Sitael - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel III


Angel of the first quinance, second decan of Aries

Sitael17 is the third guardian in the Chorus of Seraphim led by Archangel Metatron; resolute Sitael leads us on a path of joy and faith. He represents and regulates the power of expansion and is a master builder who develops the structures for generations to come. When approached with humility and respect, Sitael allows us to perform great miracles.

Through the invocation of Sitael it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ He provides a practical approach to assist in reaching one’s aspirations.

✵ If one has experienced a pattern of unfavorable situations and seeks to break the cycle, he can turn the tides to create a new period of good fortune.

✵ His assistance can be requested for every situation in which divine protection is necessary. He will protect from dangers imposed by a named individual and protection from all negativity and attack forms, both physical and psychic.

✵ To uncover the truth in a matter where one feels they are being misled, Sitael is a master at revealing the truth through a confession or epiphany. In addition, he will also help keep promises for those that have a tendency not to honor them.

✵ He can create change in a situation when an individual’s hypocrisy has caused one to be harmed in some way.

✵ In the event new employment or advancement in a career is sought, Sitael will help find a new job, a promotion, or a complete change of vocation. It is important to be clear about specific desires to ensure the results that are sought.

✵ Construction projects are overseen by Sitael to ensure their success and efficiency.

✵ Help is received to master the sciences at a high level.

✵ Sitael provides the wisdom necessary for effective leadership as well as the abilities one must possess to be a skilled strategist. He hones the ability to appear as one who can overcome difficulties and defeat all kinds of adversaries.

✵ He helps to recognize mistakes and provides support along the path towards transforming karma.

✵ Sitael offers the skill of negotiation and will help in the acquisition of political or social notoriety.

✵ By working with the angel Sitael, one will be able to calm an aggressive, ungrateful, or boastful personality.

Meditating on this name will bring the power of miracles into your life by freeing you from selfishness, anger, envy, and a victim mentality.



