle it, and set it on the pentacle. Charge the powder. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through runes and herbs; with the power of Ophiel and the energy of Aziel in Sadalahbia; this powdered incense brings news quickly! Direct and release the energy into the powder: NEWS COMES! So Mote It Be! Leave the incense on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Burn the incense on a charcoal diskette.

Full Moon

• SADALAHBIA, a Butterfly (8Image34 to 21Image25) ruled by AZIEL for repairing structures, protecting trees/crops, destroying enemies, and getting fast news

Use this oil to anoint areas where crops, orchards, or trees are growing or stored to protect them from harm.

Magical work: oil for protecting crops and trees. Dress a green working candle with pine oil: Green for agriculture and plants; pine for protection and strength. In the wax, carve around it: Image Beorc for fertility, growth, and protection; Image Ethel for protection of lands, crops, and trees; Image Thorn for protection of crops and trees; Image Uruz for the strength and physical health of crops and trees; and Image Gera for tangible results and a good harvest. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to protect crops and trees! In a small glass bottle with lid, blend the following essential oils: 1 part patchouli: I call upon you patchouli for fertility of the Earth and the crops and trees! 1 part rosemary: I call upon you rosemary for protection and the blessing of Earth spirits! 2 parts bergamot: I call upon you bergamot to bring me success and wealth! Add 4 parts grapeseed, saffron, or canola oil. Put the lid on the bottle, shake: All are blended to protect crops and trees! Place the bottle on the pentacle. Charge the oil. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God, the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, runes, and herbs; with the energy of Aziel in Sadalahbia; this oil protects crops and trees! Direct and release the energy into the bottle: PROTECTED PLANTS! So Mote It Be! Leave the oil on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Use a dab of oil to anoint trees, garden tools, farm equipment, fence posts at a field, silos, and so forth, as desired.

New Moon Waxing

• ALPHARG, the Spout of the Urn (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by TAGRIEL for unity and goodwill, and instigating love and favor

Use this amulet to commence a period of unity bringing goodwill, love, and favor.

Magical work: amulet to initiate unity, goodwill, love, and favor. Dress a pink working candle with lavender oil: Pink for goodwill, love, and unity; lavender for peace, favor, and balance. In the wax, carve around it: Image Ken for opening energy; Image Osa for good fortune in my endeavors and a favorable outcome; Image Eolh to promote goodwill; Image Venus for affection and camaraderie; and Image Wyn for harmony, well-being, love, and favor. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to prompt unity, goodwill, love and favor for me! Place a small bottle on the pentacle. Knot a short piece of red sting or ribbon: Red for love and strength! One at a time, hold up each of the following over the pentacle, state the intention, and put it into the bottle: I call upon you hematite for goodwill and unity! I call upon you clove to bring loving energy! I call upon you apple seed to draw unity, goodwill, and love to me! I call upon you knot to instigate unity and love! Cap the bottle with lid or cork. Use red marker: Red for strength and enthusiasm! On the bottle, draw: Image Mannaz for cooperation and help from others! Then draw on the bottle: Image Gefu for unity, goodwill, love, and favor! Charge the bottle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planets; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Tagriel in Alpharg; this amulet brings unity, goodwill, love, and favor to me! Direct and release the energy into the bottle: UNITY! So Mote It Be! Leave the bottle on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the bottle where desired.

Full Moon

• ALPHARG, the Spout of the Urn (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by TAGRIEL for unity and goodwill, and instigating love and favor

This charm is good for manifesting unity and goodwill.

Magical work: charm for unity and goodwill. Dress a red working candle with ginger oil: Red for power and strength; ginger for goodwill and success. In the wax, carve around it: Image Eoh for a channel to unity and goodwill; Image Ken for opening energy for unity and goodwill; Image As for skillful communication; Image Mannaz for cooperation and gaining the goodwill of others; and Image Gefu for unity and partnership. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for manifesting unity and goodwill! Lay out a six-inch square of white cloth: White for unity, peace, and sincerity! Set out a six-inch long narrow yellow ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or thread if sewing it): Yellow for harmony and alertness! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle some of each of the following herbs, state the intention, then place on the cloth: I call upon you woodruff for success to unity and goodwill! I call upon you lavender for peace and harmony! I call upon you lemon balm for unity and goodwill! I call upon you hazelnut for communication! I call upon you tansy for happiness! Add 1 small drop of lemon oil to a cotton ball: With lemon for joy and to invigorate these energies for unity and goodwill! Set this on top of the bundle. Tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, runes, and herbs; with the energy of Tagriel in Alpharg; this charm brings unity and goodwill! Direct and release the energy into the charm: UNITY! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the charm where desired.


The Moon in Image Pisces, the Fishes, ruled by Image Neptune, with the energy of mysticism, sensitivity, imagination, and intuition, and the available energy of one fixed star:

Image Cauda Capricorni, the Tail of the Sea-Goat (Deneb Algedi): Aid a Just Cause, Bring Peace, Protect From Harm; Saturn & Mercury; Pisces; Chalcedony; Marjoram.

In the Mansion of the Moon called:

New Moon Waxing

• ALPHARG, the Spout of the Urn (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by TAGRIEL for unity and goodwill, and instigating love and favor

Light this candle when you are feeling closed off from people so that the way for receiving love and favor may be opened.

Magical work: candle for instigating love and favor. Dress a red working candle with orange (or neroli) oil: Red for passion and enthusiasm; orange for love and favor. In the wax, carve around it: Image Ken for opening energy to receive love; Image Eh for progress in prompting love and favor; Image Gera for tangible results and a good outcome. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to instigate love and favor! Consecrate a pink votive spell candle and dress with rose oil: Pink for love, caring, and nurturing; rose for love and happiness. In the wax, carve around it: With the energies of (your sun sign symbol) and (the ruling planet) to represent me! Image Gefu for partnership with love and favor! Image Wyn for happiness and fulfillment in love! Add to prompt the love of a woman: Image Beorc to attract new beginnings and fulfillment with a woman! or add to prompt the love of a man: Image Ing to attract love and favor with a man! Set the spell candle in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. Charge a piece of rose quartz and drop it into the candle flame: With rose quartz to open the way to love and favor for me! Charge the candle. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, runes, and stone; with the energy of Tagriel in Alpharg; this candle instigates love and favor! Direct and release the energy into the candle: LOVE FOR ME! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for results to manifest. Remove the rose quartz and clean it to place, carry, or wear as desired. Dispose of candle remains.

Full Moon

• ALPHARG, the Spout of the Urn (21Image25 to 4Image17) ruled by TAGRIEL for unity and goodwill, and instigating love and favor

Light this candle for manifesting unity and goodwill with others in any area of your life.

Magical work: candle spell for unity and goodwill. Dress a red working candle with rose oil: Red for energy and power; rose for peace and goodwill. In the wax, carve around it: Image Osa for good fortune and a favorable outcome; Image Gefu for unity and equilibrium; and Image Mannaz for help from others and cooperation. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for unity and goodwill! Consecrate a pink votive spell candle and dress with lavender oil: Pink for unity and goodwill; lavender for balance, peace, unity, and goodwill. In the wax, carve around it: Image Cauda Capricorni, the Tail of the Sea-goat to bring peace and protection me from harm! Image Saturn to remove inner restrictions to unity and goodwill! Image Mercury for good communication skills! Image Eoh to channel unity and goodwill! Image Sigel for success! Charge the candle and set it in a cauldron on top of the pentacle. Light a taper from the working candle and use it to light the spell candle. One at a time, hold up a pinch of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and add it to the flame: I call upon you marjoram to enhance the power of Cauda Capricorni for peace and protection! I call upon you basil for goodwill! I call upon you bergamot for success! I call upon you thyme for quick results! I call upon you High John the Conqueror for harmony and goodwill! With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and stars; through runes and herbs; with the energy of Tagriel in Alpharg; this candle brings unity and goodwill! Direct and release the energy into the candle: UNITY! So Mote It Be! Let the candle burn for thirty minutes to an hour, then snuff and look at the wax for images indicating the time frame for the results to manifest. Dispose of candle remains.

New Moon Waxing

• ALCHARYA, the Lip of the Urn (4Image17 to 17Image8) ruled by ABLEMIEL for increasing the harvest, increasing income, increasing gain, healing the sick, and psychic power

Use this charm to draw upon the intuitive energy of the sign for attracting more income through pay raises, bonuses, sales, gifts, investments, speculations, etc.

Magical work: charm for increasing income. Dress a green working candle with patchouli oil: Green for prosperity and money; patchouli for increase of money. In the wax, carve around it: Image Neptune for intuition;Image Feoh for prosperity and material wealth; Image Ethel for acquisition of monetary gains; Image Perth for hidden forces to bring opportunity and financial gain; and Image Wyn for success and material gain. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to increase income! Lay out a six-inch square of green cloth: Green for prosperous income! Set out a six-inch long narrow purple ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or thread if sewing it): Purple for intuitive ability! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle some of each of the following herbs, state the intention, then place on the cloth: I call upon you allspice for prosperity and money! I call upon you jasmine for intuition to increase my income! I call upon you clove to attract wealth! I call upon you cinnamon for intuitive power and financial success! I call upon you bay for intuitive success in attaining an increase of my income! Put them on the cloth. Add 1 small drop of almond oil to a cotton ball: With the power of almond for a prosperous harvest to blend these energies for an increase of income! Set this on top of the bundle. Add a piece of iron pyrite to the bundle: With iron pyrite for intuitive insight in drawing wealth! Tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and planet; through runes, herbs, and stone; with the energy of Ablemiel in Alcharya; this charm gives insight to increasing income! Direct and release the energy into the charm: INCREASE! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the charm where desired.

Full Moon

• ALCHARYA, the Lip of the Urn (4Image17 to 17Image8) ruled by ABLEMIEL for increasing the harvest, increasing income, increasing gain, healing the sick, and psychic power

Burn this incense in conjunction with divination for psychic awareness.

Magical work: incense for psychic power. Dress a light blue working candle with frankincense oil: Light blue for psychic awareness; rose for divination and psychic power. In the wax, carve around it: Image Ken for opening energy to psychic ability; Image As for psychic power; Image Daeg for working between the worlds; Image Lagu for psychic awareness; Image Eoh for a channel of communicate with other worlds. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for psychic power! One at a time, hold up an equal amount of each herb over the pentacle, state the intention, and drop into a mortar with pestle: I call upon you woodruff to open the way to psychic ability! I call upon you clove for vision! I call upon you cinnamon for psychic power! I call upon you mace for psychic awareness! I call upon you bay for psychic power and divination skill! I call upon you mugwort for psychic ability and divination skill! I call upon you star anise for psychic power and good fortune! Grind the herbs together into a powder, bottle it, and set it on the pentacle. Charge the powder. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, runes, and herbs; with the energy of Ablemiel in Alcharya; this incense brings psychic power! Direct and release the energy into the powder: PSYCHIC POWER! So Mote It Be! Leave the incense on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Burn the incense on a charcoal diskette.

New Moon Waxing

• ALBOTHAM, the Belly of the Fish (17Image8 to 0Image0) ruled by ANUXIEL for increase of harvest, increase of trade, safe travel, marital joy, and gathering in fish

Use this amulet for increasing your trade or harvest. This is especially good for people working in any area of sales and production.

Magical work: amulet for increasing harvest or trade. Dress an orange working candle with almond oil: Orange for attracting sales, luck, and success; almond oil for prosperity and good rewards. In the wax, carve around it: Image Gera for rewards and tangible results; Image Feoh for prosperity and fulfillment; Image Perth to initiate good fortune and gains; Image Wyn for success and material gain; Image Osa for a favorable outcome. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns to increase harvest or trade! Hold up over the pentacle a clean, dry turkey feather: With the feather of the turkey, symbol of abundance and well-being, I do summon abundance and good rewards to me! Tie to the feather the following six-inch ribbons: Red for power and energy to attain my goal! Yellow for prosperity! Orange for ambition and attaining success! Set the feather on the pentacle: I call upon you to increase my harvest and trade! Charge the feather. With the wand or athame, gather energy deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals and runes; with the energy of Anuxiel in Albotham; this amulet increases my harvest and trade! Direct and release the energy into the feather: INCREASE! So Mote It Be! Leave the feather on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Carry or place the feather where desired.

Full Moon

• ALBOTHAM, the Belly of the Fish (17Image8 to 0Image0) ruled by ANUXIEL for increase of harvest, increase of trade, safe travel, marital joy, and gathering in fish

This is a charm that can be placed anywhere within a vehicle for safe travel.

Magical work: charm for safe travel in a car. Dress a red working candle with rosemary oil: Red for energy; rosemary for protection. In the wax, carve around it: Image Cauda Capricorni for protection from harm; Image Thorn for protection; Image Eh for safety; and Image Saturn for self-preservation. Light the working candle from the center altar candle: This flame burns for safe travel in the automobile! Lay out a six-inch square of black cloth: Black for protection! Set out a six-inch long narrow black ribbon to tie the charm bundle (or thread if sewing it): Black to seal this charm of protection! One at a time, hold up over the pentacle some of each of the following herbs, state the intention, then place on the cloth: I call upon you marjoram to enhance the power of Cauda Capricorni for protection from harm! I call upon you comfrey for safe travel! I call upon you rosemary for protection! I call upon you basil for protection and safe keeping! I call upon you burdock root for protection and well-being! I call upon you cumin to protect my automobile and belongings! I call upon you fennel for protection and security! Hold up over the pentacle a piece of jade: I call upon you jade for protection and safe travel! Set the stone on top of the bundle. Tie the bundle with the ribbon (or sew shut) and set it on the pentacle. Charge the charm. With the wand or athame, raise energy moving deosil: Through the Goddess and the God; through the Moon and the Sun; through the Elementals, planets, and star; through runes, herbs, and stone; with the energy of Anuxiel in Albotham; this charm protects my vehicle and gives safe travel! Direct and release the energy into the charm: SAFETY! So Mote It Be! Leave the charm on the pentacle for thirty minutes to an hour. Snuff the candle and dispose of the remains. Place the charm in a vehicle.