Vasariah - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash



Angel of the second quinance, first decan of Virgo

Vasariah45 is the eighth and final guardian of the Chorus of Dominions. She remains at a stable and crystalline vibratory level. By her nature, she manifests her influence with greater intensity and can help us in substantial ways. Under the influence of Vasariah, those who seek her will be oriented towards new opportunities and fortunate situations.

Through the invocation of Vasariah it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ She provides defense in legal matters and protects us from untrue accusations. She holds influence over attorneys and judges and governs all issues of justice.

✵ Improvement in memory can be gained with the influence of Vasariah. She helps to provide increased absorption of information and enables one to recall immense detail.

✵ The gift of becoming more articulate may be sought, and one can become an impactful speaker.

✵ Protection is provided against unfair treatment in all areas of life. Whether it be situations that could be encountered during daily activities, or among friends and family, she brings fairness into balance regarding all interactions. Additionally, Vasraiah will help those who have difficulty in forgiving others as she banishes vengeful thoughts.

✵ Artists benefit greatly from Vasariah as she provides an increase in the level of skill, but more importantly, ensures control within the profession. Those who seek assistance from her will find their art career grows through new connections and admiration from essential sources.

✵ Vasariah allows freedom from guilt that originates from past transgressions. A new understanding is provided regarding any challenges that may be faced. She will enable one to set aside bad memories and focus on the path into the future.

✵ She helps in bringing modesty, altruism, friendliness into the heart while providing abilities of seductive expression.

✵ Vasariah will help one to remain focused and provide adjustments to those who tend to run from responsibilities.

✵ She provides superior wisdom to make it easier to reflect, organize, and resolve challenges. Under the influence of Vasariah, one may become a skilled strategist.

Meditating on this name will bring the power of memory within your consciousness as a host of life lessons become deeply ingrained within your being.



