Apostolic Succession - Appendix

Low Magick: It's All In Your Head ... You Just Have No Idea How Big Your Head Is - Lon Milo DuQuette 2010

Apostolic Succession

In chapters 6 and 13, I refer to my credentials as a bishop. I thought the reader would appreciate a little more information. Throughout the years, I have received at the hands of several individuals representing various denominational lines of succession consecration in no fewer than thirty apostolic lines of succession including: the Antiochian—Jacobite Succession; the Roman-Old Catholic Succession; Armenian Uniate; Syro-Chaldean; Anglican, Celtic Origin; American Greek Melchite; Orthodox Patriarchate; (Constantinople); Russian Orthodox; Non Juring Bishops of Scotland; Syrian-Malabar; Syrian-Gallican; Coptic; Coptic Uniate; Anglican, Non-Celtic; Irish; Welsh; Mariavite; Old Greek Melchite (Byzantine); Old Armenian; Corporate Reunion; Chaldean Uniate; Polish National Catholic—Albanian; Liberal Catholic; African Orthodox Catholic Church; Dutch Old Catholic (Utrecht); Gallican Catholic; Italian National Catholic; Vintrasian Carmelite; Byzantine Orthodox Catholic; Brazilian National Catholic; Haitian Independent; Old Catholic Orthodox.

For example, the details of just one line of succession, that of The Roman-Old Catholic, list goes like this:

Saint Peter became Bishop of Rome in 38 AD; Peter consecrated (2) Linus in 67 AD; who in turn consecrated (3) Ancletus [Cletus] in 76 who consecrated (4) Clement in 88 who consecrated (5) Evaristus in 97 then—(6) Alexander I, 105; (7) Sixtus I, 115; (8) Telesphorus, 125; (9) Hygimus, 136; (10) Pius I, 140; (11) Anicetus, 155; (12) Soter, 166; (13) Eleutherius, 175; (14) Victor I, 189; (15) Zephyrinus, 199; (16) Callistus I, 217; (17) Urban I, 222; (18) Pontian, 230; (19) Anterus, 235; (20) Fabian, 236; (21) Cornelius, 251; (22) Lucius I, 253; (23) Stephen I, 254; (24) Sixtus II, 257; (25) Dionysius, 259; (26) Felix I, 269; (27) Eutychian, 275; (28) Caius, 283; (29) Marcellinus, 296; (30) Marcellus I, 308; (31) Eucebius, 309; (32) Melchiades [Miltiades], 311; (33) Sylvester I, 314; (34) Marcus, 336; (35) Julius I, 337; (36) Liberius, 352; (37) Damasus I, 366; (38) Siricius, 384; (39) Anastasius I, 399; (40) Innocent I, 401; (41) Zosimus, 417; (42) Boniface I, 418; (43) Celestine I, 422; (44) Sixtus III, 432; (45) Leo I, 440; (46) Hilary, 461; (47) Simplicius, 468; (48) Felix III, 483; (49) Gelasius I, 492; (50) Anastasius II, 496; (51) Symmachus, 498; (52) Hormisdus, 514; (53) John I, 523; (54) Felix IV, 526; (55) Boniface II, 530; (56) John II, 535; (57) Agapitus, 535; (58) Sylverius, 536; (59) Vigilus, 537; (60) Pelagius I, 556; (61) John III, 561; (62) Benedict I, 575; (63) Pelagius II, 579; (64) Gregory I, 590; (65) Sabinianus, 604; (66) Boniface III, 607; (67) Boniface IV, 608; (68) Deusdedit [Adeodatus I], 615; (69) Boniface V, 619; (70) Honorius, 625; (71) Severinus, 640; (72) John IV, 640; (73) Theodore I, 642; (74) Martin I, 649; (75) Eugene I, 654; (76) Vitalian, 657; (77) Adeodatus II, 672; (78) Donus, 676; (79) Agatho, 678; (80) Leo II, 682; (81) Benedict II, 684; (82) John V, 685; (83) Conon, 686; (84) Sergius I, 687; (85) John VI, 701; (86) John VII, 705; (87) Sisinnius, 708; (88) Constantine, 708; (89) Gregory II, 715 (90) Gregory III, 731; (91) Zachary, 741; (92) Stephen II, 752; (93) Paul I, 757; (94) Stephen III, 768; (95) Adrian I, 772; (96) Leo III, 795; (97) Stephan IV, 816; (98) Paschal I, 817; (99) Eugene II, 824; (100) Valentine, 827; (101) Gregory IV, 827; (102) Sergius II, 844; (103) Leo IV, 847; (104) Benedict III, 855; (105) Nicholas I The Great, 858 (106) Adrian II, 867; (107) John VIII, 872; (108) Marinus I, 882; (109) Adrian III, 884; (110) Stephan V, 885; (111) Formosus, 891; (112) Boniface VI; (113) Steven VI, 897; (114) Romanus, 897; (115) Theodore II, 897; (116) John IX, 898; (117) Benedict IV, 900; (118) Leo V, 903; (119) Sergius III, 904; (120) Anastasius III, 911; (121) Landus, 913; (122) John X, 914; (123) Leo VI, 938; (124) Stephan VII, 928; (125) John XI, 931; (126) Leo VII, 936; (127) Stephen VIII, 939; (128) Maginus II, 942; (129) Agapitus II, 946; (130) John XIII, 955; (131) Leo VII, 963; (132) Benedict V, 964; (133) John XIV, 965; (134) Benedict VI, 973; (135) Benedict VII, 974; (136) John XIV, 983, (137) John XV, 985; (138) Gregory V, 996; (139) Sylvester II, 999; (140) John XVII, 1003; (141) John XVIII, 1004; (142) Sergius IV, 1009; (143) Benedict VIII, 1012; (144) John XIX, 1024; (145) Benedict IX, 1032; (146) Sylvester III, 1045; (147) Benedict IX [Second time], 1045; (148) Gregory VI, 1045; (149) Clement II, 1046; (150) Benedict IX [Third time], 1047; (151) Damasus II, 1048; (152) Leo IX, 1049; (153) Victor II, 1055; (154) Stephan IX, 1057; (155) Nicholas II, 1059; (156) Alexander II, 1061; (157) Gregory VII, 1073; (158) Victor III, 1087; (159) Urban II, 1088; (160) Paschal II, 1099; (161) Gelasius II, 1118; (162) Callistus II, 1119; (163) Honorius II, 1124; (164) Innocent II, 1130; (165) Celestine II, 1143; (166) Lucius II, 1144; (167) Eugene III, 1145; (168) Anastasius IV, 1153; (169) Adrian IV, 1154; (170) Alexander III, 1159; (171) Lucius III, 1181; (172) Urban III, 1185; (173) Gregory VIII, 1187; (174) Clement III, 1187; (175) Celestine III, 1191; (176) Innocent III, 1198; (177) Honorius III, 1216; (178) Gregory IX, 1227; (179) Celestine IV, 1241; (180) Innocent IV, 1243; (181) Alexander IV, 1254; (182) Urban IV, 1261; (183) Clement IV, 1265; (184) Gregory X, 1271; (185) Innocent V, 1276; (186) Adrian V, 1276; (187) John XXI, 1276; (188) Nicholas III, 1277; (189) Martin IV, 1281; (190) Honorius IV, 1285; (191) Nicholas IV, 1288; (192) Celestine V, 1294; (193) Boniface VIII, 1294; (194) Benedict XI, 1303; (195) Clement V, 1305; (196) John XXII, 1316; (197) Benedict XII, 1334; (198) Clement VI, 1342; (199) Innocent VI, 1352; (200) Urban V, 1362; (201) Gregory XI, 1370; (202) Urban VI, 1378; (203) Boniface IX, 1389; (204) Innocent VII, 1389; (205) Gregory XII, 1406; (206) Martin V, 1417; (207) Eugene IV, 1431; (208) Nicholas V, 1447; (209) Callistus III, 1455; (210) Pius II, 1458; (211) Paul II, 1464; (212) Sixtus IV, 1471; (213) Innocent VIII, 1484; (214) Alexander VI, 1492; (215) Pius III, 1503; (216) Julius II, 1503; (217) Leo X, 1513; (218) Adrian VI, 1522; (219) Clement VII, 1523; (220) Paul III, 1534; (221) Julius III, 1550; (222) Marcellus II, 1555; (223) Paul IV, 1555; (224) Pius IV, 1559; (225) Pius V, 1566; (226) Gregory XIII, 1572; (227) Sixtus V, 1585; (228) Urban VII, 1590; (229) Gregory XIV, 1590; (230) Innocent IX, 1591; (231) Clement VIII, 1592; (232) Leo XI, 1605; (233) Paul V, 1605; (234) Gregory, XV 1621; (235) Urban VIII, 1623; (236) Innocent X, 1644; (237) Alexander VII, 1655; (238); Antonio Barberini, 1655; (239) Michael le Tellier, 1668; (240) Jaques Benigne de Bousseut, 1670; (241) James Coyon de Matignon, 1693; (242) Dominicus Marie Varlet, 1719; (243) Cornelius Van Steenhoven, 1724; (244) Johannes Van Stiphout, 1745; (245) Gaultherus Michael Van Niewenhuizen, 1786; (246) Adrian Brockman, 1778; (247) Johannes Jacobus Van Rhijin, 1797; (248) Gilbertus de Jong, 1805; (249) Wilibrordus Van Os, 1814; (250) Johannes Bon, 1819; (251) Johannes Van Santen, 1825; (252) Hermanus Heijkamp, 1854; (253) Casparus Johannes Rinkel, 1873; (254) Geradus Gul, 1892. (255) Arnold Harris Matthew, 1908 (by Archbishop Gul of Utrecht, assisted by Bishop J. J. Van Thiel of Haarlem, Bishop N. B. P. Spit of Deventer, and Bishop J. Demmel of Bonn, Germany, to serve as the First Old Catholic Bishop of Britain. Continuation in the United States: (256) Fredrick Wiloughby, 1914; (257) James I. Wedgewood, 1916; (258) Irving S. Cooper, 1919; (259) Charles Hampton, 1931. Hampton was Principal consecrator of (260) Herman A. Spruit, consecrator of (261) Lewis S. Keizer; (262) Alberto LaCava (1995); (263) Emanuele Coltro exchanged consecrations with Alberto LaCava, 19 November 2000 in Yonkers, New York; (264) Phillip A. Garver, 16 February 2001 in Verona, Italy; (265) Lon Milo DuQuette, 10 March 2001 in Akron, Ohio, USA.