Omael - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XXX


Angel of the second quinance, third decan of Leo

Omael43 comes as the sixth guardian of the Chorus of Dominions led by Zadkiel; he is a noble and high spirit that supports intelligence and bestows an aura of positive emotions.

Through the invocation of Omael it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Help in the removal of sorrow and despair caused by events that have transpired. Omael brings patience, understanding, and a sense of tranquility. Omael strikes a balance of emotions to dispel depression and assists in letting go of past failures so it is possible to move on.

✵ Strength and willpower to overcome adversity in any situation. He provides an energetic surge to push forward and face any challenges that may come about.

✵ Recovery from failure can be achieved with the assistance of Omael as he helps one to learn from past mistakes and create more success in the future. He provides defense from repeated failures and poverty. New opportunities for development and expansion of projects will be presented.

✵ Provides improved fertility, assists in creating a calm and healthy pregnancy and more comfortable birth

✵ Omael bestows characteristics of happiness, good humor, and enthusiasm. He brings joy and fulfillment and presents one with a personality as a living anti-depressant able to provide others’ strength and comfort. He will help one to rediscover the inner child.

Meditating on this name will help extend an olive branch to restore friendships that have fallen into a state of conflict.



