Mihael - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash



Angel of the second quinance, third decan of Scorpio

Mihael61 comes as the eighth and final ray of Archangel Raphael’s Chorus of Virtues. He aids consciousness is expressing itself through emotional sensation. Mihael’s is innately a humanitarian, and he devotes himself entirely to a job when his aid is requested.

Through the invocation of Mihael it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Mihael provides great gifts of clairvoyance and helps improve the abilities of perception. Those under his influence will experience guiding inspiration about what their path ahead holds. By learning to recognize well-founded premonitions, the notion of what is about to happen will allow one to seize opportunities and avoid adversity. These abilities allow the full realization of potential in both professional and emotional ambitions.

✵ As an embodiment of fruitfulness and fertility, Mihael has the power to encourage pregnancy and reproduction as he brings divine sexuality to the heart of a relationship. Petition him to seek aid in any issues with infertility and any difficulty bearing or conceiving a child.

✵ In relationships where love is being fostered, Mihael will excite physical attraction between two individuals and bring great pleasure. He provides increased passion and sensuality with a genuine desire that allows the opportunity to express love physically.

✵ Mihael can ease tensions and strife in a troubled relationship. He works to reunite couples that have fallen on tough times and preserves peace and union. He provides peace, love, friendship, and loyalty in couples while removing petty barriers that create friction in a relationship. He serves against infidelity and feelings of inappropriate attraction. Lovers who are under his influence and protection will envision a clear destiny together.

Meditating on this name will bring a sense of fulfillment and allow you to focus on unity as opposed to conflict and selfish pursuits.



