Epilogue: It’s All in Your Head … You Just Have No Idea How Big Your Head Is

Low Magick: It's All In Your Head ... You Just Have No Idea How Big Your Head Is - Lon Milo DuQuette 2010

Epilogue: It’s All in Your Head … You Just Have No Idea How Big Your Head Is

… come now, grant me an easy life for my song.

And still again may I pray to sing you a song.


It’s Christmas morning 2009—as good a time as any to finish a book. So far in this incarnation I’ve seen sixty-two Christmas mornings. I’m sure they are all worthy to be enshrined in my memory, but sadly, many are now unremembered or else lie buried deep beneath more recent and dramatic memories. Forgotten or not, Christmas has always been very magical for me. I guess it is for many people. Long after I rejected the Christian faith, I still held fast to the sacredness of Christmas. For me it is the celebration not of the stern and angry father-god, or the loving and nurturing mother-goddess, but of the child-god, crowned and conquering. I confess, even at my age, I feel like a child. That’s got to be a good thing in an Aeon when God is a Child.

And so, I’m always extra restless on Christmas morning—restless, like a child who doesn’t know which new toy to play with first. Restless to create something with my energy. One Christmas morning about thirty years ago, I got up early and melted a bagful of candle stubs into a round Christmas cookie tin. I munched cookies while I waited for the wax to cool in the refrigerator. Then I popped the thick wax disk out of the tin and set to work carving the intricate design of Dr. John Dee’s famous Sigillium Dei Aemeth. Constance made me do this messy, waxy work out on the cold back porch, but I didn’t care. It was my Christmas present to my child-self, and a very good present it has turned out to be. I immediately put it to work contacting angels and it has remained the centerpiece of my Enochian magical work these thirty-odd (very odd) years. Like a magick carpet, it has carried me around the world; it has been the inspiration for two books and countless classes, lectures, and workshops. Most importantly, it has helped me travel to other worlds, other dimensions—heavens.

Can I truthfully say (like the title of this chapter suggests) that all this magick, all these experiences have merely taken place “in my head”?

Yes. I am saying that. “It’s all in your head.” But please do not forget the second part of my outrageous statement, “ you just have no idea how big your head is!” As I observed earlier, mind and consciousness transcend the boundaries of the brain, transcend the boundaries of time and space. That’s how big my head is! Nothing can happen outside of it because there is no outside of it.

When I close my eyes, where are the sun and moon and planets and stars? Where are the Aethyrs and the Sephiroth, and the hierarchy of gods, archangels, angels, spirits and intelligences and demons? They are in my head—that’s where they live. That’s where they are real to me—and that’s where they live, that’s where they are real to me when I open my eyes also.

Am I suggesting that all of your magick—all of your experiences—all of your universe is merely taking place in your head?

I am tempted to say, “Yes!”

But, to be perfectly honest with you, I can’t say for sure. Because, although I’m pretty sure I exist, I can never be absolutely sure about you.