Reyiel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XXIX


Angel of the First quinance, third decan of Leo

Reyiel42 is the fifth guardian of the Chorus of Dominions and establishes a bridge in his proteges’ consciousness to allow them to understand the voice that comes from above. It is possible to develop a permanent bond with this angel’s power and receive immediate guidance in any situation.

Through the invocation of Reyiel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Meditation and a keen sense of introspection are developed through the aid of Reyiel. A higher level of self-knowing is achieved as hidden knowledge of the divine mysteries. Magickal practice will see benefit from work carried out through a higher form of consciousness.

✵ Reyiel provides liberation and defense from unseen enemies. When there is uncertainty regarding an enemy’s identity, but it is known that an enemy exists, Reyiel can protect from their actions. He works to expose the enemy and reveal their plots. Reyiel protects from magickal attacks, enchantments, and curses as well.

✵ Secret information can be revealed through the aid of Reyiel; this can include valuable details that can help in all types of matters, including business and relationships. It may be discovered that some information begins to be received through gossip or other more grounded ways, but it can also be gained through dreams and intuition.

✵ He bestows a greater appreciation of the beauty of nature and allows one to enjoy the natural world.

✵ Assists in developing connections with one’s spiritual guides

✵ Assists seek to spread divine truth and philosophy with conviction through the medium of literature or speech.

✵ He defends from stagnation and the bondage of dead-end situations. Adjusts mentality to seek the best in every aspect of one’s life.

Meditating on this name will give the ability to cast aside the toxic emotions of anger, malice, and envy.



