Lecabel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XXXI


Angel of the first quinance, first decan of Virgo

Lecabel44 is the seventh of Zadkiel’s Chorus of Dominions and he finds great importance to the formulation of thoughts. He tutors us in the ways of the law of attraction by aligning our thoughts towards a specific goal. Through work with him, we can transmute our inner voice to one of abundance and victory.

Through the invocation of Lecabel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Lecabel will help one to acquire knowledge in all subjects, and the topics studied will be remembered better. He is a master of astronomy, geometry, and mathematics.

✵ Defends against thieves and burglars seeking to steal from one’s home or business.

✵ Inspiration and innovation are gained through the aid of Lecabel; his influence brings ideas to grow business opportunities, chances to gain recognition from superiors or colleagues, ideas for new products or ways to market a business more effectively. The conclusion of projects comes naturally, and the ability to see things though becomes innate.

✵ Speaking and writing ability will be significantly improved through the assistance of Lecabel. He makes one become a natural communicator that is easily understood and well received.

✵ Grants invisibility or a more subtle presence in times that one desires to keep a low profile to have time to regroup or avoid detection. For those who are being harassed or stalked, Lecabel will make them lose interest.

✵ Practical problem-solving abilities and sharp lucidity are gained through the influence of Lecabel. His assistance brings solutions to all types of problems that one may encounter.

✵ A love of accuracy and precision is gained, and support can be received in the study of business and the exact sciences.

✵ Those involved in agriculture and work with any vegetation may call upon Lecabel to aid in successful and bountiful crops.

✵ Long term planning becomes a more critical part of one’s life. The process of forward-thinking to respect the stages and cycles in one’s life to gain success in the long term is realized.

✵ Astronomers and those interested in its practice will receive revelations concerning the movements of celestial bodies through observation.

✵ Tendencies to manipulate or abuse others is removed from one’s character. Any insecurities that lead to obsession, greed, and deceit are adjusted to protect one from returning to such patterns.

✵ Lust for a result can be removed through the aid of Lecabel. In any magickal operation that there is an intense desire for a specific outcome, it is advisable to call upon him to remove this condition and make way for manifestations’ success.

✵ Mastery of one’s emotions can be achieved through the ability to control responses with the power of reason and understanding.

✵ Prevents wasteful use of capital and resources and defends from losses in business, bankruptcy, and other financial issues.

Meditating on this name will endow you with the power to realize a conclusion in long term projects.



