Haaiah - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XXVI


Angel of the second quinance, first decan of Leo

Haaiah39 is the second ray of the Chorus of Dominions led by Archangel Zadkiel. She is considered the angel of negotiations and offers divine magick with an aura of relief to those in need.

Through the invocation of Haaiah it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Ensures the preservation of a prosperous livelihood and protects employment from ruin and misfortune.

✵ Haaiah causes judgments to be fair, especially in matters where there is innocence or misunderstanding; this angel works to bring the truth to light. Haaiah will appeal to judges and draw their sympathy so that lawsuits and legal cases can be won through undeniable evidence.

✵ Wealth and abundance can be generated through divine knowledge that is not widely known and gained through intuitive information or divination. Particularly useful to those who work with stocks or investing.

✵ Negotiations for trade agreements are completed with ease to assist in wholesale distribution or import and export industries.

✵ An increase in political ambition and the development of policy benefits significantly from the aid of Haaiah; this can be any matter that could be considered political, including that within a corporate structure or board of directors. However, politicians specifically see a tremendous benefit from this power. The resulting influence brings others in alignment with an idea, and as a result, Haaiah will help influence decisions and the creation of legislation. With her assistance, positive and constructive atmospheres are created, and a spirit of collaboration will permeate all of those involved in a matter.

✵ As an angel of secrecy, those under her influence will be able to protect and handle the secrets of an organization and works to prevent the spread of information that needs to be concealed.

✵ She provides the ability to successfully coordinate real power and wealth and direct their use with a great sense of planning.

✵ She will provide analysis and logical reasoning to any situation in order to handle difficult and complex situations best.

✵ Protection and support are provided for those who are engaged in investigative and espionage operations.

✵ She defends from indiscretion and will prevent one from avoiding responsibilities.

Meditating on this name will remind you that order always emerges from chaos so that balance and serenity are restored.



