Lauviah - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel XI


Angel of the first quinance, third decan of Taurus

Lauviah, the third of Raziel’s Chorus of Cherubim, often works with those who aspire to occupy high economic and social levels. Lauviah provides an energy of radical transformations and brilliant, sublime inspiration. One who is energetically linked to this angel produces cathartic effects in their environment.

Through the invocation of Lauviah it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Lauviah gives strength and cunning to overcome adversity. She serves best in subduing the efforts of those who act out of jealousy. Rather than causing detrimental effects to them, Lauviah works by causing enemies to lose interest and not seek to cause harm any longer. He will also protect from two-faced relationships or relationships which only appear favorable on the outset. He protects from negative energies like jealousy, envy, and slander and helps refrain from using trickery to achieve desired results.

✵ New admiration for one’s work and loyal followers can be earned for a named individual or brand. Lauviah works best to provide sincere followers who want to be involved and support an endeavor’s growth.

✵ Recognition, fame, and success can be achieved as she makes one a real expert in a particular field. Talents that have failed to receive widespread attention will draw new attention. This power is most effectively conducted to build the reputation of those who have published works and a platform to build upon but have lacked in their ability to generate attention for their work. He is best used before the launch of a new project to attain victory in any endeavor.

✵ Becoming influential to those who hold places of fame and prestige is easily achieved by Lauviah. Those with great renown such as public figures, politicians, and corporate leaders will trust one’s opinion. There must be an established form of contact with the individual to realize the potential of this ability.

✵ Knowledge and learning from experiences one has gained in past lives is accessed through Lauviah’s illumination.

✵ She provides a great source of confidence, positivity, and joy for those who seek her. The positive energies she emits will help, particularly in matters where one must pass challenging training or initiations.

✵ For those who work within a humanitarian organization or one in which provides aid to others, Lauviah will guarantee that actions are met with success.

✵ She will support long-term objectives for those who have experienced difficulties reaching specific goals and providing defense from failure.

✵ Regulates emotions and works to remove the emotional dependency that can sometimes develop in relationships.

✵ Lauviah will remove any lack of confidence personally and within others. This newfound confidence will make interpersonal relationships develop more quickly.

Meditating on this name will remove negative energy and bring a cleansing aura to the environment around you.



