Hahahel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XLI


Angel of the first quinance, third decan of Libra

Hahahel54 is the first angelic ray in the Chorus of Virtues led by Archangel Raphael. Hahahel is a loyal protector and works to move things in favor of those who request his aid. He bestows tremendous strength through increased vibrational energy.

Through the invocation of Hahahel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ For those who feel that they possess a divine purpose or mission but cannot identify it, Hahahel offers his help to find the path and help discern essential steps for the future.

✵ Work to halt the plans of an enemy, so they no longer have power over others. He protects general contempt and will cause an end to slander and ridicule. Any harassment or bullying from a cruel person will come to an end as a sense of enfeeblement will cause them to lack the strength or will to attack others. He confounds those who seek to use their authority in an abusive way.

✵ Hahahel promotes inner discovery to uncover new strengths, increase self-esteem, and allow the comfortable expression of one’s personality. He shares the qualities of a visionary and helps avoid falling into frivolous behaviors.

✵ Reintegration assistance is provided after clashes or falling out with others. Such interventions aim to eliminate the sense of feeling victimized.

✵ A truly positive condition is attained through the influence of Hahahel by providing the ability to enter meditation in an active setting.

✵ Under his influence, exceptional leadership skills are developed, and his protégés display courage as they go to great lengths to help others.

Meditating on this name will create a connection to ancient high priests’ spirits to bring healing energy to areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships.



