A Script for Summoning

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

A Script for Summoning


The purpose of those steps is to take a magician into a state of trance and attune them to the working being carried out. The trance state is the brain in the theta state, where you can assimilate information from planes beyond our own into your field of awareness. Above all, when you speak an angel’s name, actually visualize them being present. Speak to angels as if they were right in front of you, not by just saying their names and stating your requests dryly. Now is the time to dim your lighting to a softer ambiance. If possible, make use of colored lighting that corresponds with the angel being summoned.

Enter your magick circle;

If will be drawing it on the floor directly you may do this now.

Recite the following while sprinkling the area with holy water:

“Let all malevolence and obstruction be cast forth from this place so that I may remain protected”

The altar should have a freshly cleaned surface. The candle, censer, and the parchment must now be cleansed with holy water. This is to banish any residual negative energy.

Sprinkle the water, saying:

“Let all malevolence and obstruction be cast forth from these items so that my will may manifest.”

Consecrate the Incense

“Bless this incense so it may draw strength, virtue, and power to attract the good spirits and drive out and drive out all hostile phantoms. Through the name of the Most Holy Adonai, who lives and reigns for all eternity”

Exorcise and light the coal as well as the candle

“I exorcise you, O Creature of Fire, by the Divine source from which things come, so that every type of phantasm may withdraw from you, and be unable to harm or deceive in any way.”

Put the incense onto the embers and allow it to burn for several minutes. The room should be filled with copious amounts of smoke from your incense. Relax, calm your mind, and breathe deeply and slowly for a moment. Then pass the seals of the angel and archangel through the smoke as it rises from the coal.

Stand in the center of the ritual space and face east.

You will now conduct the Ritual of the Hexagram to open the gates

See the blue hexagram emblazoned in fire when you draw it. Point to the center of the hexagram using your index finger or dagger and say:

“In the Name of the Divine, Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad, I open the east.”

Move to the southern part of the circle now, picturing a line of light where your finger points, and open the south in the same way.

“In the Name of the Divine, Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad, I open the south.”

Next, point to the west, envisioning a beam of light streaming from your finger. Open the west in the same way.

“In the Name of the Divine, Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad, I open the west.”

Then move to the north, visualizing another beam of light where your finger is pointing, and open the north in the same way.

“In the Name of the Divine, Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad, I open the north.”

Next, you will call out by making use of the Om mantra13. This mantra resounds deeply and can be heard as a trumpet signaling between worlds. Fill your lungs to capacity and produce the sound slowly, in a deep vibration. It symbolizes the act of creation and the entirety of the universe and will you attune with the energy of manifestation.


As you vibrate the Om, visualize the trumpets signaling from across the universe, in all abodes of the heavens and the earth so that all attention is brought upon the Divine power you wield.

Proceed to perform the Kabbalistic Cross which is based on the archetype of the cross, which represents the circular horizon divided into quarters for the cardinal directions and the four elements. Crosses have been used for millennia, and they have carried significance in magick long before Christianity. The ancients used the symbol to bring its users to a sense of balance and harmony.

Start this portion of the operation by first imagining a sphere of brilliant light hovering directly over your crown. The sphere gradually moves down through your body as another sphere emerges from beneath your feet.The spheres merge with your body to form a brilliant glow that radiates outwardly, engulfing you in a pure bright light.

Perform the Kabbalistic Cross using your athame or index finger to make the gestures and deliver the names while vibrating them as much as possible.

Face East, the direction of the sunrise at dawn. Visualize bright radiance emanating from the east and infusing into your bright aura. Touch the forehead and say

“ATEH” [thou art]

Move your hand down to your chest, concentrating on the light streaming forth. Visualize the light from the earth rising around you, a symbol of the power of manifestation in physical reality. Touch the breast and say

“MALKUTH” [the kingdom].

Visualise a red orb of light emanating from your right shoulder. This red light is the power of vitality and energy being drawn into your essence to further empower your operation. Touch the right shoulder and say:

“VE-GEBURAH” [and the power]

Now move your hand above your left shoulder and visualize an orb of blue light emanating forth. The blue light allows energies of truth and expansive decision. Touch the left shoulder and say:

“VE-GEDULAH” [and the glory]

Clasp the hands with your dagger, point upwards, and say:

“LE-OLAM” [forever]


In addition to the angel of choice, calling to your spirit guides and ancestors for assistance in your magickal practice gives them the freedom to help in your workings. The more you nurture these relationships, the more they will deepen.

State the following:

“I call forth my ancestors and spirit guides. Come forth to my side and assist me in the Sacred Rites of Magick.”

Take a moment to pause and feel the energy begin to change within your temple after this invocation. During the invocation, it is important to appeal to the divine source and the angel’s hierarchy associated with the angel you want to summon. On the altar stone place the sigil associated with the archangel you wish to call forward. Once you have placed the sigil, gaze at it for a some time. Rest your eyes in the direction of the parchment and do not attempt to focus too directly at the symbol; instead look blankly beyond the symbol.While you stare beyond the sigil, your sight will be opening the portal and may experience something similar to flashing of the symbol or sometimes almost a dimensional shift that causes the symbol to appear three dimensional and rise from the page. By achieving this effect, you know that the sigil has been opened and is now ready for use.

“Holy Father, Source of Divinity, Almighty Sanctifier, He who created all, consecrate and sanctify this place; command Thy Archangel N.N. to descend, reside and remain, for the Sacred Rites of Magick and render service to my cause. Amen.”

Face the East

Pause and gaze at the archangel’s sigil for some time. As the presence of the archangel begins to materialize, a shift in the atmosphere of your room will take place and a temperature change may spread throughout the temple. The archangel’s sigil will appear to lift from the parchment and glow with energy. Extend your arms in the form of a cross and proclaim:

“Holy Archangel N.N., I request your power and authority. I call you forth to aid me during this rite. Command the angel N.N who stands within your order to descend, reside and remain, for the Sacred Rites of Magick and render service to my cause. Amen.”

As you call out the name, visualize the energy flowing between you and the angel along this ray of light.

You will now call forth the angel for your operation. If you are using a corresponding gemstone, hold it now within your right hand to further attune your energy.

Place the sigil associated with the angel you wish to call forward to make your request. As before, gaze at the symbol for a some time by resting your eyes in the direction of the page.

“I N.N14., manifested in the image of the Divine, and in the name of the one that every knee bends, I invoke you and summon forth Angel N.N.”

[Using an instrument, strike the musical note corresponding with the angel]

[Recite the scripture that corresponds with the angel being called forth now]

“O Holy Angel N.N., Who governs the degree of [state which Zodiac correspondence], and by guide of the Archangel N.N, I conjure you in the name of the Nine Choirs, I conjure you in the name of Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominations, Principles, Powers, Virtues, Cherubim, and Seraphim! In the name of the Four Mysterious Powers which carry the Throne of the Most High, and who have eyes before and behind. I conjure you, Spirit of Light, by Heaven and Earth, by Sun and Moon, by Day and Night; O Spirit of Light, come forth and descend to this place. Bring success to my work, according to my will.”

Close your eyes and visualize your desire. Slowly open your eyes and gaze into the flame of the candle.

“Be present for I call upon you Holy Angel N.N. so through your power these tasks may find virtue and accomplishment. In the Holy and name of the Divine, I ask that [Recite your request]


In closing your ritual, ending with a license to depart is conducted to rid the area of any remaining energies or spirits that might have been attracted to you from the power created during the rite itself. It is important to thank them, bless them and release them after your communication is complete. Give the license to depart before you close the gateway. The following is an example which may be employed in your operation.

“Holy Angel N.N., that has appeared, thank you for aiding me with my endeavor and for granting my requests. May your influence continue to grow even as you depart from this area. I now release any entity that may have become trapped by this ceremony. Leave in peace to your homes and dwellings, with the blessings of the divine.”

Conduct the banishing Hexagram Ritual now to close the portals.

When the ritual is completed, you MUST close the gates of power. Ensure this is done to close the ritual. Begin in the east once again, draw a closing hexagram. Visualize the hexagram in blue flame as you trace it. Point to the center of the hexagram and say:

“In the Name of the Divine, Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad, I close the east.”

Then move to the north, visualizing a line of light where your finger is pointing, and close the north in the same way.

“In the Name of the Divine, Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad, I close the north.”

Next, point to the west, envisioning a beam of light flowing from your finger. Close the west in the same way.

“In the Name of the Divine, Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad, I close the west.”

Move to the southern part of the circle now, picturing a line of light where your finger points, and close the south in the same way.

“In the Name of the Divine, Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad, I close the south.”

Finally, we end with the closing mantra:


Once these steps are completed, you may sense that the room’s energy has returned to normal and can now safely leave the circle. Let the candle burn completely. If you must leave the area and need to extinguish the candle, do not blow it out but instead, use a snuffer. Leave the ritual having felt the angels’ presence. As the entities manifest, allow yourself to be filled with their wisdom and be guided by their inspiration. Return to your ordinary activities after the rite as especially those that will more easily distract your mind from your magickal operation. This can be one of the trickier pieces to achieve but is ultimately necessary. If an instance of your operation or your desire comes to mind, consciously feel as though the magick has already worked. Every day, you should find something to be appreciative of in order to attract positive energy to your situation.

The best results tend to happen when the rite itself is genuinely forgotten about. Any lust for results may postpone the manifestation, so letting go and not looking for products will result in the more effective delivery of the result. You may request the angels to help you forget your desire as an assist in the delivery process; the angel Lecabel is particularly suited for assisting with this.
