Umabel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel LXI


Angel of the first quinance, first decan of Aquarius.

Umabel74 is the fifth guardian in the Chorus of Archangels led by Michael. Mystic Umabel urges us to dive deep into the subconsciousness and to access pathways the higher self. He possesses immense knowledge with keen wisdom on astrology and how cosmic forces manifest on every level of creation. Those who call upon him are guided to understand the secrets of the universe. His demeanor is hurried, yet willing to assist, do not be dissuaded by his rushed answers.

Through the invocation of Umabel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ An unparalleled mental acuity can be realized, and in doing so, great talents are gained to teach and understand the correlations between the etheric planes and the material world. His guidance allows the development of the mind and the discovery of mystic truths. Umabel works best with those who have developed clairsentience skills as he imbues knowledge through this method. Through working with Umabel, one will quickly grasp mathematics and physics, but most notably, he is a master of the astrological art and bestows a deep understanding of its principles.

✵ The ancient texts also share that he allows the capability to know oneself honestly. He does this by enabling one to reach into the conscious and subconscious minds’ depths and discover true motivations.

✵ New opportunities will appear to attract people into one’s life that, in turn, become genuine friends and valuable allies. This angel will draw together named individuals and create a bond of friendship. He will assist in becoming more social and can help overcome feelings of shyness. Through him, one will no longer be predisposed to be a loner and will no longer live in a state of isolation. Umabel removes any difficulty that may exist in making friends. New paths are created to gain popularity as he radiates an aura of charm.

✵ Any sentiments of romance can be transformed into a purely platonic friendship. This ability will serve in ending a romantic relationship while maintaining peace and avoiding heartbreak. In the case of an unwanted romantic interest, Umabel can quickly calm feelings of desire.

✵ Friendships that have fallen on difficulties can be rectified and set back on a path of harmony.

✵ The tendency to backslide is removed, and Umabel releases attachments to constructs of bygone times that no longer serve the chosen path. Those who cling to the pillars of the past find trouble moving forward.

✵ Umabel protects from trials that one may face regarding drug and alcohol abuse.

Meditating on this name will reveal that water is not a trivial element, but one that connects us all. We must purify the waters of our life to awaken the forces of healing and immortality.



