Nith-Haiah - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XXV


Angel of the first quinance, first decan of Leo

Nith-Haiah38 serves as the first Guardian in the service of the Chorus of Dominions, benevolent Nith-Haiah is an embodiment of the will and emanation of the spiritual worlds. She brings messages endowed with a persuasive force of undeniable significance.

Through the invocation of Nith-Haiah it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ She holds regency over occult science matters and allows the acquisition of wisdom and truth of the hidden mysteries. Her revelations are provided in dreams to those who seek her and practice the magick of the ancients. Nith-Haiah helps in the understanding of time and how to work with higher densities of existence. Particular attention is provided to those born on the days over which she rules.

✵ Increased power can be channeled to any magickal operation through the aid of Nith-Haiah. For development as a magician, new magickal techniques and practices that promise powerful results will be introduced directly. If effects have not yet manifested, and magick seems to be blocked, consult Nith-Haiah. She recognizes blockages that prevent magick from working and will aid in their removal.

✵ She helps discover and manipulate forms of magick to bring well-being and transmission of energy to others.

✵ Help in discovering the secrets of the material world can also be rendered in cases where it is felt that crucial details are being held back. Nith-Haiah can be called upon to reveal important information to us even when we have no knowledge of its potential. Ask this angel to provide answers through dreams. Insight can be gained regarding the thoughts and intentions of a named individual. She will also help in gathering intelligence for matters of planning for a magickal operation. This can help dissect a problem and understand which spirits can assist most readily.

✵ She creates a peaceful setting to engage in meditation and will bestow an appreciation of solitude.

✵ Nith-Haiah protects from magick and curses and exposes charlatans claiming false spiritual abilities and spiritual manipulators who act with a sense of superiority over others

Meditating on this name will bring the strength to hear truth and use it when you need it most.



