Eyael - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash



Angel of the first quinance, first decan of Pisces

Eyael80 is the third Guardian of Gabriel’s Chorus of angels. He works to ensure that wisdom is passed along through generations. As a symbol of comfort and understanding, Eyael transmits universal power and enlightenment to those who invoke him. He urges us to look inward and determine what must be sacrificed to properly adjust and make room for more valuable gifts in our lives.

Through the invocation of Eyael it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ As the embodiment of sublimation, Eyael ushers the winds of change, transfiguration, and metamorphosis to break free from past limitations and realize new aspirations and pathways. A unique taste for ascension and spiritual evolution is gained through his influence.

✵ Knowledge and enlightenment in the sciences are provided as well as metaphysical and occult studies. Wisdom and erudition are bestowed upon those who seek an understanding of the mysteries of the universe.

✵ Principals of the law of attraction are more easily grasped and integrated into one’s daily life through the influence of Eyael.

✵ He creates an appreciation of time alone to better understand the joys of living. Eases burdens created by the material world to bring changes so that one may live with less stress.

✵ For those who currently have some degree of recognition, Eyael works to increase fame to new heights. Performers, authors, public speakers, and thought leaders can benefit through his influence to expand their audience. Although he brings fame, he does not guarantee the masses’ affinity, so ensure proper steps are taken to develop and enhance charisma as well.

✵ In times of sorrow and adversity that are unavoidable, Eyael provides consolation. This can be in matters such as the loss of a loved one or other dramatic changes. His aid will ensure that one can move on with life without losing focus or becoming exhausted.

✵ New momentum is achieved so that one may no longer feel blocked or uninspired. New roads become opened with opportunities to move forward.

✵ One may gain an improved appreciation for the present so that the constant struggles of high ambitions allow room for rest and reflection.

✵ Eyael provides improved recognition and understanding of affinities between people and things.

✵ Provides protection from the harmful effects of heavily processed or artificial foods.

Meditating on this name will control over time management will be achieved. You will understand that you are the creator of your destiny and learn to put your energy into the right projects to get the desired results.



