Haiaiel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel LXXI


Angel of the first quinance, third decan of Pisces

Haiaiel84 is the seventh guardian in Chorus of angels, ruled by the Archangel Gabriel. He emits his Martian energies and bestows a penetrating lucidity to those who seek him. He appears with a sword and a shield as a mighty warrior, his radiant aura prepares us to receive divine inspiration better. Haiaiel shares his energy freely with those that possess the will to take benefit. All those under his influence emit a luminous aura.

Through the invocation of Haiaiel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ The presence of Haiaiel brings courage and valor to aid in the pursuit of noble goals, dreams, and talents.

✵ As a divine warrior and protector, Haiaiel provides general protection. However, as a matter of specialty, he is able to ensure that curses and spiritual attacks are defeated and repelled. Ask his assistance to disrupt and return any negative energy. If one is confident of a curse’s source, reveal this person’s name to Haiaiel during the communication.

✵ He assists in making fair, sound decisions, especially in delicate matters. Haiaiel makes a way to compromise and adapt when necessary.

✵ The control and direction of magickal practice are significantly improved through the influence of Haiaiel. He will assist in making any working more effective and may be called to aid any other angel’s operation from this book.

✵ Restores energy and focus after times of hardship, illness, or distraction. He inspires action and helps overcome times of stagnation and dead ends. The power of Haiaiel will bring newfound vigor and offers an optimistic and enthusiastic vision.

✵ Freedom from tyranny and oppression can be gained through Haiaiel’s assistance. However, unfounded revolutionaries and activists, as well as discord and unrest, are defended against through the protection of Haiaiel. Those who hold contradictions within will be defeated and driven away. Those who have radical ideas are given balance and adjustment.

✵ Haiaiel defends against rifts and separations in friendships and business relationships. Arguments and confrontations are reduced to make way for peace and constructive collaboration.

Meditating on this name will bring the gifts of prophecy by creating elevated states of consciousness and awareness. Through this shift, you will gain the power to make use of new abilities of transformation.



