Protection - Magical food diets

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen - Scott Cunningham 1990

Magical food diets

We are surrounded by unseen, nonphysical energies that are naturally produced by other human beings. Most of these energies are benevolent, or at least neutral, in their effects. Some, however, can be disturbing to our psyches and health. Others (negative thoughts or energies deliberately sent our way) can be harmful. We also face the possibility of physical dangers to our bodies, minds, emotions, and possessions. This is a fact of life.

To prevent the intrusion of such energies into their lives, and to prevent dangerous physical encounters, folk magicians have always called upon a large array of natural tools such as herbs, stones, metals, candles, and specially designed jewelry. One of the least-known magical defensive tools is—you guessed it—food.

Our natural sense of self-survival provides us with a “psychic armor” of built-in protection against negative energy. This is what sustains us. In time of need, we can boost our psychic armor. The foods listed in this chapter are useful in increasing our internal protective systems.

Don’t misunderstand these words. I’m not saying that negative energies are spirits, ghosts, or demons. In the large majority of cases, demons and spirits are products of the human mind that have no real existence.¶¶¶¶

Nor am I stating that we’re open to psychic attack at any time, or that such nonphysical attacks will be effective. These are rare (usually the product of an egotistical and/or ego-deficient person) and amount to little more than a ceremonial blowing off of steam.

I’ve written about the practice of “psychic attack” in many of my books. I’ve always stated that such rituals are almost never performed. When they are, they’re usually not effective. But I still receive letters from readers who believe they’ve been “cursed.” A review of their recent lives may seem to back them up, but this can be misleading.

The psychic armor that I mentioned above usually guards us from negative energies. If we believe, however, that we’ve been at tacked and are powerless to defend ourselves, that belief in our vulnerability can erode our psychic armor and allows any negative energy that passes by to affect us. If we believe it, a “curse,” even if none has been performed, will be effective. We’ve cursed ourselves.

When I first studied magic, I was solemnly warned that I could be subjected to all sorts of occult dangers. Evil spirits would surely notice me. They’d hang around to throw a few astral wrenches into my rituals and through the spokes of my life. While this notion would make a great television movie, it’s completely false. As long as your magic is positive and nonmanipulative, there is no danger in practicing it. None! If, however, you perform magic to harm or to control another human being, beware of reaping the destructive fruits of destructive magic.

Still, when an individual begins sensing and moving energies (which is the essence of magic), she or he naturally becomes more aware of energies of every kind. With expanded consciousness, one can sense and feel things that were previously elusive or invisible. Most of these energies—such as those within stones, plants, and the earth itself—are positive and shouldn’t be avoided. Some are negative and shouldn’t be invited inside ourselves. A few of my early magical teachers were actually warning me about these nonspecific, negative energies (which they labelled “evil spirits”). The daily life of a magician isn’t a constant struggle between the forces of light and darkness. Rational folk magicians don’t spend half their time chanting protective spells and the other half wearing charms to guard themselves from evil. However, we all have periods when we sense the need for protection. This chapter gives you some delicious ways to guard yourself.

A protective diet can also be useful for staving off physical danger. Naturally, if someone’s trying to mug you, you won’t be able to drink a cup of cranberry juice or munch a slice of garlic bread to halt the robbery. If you live or work in a crime-ridden neighborhood, however, or if you’ve been attacked before, or if you simply think that you should smooth out a few kinks in your psychic armor, add these foods to your diet.

A few words on domestic violence: if you’re a battered wife, lover, child, or (yes, indeed) husband, don’t eat protective foods. Call your local police station. Leave—right now—with your children if you have any. Move into a shelter or stay with friends who’ll understand. Don’t go back to the person who attacked you! Love may have blinded you in the past, but now it’s time to open your eyes.

Spices and Herbs





Black pepper









Add to food for increased protection. Before using any dried, ground herb or spice in protective cooking, sprinkle it onto a flat plate or a square of waxed paper. With your index finger, trace this symbol (or one of the protective symbols, page 341—344).

Visualize protection as you trace. Know that the protective energies within the spice have been aroused by your ritual. Add to the food as usual.

Protective herbs and spices can be added to just about any food, even if the dish isn’t protective in nature. Their strong energies are also linked with other powers, such as love, health, and purification.




Bamboo shoots


Bean sprouts


Bell pepper


Bok choy




Brussels sprouts






Chili peppers



Soybean sprouts

Collard greens

Sunflower sprouts





Slice vegetables at sharp angles or into long, pointed spear-like shapes. Visualize them as daggers of protective energy. Lightly steam the vegetables, add a small quantity of salt (for its protective qualities, not its flavor), and eat.

Make a pizza. Put basil, black pepper, and parsley in the tomato sauce (all protective foods). Place five chives into the shape of a pentagram on top of the sauce; add bell peppers, cheese, and any other items. Visualize as you make the pizza. Bake and eat for potent protection.





Prickly pear







Eat these fruits fresh or baked into dishes. Sprinkle salt on to pineapple to cut its acidity and to increase its protective qualities.

Nuts and Seeds



Sunflower seed


Eat with visualization.


Bell-shaped cookies

Blueberry coffee cake

Cranberry sauce

Pineapple pie

Rhubarb pie

Star-shaped cookies

The sweetener added to such foods increases your self-love, which is so necessary for survival.


Cranberry juice cocktail


Drink with protective meals.

Other Protective Foods






Szechwan foods

Fried foods

Soy sauce

Garlic bread

Spicy, hot foods

Hot foods





Twisted breads

Olive oil



Eat a diet heavy in proteins. If you’re vegetarian, load up on tofu, cheese, beans, and corn as well as the protective vegetables mentioned in an earlier list. Grounding yourself through the ingestion of protein foods closes you to outside influences and increases the effectiveness of your psychic armor.

Preparing and Cooking Protection Foods

Burn white candles in the kitchen while cooking. Eat with the certain knowledge (not faith) that the food will strengthen your own psychic protection and will ward off negative energies. Bless all food before eating in any way that seems appropriate. Serve protective foods in white or red dishes. These foods can be combined in many ways. Experiment!


Fiery Protection Salad

1⁄2 head red cabbage

1 red bell pepper (or green, if red isn’t available)

1 red onion

2 radishes

1⁄2 cup cider vinegar

1⁄4 cup olive oil

1 tablespoon mixed, dried basil, parsley, and rosemary

1⁄8 teaspoon fresh, minced garlic

Black pepper to taste

Cut the onion in half. Rub the salad bowl with the cut side of one of the halves. Place this half on a paper towel under the kitchen sink to absorb negativity. (Remove the next morning and deposit outside of your home.)

Cut the other onion half into two pieces. Set aside one of these for use in other cooking and firmly mince the other, visualizing the powerful strokes of the knife driving away negativity. Smell the onion’s protective aroma.

Core and shred the cabbage. Core and slice the bell pepper into long, pointed pieces. Thinly slice the radishes. Visualize!

Add the vegetables to the bowl.

Make the dressing by crumbling the dried basil, parsley, and rosemary between your fingers. Place in a small bottle with a tight lid. Add the cider vinegar and olive oil. Pour in the minced garlic. Shake well just before serving. Serve dressing over salad. Grind on black pepper before serving.

Pentagram Cookies

1 cup almonds, finely ground

11⁄4 cups flour

3 teaspoons almond extract

1⁄4 teaspoon cloves, ground

1⁄2 cup confectioner’s sugar

1⁄2 cup butter, softened

If necessary, grind the almonds in a blender or food processor until finely reduced. Combine almonds, flour, sugar, almond extract, and ground cloves. Work in butter and egg yolks with the hands until well blended. As you work, visualize glowing golden pentagrams entering the dough.

Chill the dough for 20 to 30 minutes or until cold, yet pliable. While the dough is cooling, grease 2 cookie sheets and preheat oven to 325°F (163°C).

Pinch off a piece of dough. the size of a walnut. Using your fingers, flatten onto the greased cookie sheet. With a toothpick or a small knife, lightly carve a pentagram on the cookie (see diagram).

Strongly visualize as you draw.

Repeat the entire process until the dough is used up. For even cooking, ensure that all cookies are approximately the same thickness.

Bake at 325°F (163°C) for about 18 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on racks.

Eat with power.