Haamiah - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash



Angel of the second quinance, first decan of Libra

Haamiah51, the sixth in Archangel Camael’s Chorus of Powers is one who administers lunar energies. She prevents you from impulsive behavior, removes opposition from your path and prepares you to receive gifts with abundance.

Through the invocation of Haamiah it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Acquisition of treasures and wealth are achieved as Haamiah carries those under her influence towards their highest aspirations and achievements. She bestows all potential riches from heaven and earth.

✵ Wisdom is gained through the inspiration of Haamiah, who assists in making sound judgments that lead to positive results.

✵ Physical fitness and health are improved through the influence of Haamiah; she does not work to strengthen willpower but will ensure that results are more promising for those that are making an effort to improve their physical condition.

✵ Magickal rituals and their practice will become more common in one’s daily life through the efforts of Haamiah. She aids in the preparation of rites and will help one learn new ways to integrate magick into daily life.

✵ Improvement will be seen in areas of strategic planning ability as well as organizational skills.

✵ For those living in a violent situation, Haamiah works to remove the source of violence from one’s life to realize peace.

✵ If requested, the ideal partner will be brought into one’s life by Haamiah. She is able to locate a match that provides true fulfillment and happiness and allows the experience of divine sexuality through a sacred form of consciousness.

Meditating on this name will create an ability to receive abundance and the desire to be generous with your blessings to create a constant positive energy flow.



