Vehuel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XLIX


Angel of the first quinance, first decan of Sagittarius

Vehuel62, the first angel of the Chorus of Principalities led by Archangel Haniel, is the most sublime and the most exalted. Vehuel combines the pleasures of Heaven and Earth. He aura intensifies the senses, and everything surrounding those who seek him will be filled with splendor. Vehuel’s light demonstrates a new perception to appreciate divine order.

Through the invocation of Vehuel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Assists in any situation that requires the humbling or domination of forceful personalities for success. If one must work with someone with a superiority complex or overly egotistical, Vehuel will provide them with humility in their interactions. He allows individuals with strong personalities to be influenced and let one to take the lead in a situation. He also aids the magician to rise above aggression and respond in a deliberate manner.

✵ Enhanced abilities to perceive another individual’s thoughts, Vehuel gives the ability to see beyond their words and receive intuition to extract the truth of their sentiment.

✵ Vehuel serves to exalt oneself towards the divine, rise towards greatness and wisdom, and develop altruism and tolerance characteristics. He helps one become dedicated to helping peers as well as fraternity and become a source of inspiration for others.

✵ He allows one to see the beauty in everything; he uplifts and develops a greater sense of self-esteem.

✵ Subdue situations of aggression and anger; this is most effectively achieved when a specific problem is named. Vehuel works to calm the situation or to remove the aggressors from one’s life.

✵ Vehuel allows access to the multiverse and contact entities beyond this plane. In doing so, it will become possible to communicate more easily with those who have passed on from this life.

✵ He supports the practice and development of meditation, visualization, and when reciting mantras. For those who rarely meditate, he will help to establish a routine of meditating and developing inner peace.

✵ He will help correct the mindset of those struggling with inferiority complexes. The desire to speak in a self-deprecating manner will also be removed.

Meditating on this name will bestow the strength to suppress selfish desires by learning what your soul needs, rather than what your ego wants. In doing so, new appreciation will be found; life’s treasures and profound happiness can be achieved.



