Imamiah - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel LII


Angel of the second quinance, second decan of Sagittarius

Imamiah65 comes as the fourth ray of the Chorus of Principalities led by Archangel Haniel. Her presence brings the pleasure of primordial creation and a yearning for the divine. Imamiah bestows an aura that exalts aspects of self-esteem and a desire to beautify the physical world. She provides a form to the physical shape and imbues all she touches with an essence of grace.

Through the invocation of Imamiah it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ She provides perseverance and fortitude to push through situations of adversity. The execution of difficult tasks will become less daunting so that overwhelm and exhaustion do not cause stagnation or cause one have feelings of paralysis. Challenges will be be tackled with courage and enthusiasm.

✵ Imamiah offers adjustments to those who pass judgment based on limited information and preconceived notions.

✵ Prevention of a chaotic and torrid romantic life is achieved through the influence of Imamiah. She works to avoid lustful relationships and perverse desires that typically lead to discord and unhappiness.

✵ She protects the innocent and liberates prisoners. Imamiah helps people attain patience and strength in the face of adversity.

✵ Enemies are weakened to allow a pathway to victory for those who seek the aid of Imamiah. Through her influence, others will take note of the enemy’s position and recognize their losses. This provides victory and the renown for overcoming adversity so that others respect one’s perseverance and cunning ability to succeed.

✵ Research and learning are significantly impacted through the support of Imamiah. She creates the ability to become focused and innovative while understanding and organizing complex thoughts pertaining to any topic.

✵ Redemption can be attained, so that one may be liberated from collateral damage caused by vices and bad habits. Her assistance makes atonement possible so that things can be set right with others who have been affected. She helps those who have become imprisoned and wish to start over in a fresh, new life.

✵ The capacity to comfort and support the people in one’s life through times of difficulty is gained through the influence of Imamiah. Her gifts help bring harmony and unity in communities.

✵ Leadership skills and magnetism are realized through her assistance. Traits of tolerance and modesty are imbued to provide fair and effective leadership.

✵ Protection from lies and acts of bad faith is bestowed, so one does not fall victim to false truths and two-faced individuals.

Meditating on this name will inflame the the souls passion to maintain strength in sincerity and devotion to a higher calling.



