Leuviah - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XIX


Angel of the first quinance, first decan of Cancer

Leuviah32 is the third guardian of the Chorus of Thrones. She bestows many positive results in all she undertakes by exploring all possibilities of successfully achieving a goal and finding the greatest good one may experience. From her will come riches and fruitfulness in abundance.

Through the invocation of Leuviah it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Leuviah works to expand intellect to new heights while improving memory and fostering whole-brain thinking. She will help recover critical mental faculties for those who have experienced any degradation in cognitive capabilities. She will also aid in learning a new subject and creates a long-term understanding of an issue.

✵ Inspires love between both friends and enemies, builds stronger relationships, and aids in mending past transgressions. When Leuviah is invoked towards an enemy, they typically experience confusion by their sudden change of heart.

✵ Assists in making sound and just decisions are provided, and although this is an often-overlooked characteristic, it holds great power in steering the daily path of life. Leuviah works to attune the pathways of one’s true will and bestows intuition on how the future will manifest.

✵ Love can be generated in a subject of desire when there is potential for passion. Leuviah works by allowing the desired individual to sense the love and return those sentiments to make way for the possibility of romance.

✵ Help to overcome and understand hardships.

✵ She allows for better control of feelings through logic and provides tremendous patience.

✵ Memories from past lives and cosmic memory in itself can become more accessible through Leuviah. Great powers of recall can be experienced through the doors of the universal library.

✵ Control over emotions is gained through perseverance and the power of reason. She allows challenges to be met with willingness and patience, and those under her influence will possess a noble way of thinking.

✵ She helps develop characteristics of optimism, kindness, joy, modesty.

✵ She shields from the adverse impact of transgressions and abominations committed in past lives.

✵ Adjusts manipulative personalities that seek to control others through selfish desires and humbles those who tend to be boastful and try to impress everyone.

Meditating on this name will create a powerful connection of divine energy to bring the swift manifestation of your will.



