Components and Preparation

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Components and Preparation

Divine light causes us to begin and to make progress, and it leads us to the summit of perfection. Therefore if you want to begin and to receive this divine light, pray. If you have begun to make progress and want this light to be intensified within you, pray. And if you have reached the summit of perfection, and want to be superillumined so as to remain in that state, pray.


Conducting a successful magickal operation requires preparation and an understanding of the system being used. Taking time to prepare properly will ensure a focused and dedicated rite that allows a practitioner to focus energies as needed to the magick itself. The act of casting a spell certainly requires effort; the ability to draw sufficient energy becomes an intrinsic aspect to the ritual.

You must begin by selecting an angel you want to employ for your practice. In some cases, calling forth two or more spirits may benefit from working on different aspects of a situation to achieve the desired result. Each angel has listed powers and abilities, and some will be of substantial value to the practitioner. This book contains an index of angel’s specializations so they may be matched more easily with tasks at hand.

Take care to read through all the angel descriptions and spend time to digest their meaning. Some of the more abstract sounding abilities can be applied to create dramatic results and unlock tremendous advantages in your life path. Although some angels share similar abilities, each spirit is unique, and it is worth exploring different angels who might be suitable for your situation, become familiar with what they can do, and know what it is that you want to change.

Occasionally, it might require some consideration to see how an angel’s ability applies to your situation. In contrast, other powers are more apparent in what situation you would call upon that angel. You will likely have an intuitive sense when you find an angel aligned with your goals. The basic descriptions are not an exhaustive list, and each angel has additional powers that may be revealed to you in working with the spirit. It is also important to note that inverse effects of listed powers can also be achieved, so if you want an opposite effect of an enumerated power, you may again ask the angel to create change in this manner. In situations where there is no clear choice, explore the assigned dates of influence and regency to see any direct correspondences with you or your situation. Each angel is an expression of the divine from which their abilities are derived. Angels cannot be forced or commanded; they should be invited to appear and asked to help. If you decide to summon more than one angel for the same matter, conduct an operation for each.

Once you have achieved success in magick on your own, you may want to perform a rite for others. If you feel guided to support someone with magick, it is an absolutely acceptable practice to perform a rite on their behalf. In this tome, a variety of angels are listed who have tremendous power to assist in all matters.

An important aspect to acknowledge is how you feel connected to the outcome you are asking for and communicate that information to the entity once you have called them forth. Although your ritual may benefit another person, it is crucial to understand how the positive result will affect your existence in this life. Meditate on why you, as the magician, want the desired outcome. Communicating these emotions will assist in the manifestation of your goal.

Intelligence gathering should be taken into account when doing magick concerning others. Your operation will benefit tremendously by understanding the individual’s desires and goals. In doing so, you will align with their energy and see results happen more quickly. If your working is not attuned with their will, it can create various pitfalls and ultimately cause them more harm than good. You may want to avoid offering someone magickal assistance overtly. A fair number of people may be apprehensive, frightened, or put off by your offer; it is also wise magickal rite secret even after a positive result manifests.

You can conduct the rites all on the same day or over a few days, depending on your energy levels and your ability to focus. This is a time-consuming process, but it yields much better results than trying to summon multiple spirits simultaneously. Once you have selected your angel, make sure you know how to pronounce its name and the relevant invocation verse. The verse may be read in any language.

A few critical parts of formulating the most potent and effective magick are found with particular correspondences, including herbs and flowers, incense, metals, musical pitch, and crystals that you may find listed alongside each spirit’s description characters. The proper correspondences play a role in empowering communication with the spiritual intelligence that we wish to evoke by attuning our vibration closely with their own through the process of ritual. The resulting experience is a perfect example of what we could define as an occult alchemical process.

With each layer of correspondence, you integrate, you will enhance your experience interacting with the spirit, which will result in more powerful energies being felt and displayed. There are a variety of methods to apply the various correspondences; remember that your practice should be made personal, and experimentation with each of them to find the most powerful combinations is heavily encouraged.


Symbols are the universe’s ultimate language and express things through the etheric realms and our higher selves. These are used to draw or repel influences and compel energies from the worlds outside of our own. Symbols can be expressed both in written and drawn form as well as through gestures. Gestures are used to direct energies through the body to move the physical body with that of the etheric body. Using allegorical action with a representation of the goal as part of the process serves as a meditation to focus on your operations’ goals. Doing so also further develops the magician’s relationship to the subject of the work. The tools used in the rite are also a way to break through to the correct layer of consciousness and create the pure connection of celestial light and clarity from a divine source. Additionally, symbolism in the opening invocation works over time to empower one’s energy and symbolizes balance in our physical form.

Each spirit contains its own set of characters that assist in its invocation by opening a portal for the angel to be called forth. Sacred geometry plays a critical element in these symbols. They are a primary method of invoking energies. A properly activated sigil can be used in conjunction with the corresponding verse during deep meditation to draw forth the power of the entity they embody.

The word sigil is derived from the Latin “sigillum,” which translates to a “sign” or “signature. Sigils appear cryptic in nature and are not readily understood by those who do not know the appropriate occult techniques to decipher their meaning. This can have the benefit of allowing concealment when undertaking a magickal operation. During the 20th century, the famous magician Austin Osman Spare9 developed a unique methodology and argued that medieval practices were not meant to evoke specific entities but to access archetypes within the subconscious. Therefore, sigils could be devised for various purposes to access thought forms as part of the collective unconscious.

It is sometimes mistakenly assumed that sigils are limited to the art of combining letters into one glyphic shape; on the contrary, there are many means to a decisive result in sigil craft. Some sigils are received during direct contact with an entity. Such an example of more divine inspiration can be found in the Arsenal 2495 Manuscript authored by Vigenère, where we find the unique signature seals contained herein.

Magick Squares or Kameas, as they are known in the Hebrew language, is an array of numbers organized in a square so that the total of any diagonal, row, or column comes to the same value. In addition, Kameas can be used as talismans and are the template that sigils are intended to replicate. This is done with gematria by using numbers of the square and then tracing a path to make the symbol among those numbers on the square itself.


Cardinal directions and their correspondence with the elements for this system of magick are aligned with classical elements and ancient texts. Over the years and through various techniques, these elements have taken multiple forms to adapt to developing systems’ particularities. For those working as practitioners of other systems, this may seem foreign. However, I urge you to make use of these designations and note the differences in your experience. Some traditions consider spirit as a fifth element. However, in consideration of this, no direction can be ascribed to spirit since it is an all-pervading force within the other four elements.

The compass points of north, south, east, and west are significant in your invocation or evocation since you are facing the direction of the spirit that you are calling upon. Gestures can be made symbolizing the qualities of each element and may be incorporated with your invocations. The gesture to represent Fire is with closed fists to indicate the action of energy. For one to symbolize Air, hands can be held vertically, allowing wind to blow between the fingers. The gesture for Water may be represented with cupped hands as if to hold Water. And lastly, for Earth, hands are held outstretched with the palms downward and flat, representative of the solid ground below.


The directions each involve characteristics of symbolism and coincide with the nature of the meanings the elements hold within themselves.

✵ East: The sun rises in the east. The east is associated with illumination, growth, and rebirth. Fire is the most mesmerizing of the elements and represents energy, passion, and transformation.

✵ North: On your path of ascension, moving north, the road may present challenges and become more difficult. Air represents the blowing winds and signifies communication and inspiration. The journey may become more challenging, but know that the rewards waiting on the other side are worth the challenges.

✵ West: The sun sets in the horizon of the west bringing with it the mystery of the night and dreams. The west is a gateway into the unknown and also represents the completion of a cycle. Water symbolizes emotions, as well as healing.

✵ South: The south is a symbol of strength, wisdom, and personal grounding. Earth is associated with fertility and solidity; it is a firm foundation for growth and development of life.



The development of your ritual space and your motion within this area carries symbolism and assists in elevating your consciousness to the proper attunement for your ritual concerns. Finding a dedicated place to establish for your magickal temple is ideal so that you may recognize this setting as a sacred place to conduct your rites. Your space should allow you to sense the power you call forth and remain clean and tidy at all times.


Each living thing has its own vibration, just as each aspect of our reality contains its own specific vibration. The vibrational energy we experience with a particular sound, smell, or color can trigger memories and alter our emotional state. To put in context, an example of how external energies can affect us on a physical level to affect our consciousness is how our eyes process light’s energy. Light passing through the cornea and the iris, the crystalline lens projects images onto the retina, converting these pictures into an electronic signal processed through the optic nerve, going to the brain’s visual cortex. As a result, the brain translates this signal to provide a mental image of what we are experiencing—the vibrations of any object result in the various colors we perceive.

When you stare into the vastness of space and see the stars all around you, the energy those stars have generated creates that light that traveled from across the galaxy, which activates retinal pigments and creates an electrical response within your body as it moves through it and interacts with it. Consider that by doing this, you have absorbed the light of the stars into your being.

The magician’s voice is also a powerful instrument of vibration for connecting to an entity and projecting beyond our plane’s limitations—the oscillation of a voice carrying words coupled with a spirit or intent. Making use of voice in a theatrical context may seem irrelevant but, in fact, quite the opposite. Reading your passages with emotion and dramatic dynamics will enhance your immersion and project your intent to succeed in your practice. This presentation assists in achieving the proper mental state but is often overlooked by the neophyte.

Crystals also have a particular interest, and attunement occurs when the magician connects themselves with a crystal. As Nikola Tesla describes, “In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being” Crystalline entities emanate energy to assist in achieving desired results. Having a clear mind and then meditating with your crystal can help attune you to those frequencies and open you up for communication.

Perhaps the most crucial vibrational reagent used in a rite is the use of incense to properly fumigate your area and enhance your experience in effectively calling a spirit forth. Perfumes create an atmosphere that allows the manifestation of spirits and also tunes the operator’s imagination. There are a variety of scents available, and now with additional chemical production capabilities, the creation of new fragrances is virtually limitless. However, for the sake of my practice, I find traditional herb and resin blends to be more satisfying for general use. Through any number of grimoires, specific scents are called for certain rituals. This text contains correspondences with traditional incense blends, which are suggested for use in your practice.

There are two primary groups of incense. The first group is those who elevate consciousness, such as aromatic gums and certain essential oils. These substances create a sharpened mental state with clarity. The second group is those who activate the activity of the subconscious, which are Dionysians and Venusians. Dionysians are acidic and highly aromatic such as cedars, sandalwood, and pine; Venusians are more penetrating aromas such as vanilla.

Even though some items are preferable, tools are always able to be tailored, and in the place of incense substitutions, the use of frankincense resin is recommended. This creates fumigation with a high-vibrational fragrance and will disperse negative energy. I acquired an affinity for it during my time in the Middle East. Sultan Qaboos of Oman had requested that I make a presentation to his staff at their Ministry of Defense. I stayed in the Al-Bustan Palace that had been converted to a hotel along the coast. Each morning I awoke to the lingering aromas that were carried out to the entire facility. I found the smoke to be uplifting and enjoyed waking up to it each morning. After several days, I decided to venture down to the lobby early to learn what was being done. There was a large pit with lumps of coal that was started in the main rotunda, and two members of the staff would load a censer with resin and walk through all of the hallways before dawn. The gentleman handling this process conducted his morning prayers in the presence of the smoke and explained to me his practice of standing in the smoke for several minutes after his prayer as he felt it energized him for the day.

It was only after I returned home that I started reading about some of the scientific research being conducted by Johns Hopkins University and Hebrew University in Jerusalem on the psychoactive effects of frankincense. The research shows that frankincense directly activates the protein TRPV3, which affects the skin’s temperature perception and has strong anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects, which will result in you feeling relaxed and more open.

Smudging an area is a powerful way to cleanse your space and prepare it to be charged with your magickal intent. Some several herbs and resins are useful for cleansing fumigation and should be used prior to your rite’s opening. Perhaps the most frequently used herb is sage, which is typically bundled into a wand for the use of burning to cleanse your area. Sage is used to removing adversarial influences from the site and repel negative energy for a period of time. One thing to keep in mind is that sage should not be the exclusive herb for your fumigation rite. It is preferable to use other herbs and resins to cleanse your areas and keep them charged with positive influence. Cedar, palo santo, lavender, and camphor resin are all excellent choices to fumigate your ritual space. Camphor is incredibly powerful for raising the vibration and driving out negative influence. If your room feels unusually heavy, try fumigating your area with camphor resin to assist in returning it to a baseline.


The energy that you put forth, as the magician, is what drives the working. Energy charges the framework you have designed and imprints your desire onto reality. The resulting energy and emotion you convey in your operation are deeply connected to the rite’s success. As previously stated, feel the words with sincerity and use an expression. Put the emotion into your voice as though you were conducting your rite in front of an audience. Connect to those associated with your operation and sense their emotions; this will further empower your operation. After the ritual is completed, you should still feel the power of the result and the thanks you have sent are for the angel to have granted your desire and have made it happen already. This is a concept carried forth in a variety of magickal systems and even models of manifestation developed for the law of attraction and psychological systems, however, do not discount the benefit of this step as being trivial; know that this is one of the most powerful tools you can wield in ensuring your success.


You will find scripture correspondences for each angel that is used for invoking the spirit. The reasoning behind this format comes from Athanasius Kircher, where he located each of the verses containing the four-letter name YHWH and the three-letter names for each of the angels. The exception is number thirty-six, “Manadel,” and number seventy, “Iabamiah,” which do not have YHWH in their verse but contain the three-letter name. All Psalm and verse numbers in biblical translations are taken from the Latin Vulgate.


To conduct an effective operation magickal development pattern, you should be calm and focused on a specific outcome. No individual should enter their temple to perform magick without having a clearly defined intent. Ask yourself what you are summoning the spirit for and what is the desired result. Furthermore, understand how the end result can shape your future for the better. There are many ways to conduct a magickal operation, and a great deal of the process comes down to your intuition and what resonates with you. Following the script from a particular magickal system holds power in itself. This energy is derived from the energetic focus of others who have worked within the same current. However, this does not mean that it is not permitted to modify portions as needed to suit your work.

Before going any further in your preparation, drink a glass of water. A point often overlooked with any magickal practice is the importance of proper hydration in your magickal workings. Proper hydration has a number of well-documented health benefits, including better mental focus and better sleep function, which helps the pineal gland function. Water is also a conductor of spiritual energy, and it allows the magician to establish a connection to spiritual powers more readily. If you are regularly dehydrated, take steps to increase your water intake, you will likely see a noticeable shift in your ability to sense subtle energies. This will help you better control the powers being manipulated in your rite.

Plan to conduct your rite when you can have the most peace and privacy. Gather the materials you will need ahead of your ceremony, so they are readily available for your use. Silence is not required, and you may find benefit in using ambient music and binaural audio to assist in the shift of consciousness, which is necessary.

It will be beneficial to transcribe this ritual within your magickal journal for the sake of commitment to memory and have access to these components of the operation for reference. Once the rite has begun, the mental state achieved can make it difficult to access information from memory, so it is wise to have notes to carry out the operation correctly. Prepare the notes for what you will request from the angel. This should be clear and concise, without ambiguity but left open to many possibilities for the angel to explore how to grant your request.

Draw seal for the angel you wish to call forth and create separate parchment with the sigil of the archangel in the hierarchy. The seal of the angel should be traced with red ink within the time of influence. Above the seal, write the name of the angel in the Hebrew or Malachim characters.

The full operation can be time-consuming but draws extreme power. A cleansing hyssop bath before the rite is highly recommended, but at the very least, you will have bathed or showered and dressed in clean clothes. Ready all materials within the chamber where this work is to be done. Gently wipe everything down with a clean cloth.

To further prepare the chamber, making use of musical tones has demonstrated positive effects. The correspondences pages list the note, which can be played continuously almost as a droning sound. In addition to this, lighting can play an exciting role. With a colored light, you may light the entire room with the angel’s corresponding color, which will be summoned; this will enhance the vibratory affinity and better attract the angel to come forth.

In preparing your circle, pay attention to the cardinal directions in your space, as this will be important during your operation. The circle can be drawn directly onto the floor with chalk, or you can prepare your circle on a large piece of cloth so it can be removed and reused easily. To allow room to move, the diameter of the circle is to be at least nine feet or slightly under three meters, and can be reduced slightly if the size of your room does not permit this; the circle is to be divided vertically in half and horizontally in two lines forming 4 quadrants. The more you work with a circle and become accustomed to it, the more easily you will be able to unlock it as an aspect of your subconscious.

Ritual purification and cleansing are a way to focus and prepare the mind to receive the spiritual energy transmitted in a successful rite. Take a bath and apply Hyssop Oil to your hands and face before your operation. The smell of Hyssop is unique and begins to shift my consciousness into the proper state. Also, being clean is a sign of respect for the energies you are working with as well; you may remember that the spirits told Sir Edward Kelley,10

“Long may he knock who is filthily attired.”

The preparation of a rite is a meditation itself and serves as the first point of drawing power for operation. By taking the necessary time to prepare, you will have a significantly more rewarding and powerful experience while increasing the effects of your magick.

Spiritual entities such as angels take pleasure in receiving offerings as an energetic exchange. Offerings of any type provide energy, and the request you are making of the spirit requires energy, which allows for some “skin in the game” to speak on your part that will allow the angel to assist you in your endeavor. It is also a sign of respect, just as you would provide food, drinks, or a small gift to a friend who has done you a favor. Offerings have been a part of spiritual practice since ancient times all over the world. Some cultures still carry on a strong tradition for regularly leaving offerings for their ancestors and guides. As an example, you can frequently observe altars in Eastern Asian restaurants.

ImageOfferings can include many types of things, including incense, alcoholic beverages, food, tobacco, and many others. Anything you could think of to offer a guest is something you could also provide to a spirit. You can easily make an offering altar in which you place the item, give thanks, and continue with your day. You can also communicate with the spirit by calling them forth to provide the offering; the choice is up to you. If you regularly commune with any particular spirit for an ongoing working, consider asking them to guide you to what they would like as an offering. You may have an intuitive sense or other sign that tells you what they would like.

After an offering has been placed, there are a few potential ways to remove it properly. Non-food offerings can be left on the altar. Anything that will rot or degrade and needs to be disposed of can be burned in a brazier or buried in the ground. Liquids may be poured onto the ground. When presenting food as an offering, you may have some of the food yourself as you set it out and invite the angel to share in the meal as well.

If you are the cooking type and would like to take the time and energy to prepare something special for an offering, I’ve provided a recipe for a rather delicious Angel Food cake that is vegan. I do not seek to guide particular dietary restrictions. However, it can be noted that energetic signatures associated with a plant-based diet make way for higher vibration life and aid in an elevated state of consciousness. Even if you do not wish to convert your diet, taking breaks from animal products in daily consumption can exponentially affect the magickal operation’s success.

Vegan Angel Food Cake Recipe

This cake takes approximately fifteen minutes to prepare and will cook for one hour.

✵ 3/4 cup aquafaba

✵ 1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar

✵ 1 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract

✵ 1 cup powdered sugar

✵ 1 tbsp chickpea flour

✵ 1 cup white flour


✵ Preheat the oven to 330°F (165°C).

✵ Pour ¾ cup of aquafaba into a large bowl with 1 ½ tsp. of cream of tartar.

✵ Beat the aquafaba for approximately six minutes to create a fluffy meringue

✵ Add 1 1/2 tablespoon of vanilla extract to the beat again for another minute.

✵ Slowly pour the powdered sugar while continuing to beat the meringue rapidly for another two minutes.

✵ Mix in one tablespoon of chickpea flour and stir the mixture for another minute.

✵ Fold in the flour with a spatula slowly through several pours until it is all mixed; however, be cautious to not over-mix as the meringue will start to lose volume after the flour has been incorporated.

✵ Pour into a nonstick angel food cake pan, there is no need to grease the pan.

✵ Bake at 330°F (165°C) for one hour

✵ Allow the cake to cool within the pan; once it has cooled, cut it from the pan.
