Poiel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel LVI


Angel of the second quinance, first decan of Capricorn

Poiel69, as the eighth angel of the Chorus of Principalities led by Archangel Haniel, is, without a doubt, the angel with the most seductive energy. As the angel of luck and support, he offers those who seek his aid the richest of gifts in such abundance that the recipient can project wealth outward. This angel provides a flood of riches, beauty, and harmony. He unblocks cosmic energy and provides an aura of esteem and jovial nature.

Through the invocation of Poiel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Fulfilling a request of all types can be achieved with the assistance of Poiel. He might be called upon to aid other spirits in bringing petitions to a conclusion. When blockages arise through magical operations, Poiel creates new ways to break through those barriers.

✵ Knowledge and truth can be revealed by Poiel to establish a new path of ascendant power.

✵ Those who seek the influence of Poiel will acquire abilities charm and seduction while developing a keen sense of emotional expression.

✵ Poiel adjusts tendencies to be overly vain, prideful, or worldly.

✵ Along with improved charisma, he influences renown and fortune and, as a result, can bring fame and wealth to those who seek his assistance. His influence is best suited for working in a particular area that holds significance in one’s life and serves as a natural talent. In matters of promotion, work to showcase abilities and characteristics outside of the skill in question and gain recognition for unrelated yet essential characteristics.

✵ Positivity through ideas and atmosphere is emanated from those under the influence of Poiel. He creates new senses of hope and confidence. He develops qualities of modesty, good humor, optimism, and a cheerful attitude.

✵ Speaking abilities, which are vital for professionals in many industries, are greatly boosted through his influence. It will become a great deal easier to express oneself clearly and communicate with positivity, humor, and compelling interest.

✵ Poiel brings defense from becoming destitute or falling into difficult times due to lack of income. All areas of life will experience wealth and prosperity while avoiding poor management of finances and waste or excess.

Meditating on this name will remove the allure of worldly desires to make way for peace of mind and happiness.



