Hariel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XV


Angel of the first quinance, second decan of Gemini

Hariel28, the seventh angel of the Chorus of Cherubim, places your soul beneath divine protection and makes your spiritual senses awaken. Wielding his divine powers, he dispatches your search for knowledge and for spiritual progress.

Through the invocation of Hariel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Hariel assists in clearing the mind of negativity and provides healthy inspiration to uphold long-term goals.

✵ He helps to clear one’s mind of distractions, making room for the experience of subtle energies.

✵ Peace can be felt throughout the home, and disruptions are subdued. If there is ongoing strife or a sense of heaviness, Hariel restores tranquility within the home.It is hard to achieve a time of peace in life with the rigors of modern society, but Hariel will create a space to rest. New opportunities that lead to a calm refuge will begin to present themselves..

✵ Increased magickal power and abilities can be achieved by calling upon Hariel. He serves to enhance the force that magick produces in the material world. Over time, his influence in this development will compound its effects. Spirituality and the faculties of mediation and clairvoyance shall also be enhanced.

✵ A breaker of chains, Hariel works to liberate from any unhealthy dependencies, including drugs and alcohol that prevent one from seeing reality as it is. With the removal of these vices, Hariel works to build spiritual strength.

✵ Motivation comes as a surge of energy as Hariel urges us into action. For those who have felt overwhelmed or paralyzed and feel stuck, Hariel will assist.

✵ He aids in the invention of methods of doing things and the design of equipment. His guidance is particularly useful to artists, engineers, and scientists.

✵ Hariel provides perspective and helps avoid getting caught up in excessive details. His influence prevents one from becoming excessively critical or attempting to break things down to an extreme degree.

✵ He provides change to those with difficult personalities and defends from distorted perspectives, false judgments, and backward principles.

Meditating on this name will offer long-term vision and foresight for every aspect of your life. Illusions are dissolved to make way for you to focus on results and perceive more through intuition.



