Yerathel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash



Angel of the first quinance, second decan of Leo

Yerathel40 serves as the third ray of Zadkiel’s Chorus of Dominions. He bestows optimism, joy, peace, along with the superior characteristics that ensure success in all aspects of life. He stands ready to receive our requests with open arms.

Through the invocation of Yerathel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ He provides deliverance from the hands of enemies and confounds liars and the wicked. Yerathel is a lover of peace and justice. He defends from harsh laws and those who would seek to disparage reputations and protects from those with bad intentions. His illumination serves as a silent partner, and its radiant aura creates endless blessings and protection.

✵ He also provides liberation from those who stand in the way of personal development.

✵ He assists authors in writing projects and channels his ability to communicate ideas clearly with compelling storytelling and flair. His ability to propagate knowledge more easily is powerful as he develops skills to teach more effectively through writing.

✵ He brings fame and recognition to authors and can increase popularity to publications. He works best to bring success to those who already have a platform for their work; For those who are looking for a means to publish, there are more suitable spirits to assist you.

✵ Yerathel helps put one back on track and frees one from negative emotions that cause stagnation. Yarathel is a savior in critical situations and shares surprising and miraculous shifts when one is lost. He solves both personal and organizational issues and is a bringer of hope and optimism.

✵ Yerathel will help resolve the lack of confidence or self-esteem that leads to inaction and restriction. He provides a limitless supply of energy as he spreads light through those seek him. Those under his influence become exceedingly optimistic and create a positive atmosphere.

✵ Removes codependency and the compulsive need to please others.

✵ He provides defense from the desire to gamble compulsively.

Meditating on this name will remove darkness and destructive influence through powerful rays of divine illumination of truth and understanding.



