The Chaosphere - Liber AOM

Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 1987

The Chaosphere
Liber AOM

The Chaosphere is the prime radiant or magic lamp of the adept—a psychic singularity which emitteth the brilliant darkness. It is a purposely created crack in the fabric of reality through which the stuff of Chaos enters our dimension. Alternatively, it may be considered as a demonstration of the axiom that belief has the power to structure reality.

The Chaosphere may be given a material form which acts as an anchor to locate its chaotic and aetheric manifestations. The shape shown in figure 13 is only one of a number of possibilities. It consists of a sphere with eight arrows radiant directed toward the vertices of a cube. Thus to the thinking mind it may be said to variously represent a perspective sculpture of the four axes of the geometrically impossible hypercube of the two interpenetrant tetrahedra of the light and dark forces. Such twists of illogic may be useful in the creation of an essentially paradoxical object.

It is colored the deepest black, for this is to give it all colors simultaneously and to provide it with the greatest potential for emission and absorption. The central sphere is hollow to permit the inclusion of various objects, and one of the arrows is detachable as a magical weapon. However the physical shape can take any form that the ingenium of the adept suggests; it is a trifling matter compared to the psychic preparation which goes into its construction.

The Chaosphere is charged and opened into the magical dimension by filling it with aetheric life force which has been paradox modulated.

The life force may be supplied by any method over which the adept has mastery—blood sacrifice, sexual emissions, projection of the body's aetheric force of transference by concentration during ecstatic gnostic rites, or by other methods. The paradox modulation is achieved by imprinting the life force with all manner of contradiction and impossibility. Any two opposite and mutually exclusive ideas or images can be simultaneously employed—the imaginary metaphysical principles of fire and water, or Nuit and Hadit, incompatible geometries, simultaneous blackness and whiteness, mathematical zero and infinity. Any manifestation of paradox and possibility can be used, and many different ones should be made to serve.


Figure 13. The Chaosphere.

If the adept be operating a temple, his initiates and students may assist in formulating the Chaosphere, and it may then function as a god or fetish. The more power that is put into it, the wider will be the breach opened into the Chaos dimension and the greater will be the free Chaos energy liberated.

Once it is made it will begin to supply raw Chaos force to anyone coming into physical proximity with it. For this reason the uninitiated should be kept well away, lest they become deranged. The sphere also exists as a vortex or door through which the magical will and perception can reach easily to the other regions of existence in the manner of a powerful magical mirror. The erection of operating Chaospheres at various points about the earth will tend to hasten the immanentization of the eschaton, the change of aeon.