What are Angels?

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

What are Angels?


Speak ye who best can tell, ye Sons of light, Angels, for ye behold him, and with songs And choral symphonies, Day without Night, Circle his Throne rejoicing, ye in Heav’n, On Earth join all ye Creatures to extoll Him first, him last, him midst, and without end.


Belief in angels is very ancient, including the oldest known artifact, a stele from ancient Sumeria, is from around 6000 B.C. and portrays a winged figure pouring the water of life into a cup belonging to a king. The spirits contained within this book, the Shem HaMephorash angels themselves, are beings connected directly to the divine source. They are eager to work with humankind in order to offer the benefits of their office.

Although many people have tried, no conclusive answer to the question, “What are angels?” exists. Despite this, it is generally perceived that angels are cosmic beings of pure energy. Angels are a bridge between the divine and humanity.

The word angel can be traced etymologically from the Greek word “Angelos” or “Aggelos” which translates to “messenger”. In the bible of the Hebraic faith, the word for angel is “mala’ak” and has the same meaning. Ultimately this means that an angel is someone that makes a connection to bring information from God, the divine source. We are given free will to make our choices in life, but we can frequently receive messages, hints, and nudges about what should be chosen for success in our lives. These messages are given shape by believing that angels deliver them to us. It is also believed that elements of nature are produced through angels’ agency and that every single thing in existence has a spirit intelligence assigned to it.

Most religions of the world have a system of belief in some angels. They are entities considered to be the helpers of God and also humankind. The viewpoint of an angel’s position is the intermediary of God, and each angel holds a particular office of responsibility. Angels exist on a unique path of evolution and their mission is to collaborate with humans and other entities to create and preserve the universe.As sure as called upon to perform great wonders or acts of health and prosperity, angels can also carry out acts of justice and destructive wrath.

A common misconception is that angels come from people who lived here on Earth; however those entities are your ancestors, spirit guides, and the ascended masters, all of which may possess a few similar characteristics to angels.

Angels work to assist humankind and appear in extraordinary situations, such as when someone needs help, protection, or comfort. They can transform the overwhelming and incredible power received from source so that we, in our mortal form, can make use of it in this plane. For example, in an electrical system, a transformer reduces electrical power to a level for safe use within your home to power electronic devices.

Since the dawn of time, angels have continued to learn and develop intellectually. Temporal desires have not corrupted their minds, so their intelligence and piety are much higher than that of humans. What can be said for certain is that angels are sentient beings that exist in a higher vibration than humanity and work in the higher densities of existence and are not a part of the physical plane itself. Each angel vibrates in complete harmony with the divine; they transcend any religion or doctrine and are devoid of emotions such as anger or jealousy. They function at a different vibrational level than the material world, enabling them to live in the presence of the divine.

ImageAngels are powerful beings of immense strength, far from the soft and serene depictions found in a lot of New Age artwork. Because they exist on a different perceptive range than the corporeal world, they are usually invisible to the naked eye. Angels can appear terrifying and otherworldly, and in most references to angels in the Bible, the first thing that is conveyed is “Fear not!” — for good reason. Angels are able to take on a number of different forms in the presence of humans since their appearance is not static. Due to our limited ability to perceive their presence, angels may choose to materialize in ways that allow for less shocking interactions, such as taking human form. However, it is through a brilliant sphere of light and radiating energy manifesting as a sacred geometric orb that is the most natural appearance of an angel. Although they have expressed a masculine or feminine energy, angels themselves are genderless. The pronouns used to relate to their energetic designation can be discerned through -el (masculine) and -ah (feminine) suffixes.

Despite being subject to the influence of time and space, they can travel vast distances as if instantaneously, by virtue of their higher density existence. Angels can access information from the present and the past on the assumption that it does not consist solely in the realm of thoughts. Angels are mighty; however, they are not omnipresent and do have limitations, they do not seek worship, nor do they pursue their own praise. They undertake their service largely unnoticed by humanity.

Existing as an extension of the collective unconscious, angels are an innate element of our existence. The anatomy of a ritual is meant to allow this part of our mind to emerge and penetrate out into the physical realm to achieve things we need and desire. Across the centuries, we have learned to categorize and differentiate these forces. The angels we will be calling in this text are angelic beings that are linked with the study and practice of ancient Kabbalah that reveals seventy two powerful spirits with a multitude of useful powers.
