Cahethel - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel VIII


Angel of the second quinance, first decan of Taurus

Cahethel22 is the eighth in the Chorus of Seraphim led by Archangel Metatron. He is considered a chief angel against negative energy and reveals the illusions of the world.

Through the invocation of Cahethel it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ Cahethel wards off evil spirits, dispels negative energy directed from others, and can drive away any nonhuman entities that wish to cause harm. He will call down divine blessings and protection against magickal attack and breaking curses involving demonic powers. He can provide freedom from the hold or influence of evil spirits.

✵ Protection is received from meteorological events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, torrential rains, and rising waters.

✵ An advantageous ability that Cahethel can bestow is the power of creating a stronger voice with more presence. Although individuals who are required to speak in public for their vocation will see the most potential for this, it is important to note that anyone can benefit. One will be able to convey more power and influence in any message through his influence.

✵ Growth and abundance in crops and vegetation are found as Cahethel works with all types of agricultural production. He draws a particular affinity for supporting endeavors that are necessary to the sustenance of humans and animals.

✵ Energy to succeed and the will to push on towards victory in any project is gained by this invocation. Cahethel assists in modifying daily habits and way of life if they are not aligned with goals. He promotes an exceptional work ethic that will bring new opportunities and material wealth along the way.

✵ He helps in the cancellation of selfish tendencies and a cessation of ungratefulness and brings an end to those feeding off of the resources of others.

✵ He will stop one from engaging in useless endeavors or doing things from which no good will come.

✵ He works to adjust the attitudes of domineering and prideful people, as well as those who have a quick temper.

Meditating on this name will remove stress and negativity as a purifying aura banishes unseen forces as sense of balance and optimism will flow through you.



