Ariel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XLVI


Angel of the Second quinance, second decan of Scorpio.

Ariel59 is the sixth angel of the Chorus of Virtues illuminates the future, and helps us realize our dreams. He has a rich history that included working with King Solomon to conduct operations of manifestation, spirit release, and divine magick. Ariel’s name means the Lion of God and communicates with those who seek him by displaying lions in daily life. When summoned, it is common to feel a wind with his presence.

Through the invocation of Ariel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Ariel offers a powerful gift of insight and develops mediumship skills and enhances clairvoyant, clairauditory, and clairsentient abilities.These gifts open extraordinary doors for spiritual and mental advancement allowing us to attain revelations and receive premonitions through dreams

✵ She provides an increase in abilities of memory, concentration, and willpower.

✵ One can turn to him for finding hidden treasure and bringing money from unexpected sources. Though many perceive that money is found using this ability on an ongoing basis, the reward is often a mere momentary boost as opposed to a lasting pay raise. Nevertheless, people who are employed in the business of finding hidden treasures, such as antiques, jewelry, mining, or treasure hunting can genuinely rely on Ariel for miraculous returns.

✵ He will encourage greater expression of gratitude and help people recognize the work of others. He will do his part to help everyone retain a more modest, respectful approach in daily life.

✵ Ariel helps to make decisions with a subtle and robust mindset before any significant project. Ariel will help you find space to make plans discreetly. In addition, he helps keep goals secret, which will make actions more powerful.

✵ Among his powers is the ability to protect against inaccurate divination or fortune-telling and from harm that may come because of them. He will expose charlatans so it is possible to completely disregard their message.

✵ He prevents hesitancy, doubt, deviation, uncertainty, adversity, irrational thinking and helps one to avoid endeavors that are destined to fail.

✵ Shyness is eliminated through his influence and he destroys any mentality that is hindering people from enjoying life to the fullest degree.

Meditating on this name will fill your heart with certainty, conviction, and confidence. The lower mind will proclaim that to see to believe; however, the higher self will guide that to believe will allow one to see. Through trust and faith, the manifestation of our will becomes empowered.



