Nelchael - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XXI


Angel of the first quinance, second decan of Cancer

Nelchael34, comes as the fifth ray of the Chorus of Thrones and has the most power in the realm of learning; the forever eminent Nelchael is considered a patron of philosophers and scientists. Through those who seek him receive tremendous knowledge.

Through the invocation of Nelchael it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Learning difficulties are more easily overcome as Nelchael bestows focus and understanding for any topic. He also assists in preparation for tests and will mitigate any stress that one has as a result. Through his influence, one will come to enjoy their studies with improved concentration and memory retention. Through his power, it is possible to become incredibly knowledgeable.

✵ Parallel worlds may be accessed more easily to interact with the entities that reside there. He teaches one to travel there through methods such as transcendental meditation.

✵ Curses and malicious attacks are broken, and negative spirits are repelled through the presence of Nelchael.

✵ Nelchael defends property from thieves.

✵ Slander and gossip will cease through the actions of Nelchael, even in cases where the source is unknown. He will prevent mistruths from being told, and even in cases of true stories that may damage one’s reputation, he will halt the information from spreading. Liars and charlatans will become exposed.

✵ Negative emotions about life or a specific matter can be addressed and removed to make way for optimism and positivity. In some cases, Nelchael can work to remove the root cause of a negative attitude.

✵ Calculations and mathematics can be a complicated process; Nelchael will help in advanced calculations, which can be extremely helpful for those who work in technical fields. The traditional text indicates that he is helping to achieve domination in technology development, exact sciences as well as abstract sciences.

✵ Predictions will come naturally through intuition through the influence of Nelchael.

✵ He provides support to those who have tremendous family responsibilities and little help. It is easy to become overwhelmed by obligations to one’s family, and Nelchael works to make things.

✵ Balance is achieved for those who possess an inferiority or superiority complex through Nelchael’s powers.

✵ Unbounded ambition and overwork are tamed to allow proper rest and reflection.

✵ He removes the tendency to behave in a vindictive or provocative manner regarding situations that cause resentment. His influence will also help to overcome prejudices or any preconceived notions one may hold.

Meditating on this name will bring forth divine energy to defend from diseases and plagues of the body and mind.



