Understanding Talismans

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Understanding Talismans

Talismanic Magick is an ancient tradition and can be used in a variety of forms for protection from hostile forces of the physical and ethereal as well as for positive effects such as promoting fortune, restoring health, and reinforcing the intention of magickal working. It is not uncommon in our society to find people who wear a cross around their neck for protection or those who seek out a rootworker11 for gris-gris bags the desired outcome.

The modern Christian faith has those who would condemn the use of amulets and talisman; however, those of the Catholic faith still makes use of symbols. During the Council of Trent12, Session XXV noted on this precisely that:

“[These items shall be] retained particularly in temples, and that due honor and veneration are to be given them; not that any divinity, or virtue, is believed to be in them, on account of which they are to be worshiped; or that anything is to be asked of them; or, that trust is to be reposed in images, as was of old done by the Pagans who placed their hope in idols; but because the honor which is shown them is referred to the prototypes which those images represent;”

This topic can be further weighed down by the dogma associated with discussing the blessing of waters, oils, and other objects or using them to conduct magickal results themselves rather than blessing a person. Rather than getting caught up in the dogma and semantics, to look at the end, the product creates a spiritual connection with divinity and allows those powers to manifest.

Talismans are composed of symbols of a particular magical energy and have been charged with that energy by a consecration rite. They serve as an anchor in the material world for ethereal forces to pass through. King Solomon and the tradition that follows with his system of pentacles created in synthesis to the spirits described herein will permit their use to reinforce your intent. The talisman is not a penultimate solution to all man’s troubles; however, it demonstrates magickal powers with certainty when adequately charged. The creation of a talisman through ritual as an operation itself creates additional energy directed towards the goal that continues in parallel with the magician’s will.

Thus, Talismans have persistence of effect that few other magical methods can equal, which can be extraordinarily useful in the operations of practical magic. Once consecrated, a talisman continues to shape the creative process’s energies on its own, night and day, without any further action on the part of the magician. Like any force steadily applied, it builds momentum over time and combines with other energies moving in the same direction. As a result, most magical purposes that aim for a long-term or permanent change on any level of experience can be done more effectively by way of a talisman than by any other means.

Amulets and talismans can be constructed of a variety of materials, including metal, wood, leather, crystal, bone, cloth, or even paper. Begin by first cleansing the material through means of hyssop oil or smudging. Talismans are referred to with both sides, the obverse (front) and reverse (back).

The obverse side of the talisman being created is adorned with symbolism. Shapes, colors, symbols, and sigils are all commonplace. With each page of the seventy-two angels, you will find a talisman that can be transcribed to your material of choice.

The reverse side of the talisman should contain the name of the person being affected by the working. If you are doing a rite for yourself, you will pen your own name to the reverse.

Once you have constructed the talisman, it should be consecrated with conducting a rite of blessing with the Angel. In your rite, state your desire for the Angel to use the talisman as a means to work within this world. Subsequently, anoint the talisman with oil. It is then prepared for use by yourself, or whoever shall carry it.

There are many different ways of consecrating a talisman, one that is simple yet very effective can be done by the following:

Have a small cup of holy water nearby and light the corresponding incense for the entity you will be calling forth. Have a small silk or linen pouch which you can use to put the consecrated talisman in.

First, call upon the entity that corresponds with your talisman. After sensing the energetic shift and the presence of the entity you have called forth, set the talisman on your altar. Dip your fingers into the holy water and and flick water three times from your fingertips over the talisman, saying:

“I purify you with water.”

Then wave the incense three times over it, saying:

“I consecrate you with fire.”

Pick up the talisman, holding with the cloth pouch.

Raise the talisman high above your head, bring it down to eye level and exhale a breath onto your talisman. Know that your energy and intention will pass from your body onto the talisman. Say:

“I give thee life from my life, as the flame is lit from the flame, for fulfillment of this purpose - (state the purpose of the talisman clearly and concisely)”

Then place the talisman back onto the altar.

Say the following to direct the angel you have called forth.

“I conjure and thee, N.N. in and by the mighty Archangel N.N., that thou wilt direct thy power into this talisman, and give it such strength as it may require to fulfill this purpose (Once again state the purpose of the talisman clearly and concisely)”

Place the talisman into its pouch

This completes the ceremony.

Place the talisman somewhere that its effects will resonate with you or your target. The less a talisman is disturbed, the more effectively it creates a vortex of etheric energy to draw in the energies for your intent. If you are able, try to put the talisman from your mind as the less of your energy goes into thinking about the talisman’s effects, the less interference will be encountered for the talisman to be effective.
