Mehiel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel LXIV


Angel of the second quinance, second decan of Aquarius

Mehiel77 serves as the eighth guardian of Michael’s Chorus of Archangels. He transmits his Mercurian virtues to those who seek him. Mehiel captures the pure waters of cosmic source and cleanses the eyes to see the reality of all things so it is possible to recognize great opportunities. He is a valid symbol of inspiration and protection.

Through the invocation of Mehiel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Any project that involves written text will receive benefit from Mehiel, especially works of fiction. New ideas and sources of inspiration flow freely. Authors gain the will to write often and avoid procrastination.

✵ For those who feel exhausted or overwhelmed, Mehiel brings a surge of energy and motivation to carry out projects.

✵ He will provide opportunities to bring recognition while building a wider audience and become a famous author or media personality.

✵ Protection from dangerous and wild animals can be gained with the help of Mehiel, for those who spend time in nature or work with animals, it is wise to call upon him.

✵ Marketing strategy and influential copywriting abilities are gained through the influence of Mehiel. He provides magnetism to any campaign, and those who seek him will be able to persuade others with their words more easily.

✵ Those involved in the development of new technology and computer programming can receive assistance in their work. Mehiel will help one become distinguished in technological fields.

✵ An improved ability to balance emotions and resist negative impulses is gained through his assistance.

✵ Scattered thoughts and distractions are brought back into focus as Mehiel allows for practical and innovative thinking to align with imagination and creativity. Hyperactivity and disorders related to its cause can be adjusted to allow for a calmer thought process. Through his assistance, one will be able to produce excellent results with an inspired vision.

✵ The ability to reflect on one’s personal experiences and what lessons can be learned from them is greatly improved through Mehiel’s influence.

✵ Personality disorders can create a significant amount of disruption in one’s life. Mehiel works to provide healing energy and adjustment to improve mental stability and create more pleasant interactions with others.

✵ Controversy, criticism, and distortions of the truth are subdued to make way for tranquility in one’s life.

Meditating on this name will bring powerful radiance so that others may perceive the positive and beautiful aspects of your true self.



