Aniel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash



Angel of the first quinance, first decan of Libra

Aniel50 is the fifth guardian in Chorus of the Powers led Archangel Camael. Regal Aniel strengthens the will of those under his influence while creating attractive growth opportunities. It is through our challenges that we achieve powerful transformation.

Through the invocation of Aniel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Aniel bestows knowledge of philosophy and the arts and sciences. Through his assistance, one can become a true savant.

✵ Aniel will help communication with others become more effective and natural through the art of compelling storytelling. He inspires intriguing literature and speech that will leave others enthralled.

✵ Musicians and artists of all types can increase popularity by the influence of Aniel. He does not ensure financial gain from the fame he bestows, but will undoubtedly help further his career and recognition as a professional.

✵ Riots and the siege of a city will find a sudden end through the influence of Aniel. He restores order and brings victory.

✵ If two or more people need to discuss a matter to achieve the desired result, Aniel will bring the necessary individuals together to facilitate essential conversations. Although this may seem obscure, it can come in quite useful to usher along large deals for high-level business matters.

✵ He provides understanding and acceptance of life’s phases to help move along a life path with more ease and stability. Enlightenment regarding the causes and consequences of a variety of life events is achieved through his guidance.

✵ Liberation and recovery from addictions, negative thoughts relating to sexuality, and emotional dependence are received from Aniel. Intense impulses can be overcome more easily, along with any negative forces that may be causing them to arise.

✵ Those who are incredibly traditional and resist change can be adjusted to accept new concepts. Aniel urges people not to live in the past and offers divine illumination to open one’s mind.

Meditating on this name will raise awareness of your actions’ long-term effects and predict the challenges to address them efficiently before they create disruptions in your life.



