Horse Spirit and Horse Magick

Horse Magick: Spells and Rituals for Self-Empowerment, Protection, and Prosperity - Lawren Leo 2020

Horse Spirit and Horse Magick

The essence of Horse Spirit is freedom. It is a noble and resilient force, with limitless energy at its core. The horse's intimate relation with Spirit and nature, clear in all global polytheistic religions, and the easy access it provides as intermediary to both are compelling reasons to use equine magick.

The moment you mount a horse, this animal becomes a physical intermediary between the world beneath you and the unknown dimensions above. Horse Spirit can accompany you on an adrenaline-charged, exhilarating journey. “Once a horse is let loose,” Xenophon tells us in On Horsemanship (X § 9—15), “its movement tends by nature towards swiftness, in which it takes great pleasure.” Hooves pound and clods of earth fly in all directions as the horse suspends you between earth and sky. The force propels you on a race through time into the future. The air resists you, but your hair streaks in unison with the horse's whipping mane. Your past remains behind in hoofprints and clouds of dust. You become acutely aware of savoring the moment; you embrace the present; you create your future.

As you ride, the horse's moments of contact with the earth jolt through your bones. The rhythm releases you from gravity as you sense the pulse of life and death—at once earth's gift and her mystery—and then enter a trancelike state that takes you out of time. The sonic insistence fragments your primal urges, and you experience an unfamiliar state of freedom; you come to know what you need. As you unite with Horse Spirit, you become strong, filled with power. You surmount your fear of the future and no longer doubt your ability to shape it, to manipulate your own destiny. No bridle or saddle is necessary. Your equine guide calls for nothing beyond your own will.

To conjure, contain, and manipulate the energy we call “horse” presents challenges. But when we study its avatars, we are rewarded with the discovery and awareness of ourselves—our psychic talents and limitations, our desire for purity of purpose and clarity of goal. Horse Spirit freely offers us a way to better our temporal lives by transforming our human spirits. It grants us the use of its physical attributes and personality traits as portals to dimensions where change is a reality, not a concept. The manifestation of this force on earth—its action within the physical dimension we perceive in time—provides much-needed supplements that can help us to live well-balanced lives.

There was a time when we were all free of burdens, when we did not even know the definition of the word “burden.” But something peculiar happens to us after childhood. We fall prey to the pressures of society, and then may feel the need to take on extra responsibilities. We often do this without reflecting on what will happen as a consequence. Extra responsibilities can create burdens that hold us in emotional bondage. These emotions do not serve a purpose. They enslave us and prevent us from experiencing healthy, fulfilling lives. These everyday burdens, however, are an outcome of our conscious and subconscious decisions. That means that they consist of energy and can be changed. If you find yourself playing a role rather than living a life, this Freedom Spell can play a critical function in your well-being.



In this spell, you ask Horse Spirit to set your own spirit free. This can alter the state of your spirit, which then returns revivified, permitting you to find the strength you need to eliminate a burden. This spell has the ability to restore your resilience, make you healthier, and redirect your motivation. It is also useful for those suffering from anxiety, substance abuse of any type, and the disease of addiction.

What you need:

All you need for this spell is a comfortable chair to sit on or bed to lie on.


Commit the spell to memory. Chant it rhythmically. The trick is to lull yourself gently into what's called an alpha state—a state in which you are half asleep and half awake, as when you just wake up in the morning and still feel drowsy. To help achieve this state, imagine a white candle burning with a peaceful, unwavering flame in your mind's eye. Hold your concentration on that image while you chant:

Mane tossed through rushing air,

No one around to glance or stare

Jumping proudly hoof to ground,

Awaken the spirit inside me bound

Gallop fast, take hold of me;

Let me remember when I was free

Don't get hung up on how many times you chant it. Just chant. You can do this lying down in bed or sitting in a comfortable armchair. Chant it as many times as you like, whether for one day or three weeks, whatever feels right to you. Allow the spirit of the horse to lead you to a sanctuary, to a place where your emotional bondage will be removed.

When you first read the spell, envision the imagery of a galloping horse in your mind's eye. Then, slowly transition to a point where you chant the spell and only see the lit white candle and “feel” the intent of the words.


The trick is to place the “idea” of freedom into your subconscious mind via the alpha state. In other words, chant until you almost fall asleep, while trying to sense the overall intention of the spell—freedom. When you're finished, say this affirmation:

Now, all burdens have been removed safely and securely.

Additional resources

Xenophon, The Works of Xenophon, trans. H. G. Dakyns, vol. 3, part 2, Three Essays: On the Duties of a Cavalry General, On Horsemanship, and On Hunting (London: Macmillan and Co., 1897). Retrieved from (accessed 9/26/2019).