Seheiah - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash



Angel of the second quinance, second decan of Leo

Seheiah41 is the fourth angel of the Chorus of Dominions led by Archangel Zadkiel. She surrounds you with wisdom and caution as she protects you with her divine hand. Noble Seheiah bestows a calming aura of radiant peace.

Through the invocation of Seheiah it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Seheiah works to maintain physical health and defend from illness as a matter of prevention. During the changing of seasons, travel, or anything that may pose a risk to exposure and disease, call upon her to provide protection and good health.

✵ She protects from disasters and forces of nature to be delivered from harm’s way and able to weather the storm. Most notably, Seheiah will provide explicit protection from earthquakes, cyclones, and rising waters. Invoke this angel and request her watchful eye and ask for her aura security. Call upon her in the face of adversity.

✵ She removes tendencies to worry and halts anxiety, deep-rooted fears, and irritable attitudes while adjusting unbridled ambition. Those under her influence no longer fear change or fear for death or the future.

✵ The development of optimism is gained as Seheiah helps to rectify past transgressions.

✵ Seheiah is a great teacher of divination and prophecy. She will provide intuitive premonitions for dangerous events and bestow natural prudence in times of need.

✵ She bestows confidence in the life path that cosmic intelligence has set for us.

✵ Seheiah assists those that call upon her in defeating addictions of all types.

Meditating on this name will bring enrichment to your soul and profoundly embellish your relationships with cosmic energy.



