The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

The Archangels and Angelic Orders

For millennia, we have contemplated that the angelic hosts are organized into a sort of heavenly court, in which their ranks change depending on their degrees of grace. Their duties are even more exacting than those of other angels. The contemplation of divinity is a constant function of the archangels as they preserve and protect divine order.

The Tree of Life or Etz Chaim in mystical Kabbalah illustrates how the Divine expresses creative energy throughout the universe and its inhabitants. It is composed of spheres known as “Sefirot” (Sefira is the singular form); it represents the universe or macrocosm and man in the material world or microcosm. The ten sefirot are emanations from the first point of light that emanated from the Divine Source, and each of them symbolizes a particular type of creative force that an Archangel oversees as an aspect of The Divine, and are extensions of Him.

ImageThey are divided into three columns or pillars. The right-hand column, or Pillar of Mercy, is a masculine-active potency. The left-hand column is the Pillar of Judgment or Severity, which is a feminine-passive principle. The middle column, or Pillar of Mildness or Equilibrium, is the harmonizing factor that blends and unites the forces of the left- and right-hand pillars.

The three pillars are united by lines that are called paths. There are twenty-two paths, which represent the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The ten sefirot and the twenty-two paths are known collectively as the thirty-two Paths of Wisdom. By focusing on the different energies one by one, people can develop a closer spiritual union with the Divine.