Muniah - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash



Angel of the second quinance, third decan of Pisces

Muniah85 is the eighth and final angel within the Chorus of angels led by Archangel Gabriel. Brilliant Muniah stands as Gabriel’s chief deputy. Those who seek the aid of Muniah will receive the grace and divine strength to complete their quest. Muniah ensures that any experience will be successful through the power of crystallized energies that she maintains in her presence.

Muniah possesses the power to close the doors of a cycle. She serves as a vibrational diffuser wherever she is, causing the energy that is exerted by other angels to reach a state of completion. In this way, barriers are bypassed so that power does not run out during a journey and to allow for full manifestation. It is only in completion and endings that one can understand and fully appreciate an outcome. Therefore, it is possible to glean new knowledge and wisdom from these experiences and start planning for new beginnings.

Through the invocation of Muniah it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ As a symbol of rebirth, new beginnings are brought into one’s life and a new form of existence within. She accompanies a transformative process and heralds the end of a cycle to make way to start a new one.

✵ Those under the influence of Muniah will receive cascades of conclusion to ongoing activities. Obstructions caused by overwhelming circumstances are eliminated, facilitating projects to be completed with renewed vigor.

✵ She provides comfort and support to those nearing the end of their mortal life.

✵ Her vitality and imagination lend their aid through intuition and extrasensory perceptions that allow immense universal forces’ apprehension. Through this, energies can be manipulated to cause a change from the smallest atom to the infinitely large.

✵ Protection is provided for those performing magickal rites of any type. Muniah offers comfort for those that are fearful of mystical experiences and provides spiritual defense during mysterious operations.

✵ Muniah provides energetic support for victory and success in any endeavor, especially those involving magickal operations. Muniah may be called forth to aid in operations being worked on by other spirits.

✵ Gratitude is felt more deeply through the sharing of resources and aid. Through the influence of Muniah, it is ensured that one is rewarded exponentially any time magick is performed for others, material wealth is shared or acts of kindness are provided.

✵ She helps to overcome the fear of mystical initiations and removes blockages relating to the evolution of consciousness that prevent the attainment of enlightenment. Those under the influence of Muniah will further open their minds to spirituality and the divine.

✵ Crooked paths can are righted with the aid of Muniah as she inspires those who have neglected their evolution to seek more noble causes.

Meditating on this name will purify the present by correcting errors and debts from past lives as well as cleansing your environment from negative energy.



