Manakel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel LXVI


Angel of the second quinance, third decan of Aquarius

Manakel79 is the second guardian from Gabriel’s Chorus of angels. Benevolent Manakel is a symbol of liberation. He seeks to clear our thoughts and helps us look beyond the illusions in our world to understand life as it unfolds. He strengthens the resolve of those who invoke his presence and removes the chains of fear that blocks the attraction of the opportunities and good fortune you deserve.

Through the invocation of Manakel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Healing is provided for physical illnesses as well as neurological or personality disorders.

✵ Self-confidence and improved stability can be gained through the influence of Manakel. Those who have a negative mindset and self-destructive thoughts find new pathways of optimism and positivity. He also adjusts those with inferiority or superiority complexes or those with unbounded ambitions.

✵ Manakel creates awareness of what food the body needs for the body and the spirit and guides to proper nourishment.

✵ Mathematics can be daunting to some, and Manakel provides neural pathways to develop that assist in understanding the theory, process, and math application.

✵ Assists in mitigating the effects of epilepsy

✵ In matters where it seems complicated to focus on achieving a specific goal, Manakel brings the determination and guidance to succeed with calculated precision in action as well as protection from missteps.

✵ Defends against those who are wrathful and seek vengeance

✵ He influences dreams and prevents nightmares. Those who suffer from night terrors and attacks in various dream states call upon Manakel for aid. Dreams will be interpreted more easily.

✵ Construction and engineering projects receive divine aid and success. For those involved in the construction industry call upon this angel to achieve positive results.

✵ Most items can be found and recovered in miraculous ways through the assistance of Manakel. The item may be returned directly, or intuitive information may be sent to help find the item.

✵ Brings success to industries involving fishing and agriculture

✵ Shapes ethics to provide a complete understanding of the balance between good and evil.

✵ Manakel defends against malevolent and dark spirits and magick. Bestows supreme protection for magicians who have attracted unwanted negative energy through their operations.

✵ He removes toxic people from one’s life.

Meditating on this name will cause the desire for revenge and retaliation to be swept away. You will understand that a victim mentality is a road to nowhere. Energy that is put to use towards positive actions will always lead to greater fulfillment.



