Iabamiah - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel LXX


Angel of the second quinance, second decan of Pisces

Iabamiah83 is the sixth angel of the Chorus of angels led by Archangel Gabriel. Noble Iabamiah is perhaps the most potent angels as she is a true spirit of alchemy and transformation. The invocation will create a bond with her, and with each thought, she will guide the way. In ancient texts, it is written that she serves to make anything concerning the material world prosperous. Those who invoke Iabamiah can genuinely become masters in this world. Iabamiah recognizes the energetic force of one’s work and ushers the maximum benefits of any project to be realized. She also shares the task of guiding the first steps of those who are deceased into their next phase of existence and does so with a warm embrace.

Through the invocation of Iabamiah it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ She provides illumination in the field of philosophy and fosters an understanding of the law of attraction in one’s life.

✵ Teaches one to become a spiritual healer and bestows extraordinary abilities to improve magickal practice and divination. Iabamiah reveals parallel worlds so that it becomes possible to better understand the entities that reside therein and comprehend the information received from them.

✵ Iabamiah inspires creativity for business and entrepreneurship. Through her powers, she provides opportunities to gain great wealth for those willing to put in the necessary work and effort.

✵ She works to prevent over commitment that can lead to sparse attention and overwhelm. A chance to take a break and recover is provided so that one may become recentered. Inner peace and fulfillment become more easily achieved, even in the face of crisis or adversity.

✵ For those who seek societal change, Iabamiah provides influence and recognition for enlightened ideas to usher change.

✵ Assistance can be gained in conducting rites of purification and fasting for a spiritual purpose.

✵ She breaks through obstacles, especially those from arguments, aggression, and selfish desires. An aegis of defense from negative emotions and the absence of love is received through her presence. Harmful elements and energies are transmuted to positive situations through her influence.

✵ Indigestion and other digestive problems can be treated through calling upon Iabamiah.

✵ Victory can be achieved at last over conditions of anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Iabamiah helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and body fat percentage.

✵ Assists one to spend time with loved ones that are cherished in their final days.

Meditating on this name will help you overcome doubts, panic, and negative thoughts that create discord. The master plan of the divine will become more apparent to you so that you may understand your purpose in the world and why you encounter specific challenges along your way.



